Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Cyrell Paule ⁘ Ian Thorpe Get Into Heated Spat

Married At First Sight's Cyrell Paule is no stranger to a reality TV feud , and she's found herself smack-bang in the middle of another one with… *checks notes* Ian Thorpe ?? 

Look, I knew chucking Cyclone Cyrell on The Amazing Race 2024: Celebrity Edition was gonna make for fabulous TV, but her getting into it on screen with an Olympian? This is more than my reality TV-loving heart can take!

On Sunday night's episode, Paule got angry when she heard Thorpe's running mate Christian Miranda complain about Paule and Eden Dally "following" them. As you can imagine, that went down like a lead balloon.

"Were you having a dig before Christian, about us following you?" Paule said, confronting Miranda. 

When Thorpe and Miranda tried to calm Paule down, saying they weren't on MAFS so there wasn't a need for dramatics, that only made things worse. 

Dally jumped into the convo too, delivering a zinger: "Christian, you're known as Ian Thorpe's friend. You're only his mate."

And as usual, Paule had to have the last word. "You got anything else smart to say, Christian? Yeah, I didn't think so. Maybe when you don't know nothing you keep your mouth shut, that's what you should do. You sidekick," she said.

Reality TV couple Paule and Dally were later eliminated from the competition, so Thorpe and Miranda have escaped their wrath for now. IDK though, if the two teams meet up again at an event, I'm not sure how civil they'd be. 

Paule recently lifted the lid on her penchant for celebrity feuds, telling Yahoo! Lifestyle she doesn't try to start drama. She just *is* the drama, I guess?

"I think people have in their head that I just go around starting arguments for no reason. But if you look back, even on my time during MAFS or when I was on The Challenge , I've only ever been angry or a firecracker or pulled out a cyclone on anyone truly because of what they had first said to me," she said.

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