Thursday, October 10, 2019

Fun Science FRIEDay – Inception | Southern Fried Science

Inception, a clever movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio where the premise of the story is to sneak into a person’s subconscious and implant an idea or a memory whilst they sleep! Fun Science FRIEDay – Inception | Southern Fried Science www.southernfried science .com/ ...Fun Science FRIEDay – Inception Posted on 48 Minutes Ago by Kersey Sturdivant Inception , a clever movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio where the premise of the story is to sneak into a person's subconscious and implant an idea or a memory whilst they sleep.!! When the person awakes from their slumber they cannot distinguish the implanted memory from their own. It makes for blockbuster cinematography, but the practical concept is quite frightening to think about: the ability to artificially implant memories inches closer to the prospect of reality distortion.

In a major breakthrough, scientists have waded into the realm of the fantastical by accomplishing the difficult task of Inception . Researchers at the  University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center have been working on understanding how memories are encoded in the brain, specifically using  Zebra finches to understand memories that guide the development of speech and social skills.

Publisher: Southern Fried Science
Date: 2019-10-04T16:25:02+00:00
Twitter: @SFriedScience
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Many things are taking place:

Fun run | EurekAlert-- Science News

Attention runners: The next time you go out for a jog, you might want to strap a light resistance band between your feet. This rather quirky but oddly effective hack, according to UC Santa Barbara mechanical engineer Elliot Hawkes, could make you a more efficient runner by approximately 6.4%.

"In running, the energy is mostly wasted," said Hawkes, who conducted research on this topic while at Stanford University! Southern Fried Science | Ten years of ocean science and ...www. southernfriedscience .com Fun Science FRIEDay – Inception Posted on 2 Days Ago by Kersey Sturdivant Inception , a clever movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio where the premise of the story is to sneak into a person's subconscious and implant an idea or a memory whilst they sleep.!! His paper appears in the Journal of Experimental Biology .

Running is an extremely inefficient activity for the human body (which is why it's also a calorie-torching workout). According to Hawkes' study, for every 10 calories burned, less than one calorie is needed to maintain a constant forward velocity! Fun Science FRIEDay – Cure for HIV? | Southern Fried Science www.southernfried science .com/ ...Fun Science FRIEDay – Cure for HIV? Posted on May 19, 2017 by Kersey Sturdivant One of the greatest scourges of the mid 20th century, leading into the 21st century, has been the human immunodeficiency virus, better known as HIV, which can lead to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).!! The other nine calories are spent keeping us from falling as we pound the pavement with our bodymass, as well as braking and accelerating the swinging leg. Hawkes noticed this inefficiency while biking at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco at a cycling track concentric with a running track.

Publisher: EurekAlert--
Date: 2019-10-08 04:00:00 GMT/UTC
Twitter: @EurekAlert
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

OliOli celebrates turning two with a fun science and arts event for all the family | Kids,

Based on the core subjects of science, technology, engineering, art and maths, the five-day event is kicking off on Friday October 18 and will run through half term .

Inquisitive little minds will be able to get stuck into a number of brand-new activities such as building and designing their own cars, programming a robot and constructing electric circuits.

Kids can also challenge themselves – and their balancing skills – riding the mind-bending square-wheeled tricycle! inception | Southern Fried Science www.southernfried science .com/tag/ inception Fun Science FRIEDay – Inception Posted on 26 Minutes Ago by Kersey Sturdivant Inception , a clever movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio where the premise of the story is to sneak into a person's subconscious and implant an idea or a memory whilst they sleep.!! Parents, cameras at the ready.

Now for the science part, there are plenty of fun shows taking place around the educational museum and children can also find out the science behind the edutainment centre's gravity tube and what centripetal force is - so they can wow their buddies in the school playground with their new-found knowledge.

Publisher: Time Out Dubai
Date: 2019-10-08T16:37:19+00:00
Author: Kelly Johnstone
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Why Are Endings So Hard? - The Atlantic
Publisher: The Atlantic
Date: 2019-10-09T13:00:00-04:00
Author: Ben Healy
Twitter: @theatlantic
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Quite a lot has been going on:

Ig Nobel prizes poke gentle fun at science - WISC

The Ig Nobels are "intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative — and spur people's interest in science, medicine, and technology," according to its website.

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Organized by the magazine Annals of Improbable Research, the awards have been going on for 29 years, always celebrated in September with a gala held at Harvard University! finches | Southern Fried Science www.southernfried science .com/tag/finches Fun Science FRIEDay – Inception Posted on 2 Days Ago by Kersey Sturdivant Inception , a clever movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio where the premise of the story is to sneak into a person's subconscious and implant an idea or a memory whilst they sleep.!! Winners accept their prizes from "genuinely bemused genuine Nobel Laureates," the website reads.

Two scientists from France won the Anatomy Prize for measuring scrotal temperature asymmetry in naked and clothed postmen in France, for example (the left one is warmer, but only when the postman is clothed).

Another team won the Economics Prize for testing which country's paper money was the grossest, or "best at transmitting dangerous bacteria" (the Romanian Leu won, but the US Dollar was a finalist).

Publisher: WISC
Date: 2019-09-16T05:12:28+00:00
Author: Leah Asmelash CNN
Twitter: @WISC
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

20 new moons discovered around Saturn, now the solar system's 'moon king'

With help from a big telescope and a little detective work, astronomers have discovered 20 new moons in orbit around Saturn.

The discoveries, announced Monday by the International Astronomical Union, bring to 82 the total number of natural satellites known to be circling the sixth planet from the sun.

A gas giant that's the second-largest planet in our solar system, Saturn now has more known moons than any other planet. Jupiter, the largest planet and the previous record holder, has 79 known moons.

Sheppard is credited with last year's discovery of 12 previously unknown moons around Jupiter , a haul that brought that planet to its 79-moon total. The institution held a contest to name five of those Jovian moons and is holding a similar contest to name all 20 of Saturn's newfound moons . Entries must be submitted via Twitter by Dec. 6.

Publisher: NBC News
Twitter: @NBCNews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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