Thursday, October 10, 2019

Here’s why this is the decade of superstar astronaut movie roles - The Verge

In the recent science fiction film Ad Astra , Brad Pitt plays an astronaut, and the only surprising thing about it is that he hasn't played one before! Here's why this is the decade of superstar astronaut movie ...-superstar...Here's why this is the decade of superstar astronaut movie roles. October 9, 2019. Share on Facebook. Tweet on Twitter. In the recent science fiction film Ad Astra, Brad Pitt plays an astronaut, and the only surprising thing about it is that he hasn't played one before.!! His Ocean's Eleven ringleader George Clooney already went to space on film in Gravity and Solaris , and their co-star Matt Damon did in The Martian . Tom Hanks, Bruce Willis, Sandra Bullock, Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Robert Pattison, Juliette Binoche, and Ryan Gosling have all gone into some form of make-believe orbit, too. Now, a few weeks after Pitt charted a course for Neptune in Ad Astra , Natalie Portman is playing a more earthbound (but still active) NASA star in Lucy in the Sky .

That's a lot of movie stars in the stars, and most of them have made the journey fairly recently. Hanks and Willis did their astronaut movies in the 1990s, but most of the others blasted off in the past five years or so. Though the Moon landing recently celebrated its 50th anniversary, movie astronauts were mostly featured in science fiction, horror, and / or shlock for much of the 1970s and 1980s, give or take the occasional Right Stuff . There were a few classic space-set movies and characters, but astronaut wasn't a go-to role like cop, crook, or lawyer. (Most telling is the list of big-name actors from this period who never went to fictional space: Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Robert Redford, Burt Reynolds, Barbra Streisand, Sylvester Stallone, and so forth.

Publisher: The Verge
Date: 2019-10-09T13:13:27-04:00
Author: Jesse Hassenger
Twitter: @verge
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Not to change the topic here:

Event Horizon Telescope Snags New Funding to Capture 1st Movie of a Black Hole | Space

This spring, scientists released the first-ever image of a black hole — but what they really want is to create a movie of a black hole.

For that, the team will need to involve more instruments in the project, and the Event Horizon Telescope just got money to start making that happen! Videos for Here's Why This Is The Decade Of 5:22 Here's why this expert says Apple is reasonably priced CNBC!! The grant of $12.7 million comes from the National Science Foundation, which is a long-term funding source for the black hole imagery project.

"The spectacular … results have surpassed our wildest expectations, and I am deeply proud of what we achieved as a team," Shep Doeleman, the founding director of the Event Horizon Telescope and an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said in a statement . "Now the question one hears the most is, 'What's next?'"

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"Our own Milky Way is host to a supermassive black hole that evolves dramatically over the course of a night," Katie Bouman, a computer scientist at Caltech who is involved in the Event Horizon Telescope, said in a statement . "We are developing new methods, which incorporate emerging ideas from machine learning and computational imaging, in order to make the very first movies of gas spiraling towards an event horizon." 

Date: 2019-10-04T20:26:47+00:00
Author: https www facebook com spacecom
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
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Movies | Riffing at the Riffe: Another bad movie in 'Mystery Science Theater' crosshairs

As the creator of “Mystery Science Theater 3000,” the TV show that celebrated the best of bad movies, Joel Hodgson might be assumed to be on the lookout for the worst in cinema.

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“I’m looking for movies that are good to dance with — like good dance-partner movies for ‘Mystery Science Theater,’” said Hodgson, who hosted the program on Comedy Central from 1988 to 1993. After being cancelled in 1996, the show was picked up by the Sci-Fi Channel, where it ran until 1999.

The original show presented movies of dubious merits accompanied by humorous one-liners by Hodgson and several opinionated puppets, including Crow T. Robot and Tom Servo.

Hodgson promises a bad-movie extravaganza that surpasses the entertainment value of the original TV show.

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Date: 7E15F9269E2CE66F2A488ABB04B5015E
Author: Peter TonguetteFor The Columbus Dispatch
Twitter: @ColumbusAlive
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Astronomers Have a Bold Plan to Film The Black Hole at The Centre of Our Galaxy

In April, an international team of scientists captured the first-ever photo of a black hole . In September, they won a US$3 million Breakthrough Prize for that accomplishment! Here's why this is the decade of superstar astronaut movie ...Here's why this is the decade of superstar astronaut movie roles - The Verge Brad Pitt, Natalie Portman, George Clooney, Sandra Bullock, Matt Damon, Matthew McConaughey, and Anne Hathaway have all...!! But they're far from finished.

Next, the team behind the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is planning a cinematic debut. The subject: the supermassive black hole at the centre of our own galaxy.

The new project, called next-generation EHT (ngEHT), aims to capture real-time videos of the Milky Way's black hole to observe its behaviour and see how it changes its environment.

"We can see the black hole evolve in real time," Shep Doeleman, an astronomer who leads the global EHT team, told Business Insider.

"Then we can understand how it launches these jets that come from its north and south poles. We can see how it evolves with the galaxy! Here's why this is the decade of superstar astronaut movie ...Here's why this is the decade of superstar astronaut movie roles In the recent science fiction movie Ad Astra, Brad Pitt plays an astronaut and the only surprise is that he hasn't played before.!! We can even test Einstein's gravity in completely different ways, by looking at the orbits of matter – not light, but matter – around the black hole."

Publisher: ScienceAlert
Author: MORGAN MCFALL JOHNSEN Business Insider
Twitter: @ScienceAlert
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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A real smart city doesn't look like something from a science fiction movie | CityMetric
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"The Science Behind Pixar" comes to Denver Museum of Nature & Science

As the Ph.D. curator of space science at Denver Museum of Nature & Science, he specializes in plunging wide-eyed visitors into virtual environments for the sake of education and enlightenment.

Similar, perhaps, to what the Disney-owned Pixar Animation Studios has been doing for the past two-plus decades! Flipboard: Here's why this is the decade of superstar here 's- why - ...the-decade ...Here's why this is the decade of superstar astronaut movie roles. The Verge - Jesse Hassenger. In the recent science fiction film Ad Astra, Brad Pitt plays an astronaut, and the only surprising thing about it is that he hasn't played one before.!! Starting with 1995’s “Toy Story” and continuing through the recent “Incredibles 2” and “Toy Story 4,” Pixar has revolutionized computer animation and told enduring stories that resonate with all ages of viewers — while also raking in billions at the box office .

“The Science Behind Pixar.” Interactive, traveling exhibit on digital animation. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily Oct. 11-April 5, 2020, at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, 2001 Colorado Blvd. Reservations encouraged. $25-$30 (includes museum admission). 303-370-6000 or

Publisher: The Know
Date: 2019-10-06T12:00:33+00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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