Wednesday, May 1, 2024

When Do Australian Survivor And Amazing Race Australia Film?

They are about to be unleashed in the new-look Top Gear Australia but when do presenters Jonathan LaPaglia and Beau Ryan head off for their respective ⁘day jobs' on Australian Survivor and The Amazing Race Australia ?

⁘Nothing's official yet for Survivor ,⁘ said LaPaglia, ⁘but typically we shoot every season around the end of July / August. As far as I know we are doing another season, but nothing's locked in yet.⁘

⁘In terms of Amazing Race we are going with a celebrity version again, which I'm happy about,⁘ says Beau Ryan.

⁘I mean, we had huge success last year off the back of the celebrity version, but I do like the fact that average Australians can compete as well.

⁘It's only a matter of time before we probably go back to that format. We've got an incredible cast and we are going relatively soon.⁘

I can see TG airing towards end of the year on 10 at 7:30 on Wednesdays or Thursdays while Amazing Race or Master Chef Desserts plays Sun to Tuesday,
Or the vacant 8:30 Wednesday slot (HYBPA, Cheap Seats, Gogglebox filling the rest).

Reference: See here

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