Monday, December 2, 2019

UFO’s over Central Texas identified

UFO's over Central Texas identified

Once all of the satellites are launched, they will form a net around the planet that will be capable of providing internet access to everyone, everywhere. All people will need to connect will be a receiver the size of a pizza box. It sounds like a great plan, but one group of scientists isn’t happy about it.

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On Monday, Texas Congressman Chip Roy officially launched his re-election bid. The first-term Republican said he wants to help make the future better for his children.

Date: 2019-11-13T19:29:22+00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

This may worth something:

NASA Mars Rover Studying Fossilized Alien In New Photo, UFO Expert Claims

A UFO expert claimed to have spotted an alien fossil of a creature on Mars in one of NASA's photos. Based on the image, the fossil looks like that of a fish.

The image of the strange object was spotted by Scott Waring of ET Data Base . According to Waring, the original image was taken by NASA's Curiosity rover as it was exploring the Martian surface.

The photo was taken on Sol 2218 , which is equivalent to Nov. 2, 2018. It was captured using the rover's left navigation camera and shows Curiosity's arm as it examines something on the ground.

Publisher: International Business Times
Date: 2019-12-02T00:04:39-05:00
Author: Inigo Monzon
Twitter: @IBTimes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

UFO sightings, ‘alien ship U-shaped’ spotted buzzing NASA Apollo 12 in the photo

ET expert Scott Waring led to his blog to discuss lunar anomaly, shot Apollo 12 crew 1969. He said: “I found this UFO on Apollo 12 index and it shows a UFO U-shaped with a blue trail behind it.
The object is huge and from the angle track blue, the UFO must have come down at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface of the moon.

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“A photograph taken in 1969 NASA discovered this object flying over the moon.
The theoretical plot of supports to slightly improve the image Apollo 12, adding a little contrast and sharpness to enhance details.

Publisher: Market Research Feed
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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