Friday, November 1, 2019

Conspiracy theories rising in US politics: Why now? -

Today people also may see conspiracy theories as a means to impose a narrative on events they find inexplicable and threatening! Videos for Conspiracy Theories Rising In US 3:14 " Conspiracy Theory" Episode #13 YouTube!! After all, it's a natural impulse to try to make sense out of things that seem random! Are Conspiracy Theories on the Rise in the US? /news/2019/09/18/are- conspiracy - ...the- ...the- us At least 50% of Americans believe in at least one conspiracy theory , ranging from the idea that the 9/11 attacks were fake to the belief that former President Barack Obama was not born in the U .S.!! In that context conspiracy theories can be a sort of pathway through seemingly dangerous times! Are Conspiracy Theories on the Rise in the United States ...conspiracy - theories - rise - ...82876 A "conspiracy theory" is a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot, usually by powerful conspirators .!! Many Democrats still struggle to understand why President Donald Trump won in 2016. Many Republicans see the diversifying demographics of the U.S., and worry it threatens their vision of a predominantly white, Christian America – as well as their party's future.

Some experts also think the current era exhibits something new – conspiracy charges that leave off the theory part. Harvard politics professor Nancy Rosenblum calls this "conspiracism." Its force is often packed in a single word: "corrupt," "rigged," "treason." In conspiracism, the fantastical claim comes first! Are conspiracy theories on the rise in the US? – Raw Story /2019/09/are- conspiracy - ...the- ...the- us A "conspiracy theory" is a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot, usually by powerful conspirators .!! The search for evidence happens later, if at all.

Publisher: The Christian Science Monitor
Date: 2019-10-29T17:19-05
Author: The Christian Science Monitor
Twitter: @csmonitor
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Were you following this:

Who Makes Money When a Bunch of Conspiracy Theorists Throw a Party at Trump's Hotel? — ProPublica

This month, about a thousand supporters of President Donald Trump gathered at his resort in Florida to discuss a variety of unsupported theories! Are conspiracy theories on the rise in the US? - Wausau ...conspiracy - ...the- ...the- us A "conspiracy theory" is a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot, usually by powerful conspirators. For example, take Pizzagate, the theory that Washington elite engaged in child sex trafficking at the basement of a D.C. pizzeria, which 9% of the American population believe to be true.!! There were panels on the "Russia Hoax" and "Voter Fraud in the USA." One speaker endorsed the theory that former President Barack Obama had planned to "turn over" North Africa to al-Qaida.

Alice Wilder of "Trump, Inc." was there during it all. ( Listen to the episode .) And we explored who profited from the three-day event.

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Neither conference organizers nor the Trump Organization would say how much the festival paid to rent the Donald J. Trump Grand Ballroom and adjacent event rooms over the three days. Disclosures by the Republican National Committee and Republican Governors Association show they each spent about $400,000 for multi-day events at the resort.

Publisher: ProPublica
Date: 2019-10-30
Author: Alice Wilder Matt Katz
Twitter: @propublica
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

How conspiracy theory shapes reality: an example from Guinea

Susanna Fioratta received funding for this research from Fulbright, the National Science Foundation, the Social Science Research Council's International Dissertation Research Fellowship and the Wenner-Gren Foundation.

* * *

In Guinea, people are protesting in the streets against a reported attempt by President Alpha Condé to orchestrate a constitutional change that would allow him to remain in office beyond the end of his second term next year.

At this point, the story seems clear: a population is uniting against the threat of an authoritarian government. But as this situation develops, the way Guineans talk and act politically may not always appear so straightforward. The question of who holds power – and who ought to hold it next – may become subject to conflicting theories, interpretations, and suspicions, as it has in the past.

Publisher: The Conversation
Date: 20191029
Author: Susanna Fioratta
Twitter: @TC_Africa
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Impeachment: Feds probe brother of Igor Fruman, a Giuliani associate

NEW YORK – The brother of an associate of President Donald Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani is under examination as part of a closely watched campaign finance conspiracy case, a federal prosecutor said Friday.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Nicolas Roos told a judge that Steven Fruman, the younger sibling of Giuliani business client Igor Fruman, could have been involved in the alleged scheme to buy influence by funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to U.S. politicians and campaign committees .

Roos said the younger sibling lied about his bank accounts and his businesses when questioned by government paralegals who were examining his suitability to serve as a co-signer on Igor Fruman's $1 million bond package .

Saying that Steven Fruman "could be involved" in some of the actions alleged in the criminal case, Roos said, "it seems he was trying to conceal something." The prosecutor did not elaborate.

Publisher: USA TODAY
Author: Kevin McCoy
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Other things to check out:

National Conspiracy Writing Month: making 'fan fiction about reality' - The Verge

Next week, a tiny group of researchers will feverishly devote themselves to unmasking the shadowy forces that control the world. Thirty days later, they will reveal a series of shocking conspiracies that only the most perceptive — some might even say paranoid — sleuths could possibly uncover. And if they succeed in their mission, nobody will believe a word of it.

The project is called National Conspiracy Writing Month, an unofficial spinoff of the long-running National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo) challenge. Where NaNoWriMo requires participants to write a 50,000-word novel, the inaugural NaCoWriMo asks them to produce a "deep, viable, and complete conspiracy theory." Its creator Tim Hwang hopes these fake plots can illuminate a pervasive cultural phenomenon — helping both participants and spectators understand how conspiracy theories emerge. He just hopes people don't take them too seriously.

Publisher: The Verge
Date: 2019-10-25T08:45:51-04:00
Author: Adi Robertson
Twitter: @verge
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Mike Pompeo lodges his own Biden conspiracy theory - The Washington Post

Apparently the conspiracy theorizing has proved contagious. Not only are Trump's most loyal House Republican defenders pushing these theories, but now his secretary of state is also piling on.

In an interview with Fox News's Martha MacCallum on Wednesday night, Mike Pompeo defended Trump against allegations of a quid pro quo and then took a detour into his own Biden-related conspiracy theory:

Pompeo didn't really finish his thought on exactly what he might have been referring to, and if you watch the video, you'll notice he kind of stumbles away from what he's just said. He even says, "Maybe I just don't have the full story."

Perhaps he didn't really mean to say what he just said, and he was just trying to make a point about how inexplicable it was that the Obama administration didn't do as much to arm Ukraine as he thinks it should have. But that's a pretty extraordinary suggestion to make. He's entertaining the idea that the Obama administration might have withheld weapons systems from Ukraine because of ... Hunter Biden's employment at a Ukrainian energy company?

Publisher: Washington Post
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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