Thursday, October 24, 2019

Why Americans turn to conspiracy theories - The Washington Post

As the impeachment inquiry heats up, members of Congress and the media are left with the difficult job of untangling the conspiracy theory that seems to have driven the president's actions in Ukraine: a wild tale of a missing computer server whisked off to Eastern Europe for nefarious, if never entirely clear, purposes, and something involving Joe Biden, his son Hunter and, for good measure, China, too.

Although a strong vein of conspiratorial thinking courses through the right today, dismissing conspiracy theories as a recent product of the "paranoid style" of the American right underestimates their influence on our political culture as a whole! Videos for Why Americans Turn To Conspiracy 1:29 Captain America 2 " Conspiracy " Featurette - Captain America The Winter Soldier YouTube!! Just last week, for example, Hillary Clinton claimed without evidence that the Russians were grooming Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard for a third-party run aimed at damaging the eventual Democratic nominee.

Publisher: Washington Post
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
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Many things are taking place:

Why conspiracy theories are deeply dangerous
Twitter: @NewStatesman
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Sandy Hook father to receive $450,000 from conspiracy theorist, jury says

The claim was made by the retired professor in his book, which argued that the Newtown, Connecticut, mass shooting — which left 20 first-graders and six staff members dead — never happened and was instead a hoax staged by the federal government in an effort to pass stricter gun laws.

A Dane County jury deliberated for almost four hours before slapping Fetzer with the $450,000 fine, the Wisconsin State Journal reported! 15:31 America Was Created As a Conspiracy Theory: Why Our Brains Shut and Turn Off When the Term's Uttered YouTube!! Fetzer called the amount "absurd" and vowed to appeal, the newspaper reported.

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To push back against deniers, he has released Noah's birth certificate, medical records and report cards to the public and has had DNA samples taken to prove Noah is his son.

Publisher: NBC News
Author: _____
Twitter: @NBCNews
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The Deep State Conspiracy Is About to Go Into Overdrive

For decades the American far right has depended on conspiracy theories to explain why the nation keeps adopting progressive policies of which they disapprove.

Sen. Joseph McCarthy famously argued in 1951 that the World War II hero Gen. George C. Marshall, who had been both Harry Truman's secretary of state and then secretary of defense, had made decisions that helped the Soviet Communists in their drive to dominate the world! Why Americans turn to conspiracy theories - The Washington /outlook/2019/10/21/ why - americans - turn - conspiracy -theories Why Americans turn to conspiracy theories Conspiracy theories have been a central feature in American politics since before the Revolution.!! McCarthy did not go as far as branding Marshall a traitor, but he did charge that Marshall—a great war hero who helped lead the planning of D-Day and had been Time Magazine's Man of the Year in 1943—led "a conspiracy so immense and an infamy so black as to dwarf any previous venture in the history of man."

Were old Joe McCarthy still with us he would be in awe of the lengths to which Donald Trump and his GOP and "conservative" lackeys have gone to discredit their perceived Democratic enemies! Why Americans turn to conspiracy theories | Prince George ...why - americans - turn -to...Why Americans turn to conspiracy theories. ...But a more nuanced appraisal would situate Trump in the long history of peddling conspiracy theories in American politics. Instead of representing a ...!! Each day Trump ups the ante by openly seeking the help of foreign governments (Russia, Ukraine and now China) to take action to destroy his main political rival in 2020, former Vice-President Joe Biden.

Publisher: The Daily Beast
Date: 2019-10-07T08:44:58.000Z
Author: Ronald Radosh
Twitter: @thedailybeast
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Other things to check out:

Sean Duffy Spends First Day at CNN Pushing Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theory Debunked by Network

And yet on Sunday, during his debut appearance as a paid CNN employee, Duffy almost immediately floated the conspiracy theory, which was quickly criticized by other panelists.

"This is a disputed, absurd conspiracy theory that you're talking about right now," said fellow contributor Amanda Carpenter, a conservative pundit. "What you are stating is completely inaccurate and factually wrong," former Obama official Jenn Psaki added. "It is a conspiracy theory on the right wing."

Despite criticism from his fellow panelists, Duffy went back to the same exact playbook again on Monday—and with similar success.

When the congressman began to discuss the CrowdStrike conspiracy theory Monday morning on New Day , anchor Alisyn Camerota immediately cut him off.

"What Mick Mulvaney was talking about was actually trying to find the server that was the DNC server which was at the heart of the Russia investigation," Duffy claimed.

Publisher: The Daily Beast
Date: 2019-10-21T21:37:56.000Z
Author: Maxwell Tani
Twitter: @thedailybeast
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Trump's Conspiracy Theories Got Him Into This - The Atlantic

But dig into the academic research on conspiracy theories, and you realize how odd the current environment actually is. Until Trump, scholars assumed that holding the White House inoculated parties from conspiracism! Commentary: Why Americans turn to conspiracy theories ...Conspiracy theory after theory, Americans cast a paranoid eye on their partisan opponents throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the phrase " conspiracy ...!! They viewed conspiratorial thinking as a weapon of the weak, which couldn't seriously threaten the republic because its adherents wielded so little influence in government.

That's what makes today's GOP so unusual and so dangerous. Never before in modern American history has a political party been this paranoid and this powerful at the same time.

The real danger isn't the Republican Party's fantasies themselves. It's the realities that Trump and the GOP can use those fantasies to create.

Publisher: The Atlantic
Date: 2019-10-03T06:00:00-04:00
Author: Peter Beinart
Twitter: @theatlantic
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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