Monday, October 14, 2019

UFO seekers flock to Thai hilltop in search of Buddhist aliens | CNN Travel

Publisher: CNN Travel
Date: 2019-10-06T01:34:11Z
Author: Richard S Ehrlich CNN
Twitter: @CNNTravel
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Quite a lot has been going on:

Navy admits UFO videos are real, but would like to stop using 'UFO' - The Washington Post

In December 2017, two videos emerged that showed Navy pilots encountering mysterious spherical objects that appeared, at first glance, to move through the air in ways that baffled experts! Videos for UFO Seekers Flock To Thai Hilltop In 17:30 UFO seekers flocking to a remote Thai hilltop in search of Buddhist aliens YouTube!! A third, released in March 2018, depicted a similar encounter.

Everyone who watched — including the pilots who filmed them — had the same question: What, exactly, are these things?

Last week, a Navy official publicly called these mysterious objects "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)," giving name to the inscrutable little dots and reigniting scrutiny around the unidentified flying objects (a term the Navy does not want to use even though the objects that are flying cannot be identified.)

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"The Navy designates the objects contained in these videos as unidentified aerial phenomena," Joseph Gradisher, spokesman for the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, told the Black Vault blog , a massive civilian repository of government documents mostly obtained by Freedom of Information Act requests.

Publisher: Washington Post
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Aliens, flying discs and sightings -- oh my-- A short history of UFOs in America

The UAPs are just a fraction of the incursions Navy training ranges see, Navy spokesperson Joe Gradisher told CNN. Which, of course, begs the question: Are we actually alone?

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In that time, Air Force personnel looked at 12,618 reported UFO sightings and said that 701 remain "unidentified."

"Since Project Blue Book was closed, nothing has happened to indicate that the Air Force ought to resume investigating UFOs," the archives said.

The town of Roswell in New Mexico became shorthand for alien encounters in 1947 after reports that a flying object crash-landed in a field.

The Roswell Army Air Field initially said a "flying disk" had been recovered, but a second press release clarified that the object was from a weather balloon! 3:02 A hotel in Sweden is made entirely of treehouses, including one that looks like a UFO MSN!! Since then, a number of supposed witnesses have said they saw the military take away the flying disc -- and bodies of aliens.

Publisher: KMGH
Date: 2019-09-20T14:51:57.11
Author: https www thedenverchannel com cnn
Twitter: @DenverChannel
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

UFO sightings: The top 5 states where the aliens are flying through

That's one way, anyway, to interpret the results from a new report on the states with the most unidentified flying object sightings per capita! 3:02 A hotel in Sweden is made entirely of treehouses, including one that looks like a UFO MSN!! Washington state topped that list, followed in order by Montana, Vermont, Alaska and Maine.

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So much for Roswell, New Mexico, or the lonely Nevada desert. New Mexico came in 8th on the list; Nevada, 13th.

Meanwhile, the states with the fewest UFO sightings per capita — Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama -- are all down South.

The list was put together by the analysts and space nerds at internet provider , which culled data from the National UFO Reporting Center and the U.S. Census, to attract attention in time for World UFO Day on July 2. (Yep, there is such a day.)

Publisher: USA TODAY
Twitter: @usatoday
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Quite a lot has been going on:

UFOs exist and everyone needs to adjust to that fact - The Washington Post

In recent years, however, there has been a subtle shift that poses some interesting questions for their argument! UFO seekers flock to Thai hilltop in search of Buddhist ...of...Nakhon Sawan (CNN) — A hilltop in central Thailand is attracting UFO seekers who believe extraterrestrials hover above a huge Buddha statue, send telepathic communiques, walk ac!! For one thing, discussion of actual UFOs has been the topic of some serious mainstream media coverage! UFO seekers flock to Thai hilltop in search of Buddhist /2019/10/ ufo - seekers - flock - thai - ...buddhist-aliens UFO seekers flock to Thai hilltop in search of Buddhist aliens - WND (CNN) A hilltop in central Thailand is attracting UFO seekers who believe extraterrestrials hover above a huge Buddha statue ,...!! There was the December 2017 New York Times story by Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean about the Defense Department's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which was tasked with cataloguing UFOs recorded by military pilots. DoD officials confirmed its existence. Though this story generated some justified skepticism , it represented the first time the U.S. government acknowledged the existence of such a program.

Then, there were the reports last November about Oumuamua, "a mysterious, cigar-shaped interstellar object [that] fell through our solar system at an extraordinary speed," according to New York's Eric Levits . Oumuamua's shape and trajectory were unusual enough for some genuine astrophysicists to publish a paper suggesting the possibility that it was an artificial construction relying on a solar sail. Again, this prompted skeptical reactions , but even those skeptics could not completely rule out the possibility that extraterrestrial activity was involved.

Publisher: Washington Post
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Legal Nevada sex worker says she'll make $600K from UFO and alien fans

Little started advertising a 50 percent discount between Sept. 20 and 22 about a month ago after learning about the viral Storm Area 51 Facebook event. Little says that she is an alien enthusiast herself.

Little claims that even before the special began, she had already broken her previous revenue records. Little says that her income for September has already hit six figures.

"In over three years as a legal prostitute, I've never seen such excitement from tourists interested in exploring all of the unique adventures that make Nevada such an amazing destination. We have aliens, we have famous top-secret military bases, we have the best in gaming and nightlife, and we have legal prostitution. The 'Storm Area 51' crowd clearly wants to explore all of these marvelous only-in-Nevada opportunities."

The Bunny Ranch is located in Lyon County, where prostitution is legal in the form of regulated brothels.

Publisher: WPTV
Date: 2019-09-20T23:03:52
Twitter: @WPTV
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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