Friday, October 11, 2019

UFO debate in NC after odd lights spotted off Outer Banks | Charlotte Observer

A fleet of lights recorded off North Carolina’s Outer Banks has ignited a debate about whether they are honest-to-goodness UFOs or just part of a mysterious military exercise.

William Guy posted a 31-second video Sept. 28 on YouTube, showing what appears to be 14 glowing orbs over the water! UFO debate in NC after odd lights spotted off Outer Banks ...A fleet of lights filmed in the Pamlico Sound near North Carolina's Outer Banks has ignited a UFO debate . William Guy posted the 31-second video on Sept. 28, showing 14 orbs floating over the...!! He refers to it as a “ real UFO sighting .”

“Anybody tell me what that is?” Guy says in the video. “We’re in the middle of the ocean, on a ferry, nothing around. Look. Nothing around. No land, no nothing.”

Guy told the McClatchy news group he’s from Indiana and is among the workers sent to repair damage on Ocracoke Island caused by intense flooding during Hurricane Dorian.

The video was filmed aboard a ferry crossing the Pamlico Sound from Ocracoke Island to Swan Quarter on the mainland, he said. The lights appeared for at least a minute and a half , he posted on YouTube.

Publisher: charlotteobserver
Twitter: @theobserver
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

In case you are keeping track:

Why Have There Been So Many UFO Sightings Near Nuclear Facilities? - HISTORY

Why are so many UFOs being reported near nuclear facilities—and why isn’t there more urgency on the part of the government to assess their potential national-security threat?

Their investigations are the subject of HISTORY’s limited series “ Unidentified .”

Less known: In the last 75 years, high-ranking U.S. military and intelligence personnel have also reported UAPs near sites associated with nuclear power, weaponry and technology—from the early atomic-bomb development and test sites to active nuclear naval fleets.

“There seems to be a lot of correlation there,” says Lue Elizondo, who from 2007 to 2012 served as director of a covert team of UAP researchers operating inside the Department of Defense. The program, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), received $22 million of the Pentagon’s $600 billion budget in 2012, The New York Times reported. Elizondo now helps lead To the Stars’ investigations.

Publisher: HISTORY
Date: 2019-06-21T21:50:53Z
Author: Adam Janos
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Meteor, UFO over Los Angeles? No, Red Bull skydivers mark supermoon

No, downtown Los Angeles did not experience a meteoric impact or a visit from aliens. It was all a Hollywood stunt by drink-maker Red Bull.

On Wednesday night, Twitter lit up with videos and tweets from people alarmed because of an apparent fireball streaking across the skies of downtown Los Angeles.

"What is this flying item on fire above downtown Los Angeles?" wrote Dennis Hegstad in a post on Twitter featuring the mysterious flying object.

* * *

Wednesday night, the Los Angeles Police Department jumped on Twitter to assure residents that it was not a meteor, or even aliens, but Hollywood.

"PSA: A meteor did not crash into Downtown Los Angeles, and no, it's not an alien invasion...just a film shoot. This is Tinseltown after all," wrote the LAPD.

Oh nothing but 2x wingsuit base jumpers in Downtown LA being dropped by helicopter...(yawn). 😎

Cc: ⁦ @alexsanger ⁩

Publisher: USA TODAY
Author: Brett Molina
Twitter: @usatoday
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

UFO sightings: The top 5 states where the aliens are flying through

That's one way, anyway, to interpret the results from a new report on the states with the most unidentified flying object sightings per capita. Washington state topped that list, followed in order by Montana, Vermont, Alaska and Maine.

* * *

So much for Roswell, New Mexico, or the lonely Nevada desert. New Mexico came in 8th on the list; Nevada, 13th.

Meanwhile, the states with the fewest UFO sightings per capita — Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama -- are all down South.

The list was put together by the analysts and space nerds at internet provider , which culled data from the National UFO Reporting Center and the U.S. Census, to attract attention in time for World UFO Day on July 2. (Yep, there is such a day.)

Publisher: USA TODAY
Twitter: @usatoday
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

And here's another article:

UFOs Remain Elusive Despite Decades of Study | Space

In July, the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) celebrates 50 years of investigating and promoting research on the unidentified flying object phenomenon. The all-volunteer, nonprofit, science-based organization has endeavored since 1969 to hunt down answers about baffling vehicles of unknown origin. 

Based in Irvine, California, MUFON makes its credo clear-cut on its website: "Our goal is to be the inquisitive minds' refuge seeking answers to that most ancient question, 'Are we alone in the universe?' The answer, very simply, is no. Whether you have UFO reports to share, armchair UFO investigator aspirations, or want to train and join our investigation team, MUFON is here for you. Won't you please join us in our quest to discover the truth?"

After five decades, has there been any scientific pay dirt in studying UFOs? Are we inching closer to the truth that is perhaps out there?

Date: 2019-06-26T14:56:44+00:00
Author: https www facebook com spacecom
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

UFO seekers flock to Thai hilltop in search of Buddhist aliens | CNN Travel
Publisher: CNN Travel
Date: 2019-10-06T01:34:11Z
Author: Richard S Ehrlich CNN
Twitter: @CNNTravel
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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