Friday, October 25, 2019

National Conspiracy Writing Month: making ‘fan fiction about reality’ - The Verge

Next week, a tiny group of researchers will feverishly devote themselves to unmasking the shadowy forces that control the world! Inside National Conspiracy Writing Month, a challenge for ...-a...The project is called National Conspiracy Writing Month , an unofficial spinoff of the long-running National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo ) challenge. Where NaNoWriMo requires participants to write a 50,000-word novel, the inaugural NaCoWriMo asks them to produce a "deep, viable, and complete conspiracy theory."!! Thirty days later, they will reveal a series of shocking conspiracies that only the most perceptive — some might even say paranoid — sleuths could possibly uncover! Tags: conspiracy theories + national novel writing month ...conspiracy theories+ national novel...Bubble City is the (part of) a novel by Aaron Swartz for NaNoWriMo ( National Novel Writing Month ) in November 2007. ...2008 to aaron schwartz, aaron swartz, aaronsw, conspiracy novels, conspiracy theories, fiction, google, nanowrimo, national novel writing month , novels, yahoo by scuttle. First / Previous / Next / Last / Page 1 of 1.!! And if they succeed in their mission, nobody will believe a word of it.

The project is called National Conspiracy Writing Month, an unofficial spinoff of the long-running National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo) challenge! "November is National Conspiracy Writing Month (NaCoWriMo ...r/slatestarcodex: Slate Star Codex is a blog by Scott Alexander about human cognition, politics, and medicine.!! Where NaNoWriMo requires participants to write a 50,000-word novel, the inaugural NaCoWriMo asks them to produce a "deep, viable, and complete conspiracy theory." Its creator Tim Hwang hopes these fake plots can illuminate a pervasive cultural phenomenon — helping both participants and spectators understand how conspiracy theories emerge! Better yet, DON'T write that novel | /2010/11/02/nanowrimo They stand for National Novel Writing Month . NaNoWriMo was started back in 1999 as a motivational stunt for a small group of writer friends. It's since become a nonprofit organization with staff,...!! He just hopes people don't take them too seriously.

Publisher: The Verge
Date: 2019-10-25T08:45:51-04:00
Author: Adi Robertson
Twitter: @verge
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Quite a lot has been going on:

Italy has no use for AG Bill Barr's conspiracy theory | MSNBC

But that’s not to say Barr is somehow taking a hands-off role in the process. As Rachel noted near the top of last night’s show, the sitting U.S. attorney general, an unabashed Donald Trump loyalist, has apparently been personally involved in traveling the world, meeting with foreign officials, hoping to find evidence to support a conspiracy theory that would disprove the facts surrounding his boss' Russia scandal.

The theory itself is plainly bonkers, and even many congressional Republicans have no use for it. But Barr keeps racking up frequent-flier miles, including making stops in Italy – where the prime minister was asked by Italian lawmakers to explain what in the world the American attorney general wanted! List of conspiracy theories - Wikipedia /wiki/Anti-catholic_ conspiracy_theories Today, there are many conspiracy theories concerning the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963. Vincent Bugliosi estimates that over 1,000 books have been written about the Kennedy assassination, at least ninety percent of which are works supporting the view that there was a conspiracy . As a result of this, the Kennedy assassination has been described as "the mother of all conspiracies".!! The New York Times published this striking report yesterday:

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte of Italy said his country’s intelligence services had informed the American attorney general, William P. Barr, that they played no role in the events leading to the Russia investigation, taking the air out of an unsubstantiated theory promoted by President Trump and his allies in recent weeks.

Publisher: MSNBC
Date: 1
Author: https www facebook com steve benen
Twitter: @2836421
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

How paranoia, far-fetched plots and conspiracy theories have been written into America's

As the situation in the US appears to deteriorate with politicians left and right throwing around wild and unfounded claims to discredit their opponents, Rachel Hope Cleves explains why it was ever thus

Although a strong vein of conspiratorial thinking courses through the right today, dismissing conspiracy theories as a recent product of the "paranoid style" of the American right underestimates their influence on our political culture as a whole. Just last week, for example, Hillary Clinton claimed without evidence that the Russians were grooming Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard for a third-party run aimed at damaging the eventual Democratic nominee.

Seeing the full ideological array of conspiratorial thinking and understanding its deep history are essential to understanding how paranoid thinking about Russian conspiracies, which so troubled the McCarthyites in the 1950s and 1960s, could jump from right to left in the wake of the 2016 election.

Publisher: The Independent
Date: 2019-10-22T14:17:18+01:00
Author: Rachel Hope Cleves
Twitter: @independent
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The Black Knight Satellite: A Hodgepodge of Alien Conspiracy Theories | Space

Sometimes the introduction of a news report will stop you in your tracks, forcing you to reread in fear you didn't quite grasp its point the first time. That was certainly the case when Mail Online published a story on Mar. 21, 2017: "An alien satellite set up more than 12,000 years ago to spy on humans has been shot down by elite soldiers from the illuminati, UFO hunters claim." 

There, for all to see, were images released by NASA that showed a black object hovering above the Earth in low orbit. And it wasn't long after the images were thrust in front of a hopeful public before people were performing some conspiratorial sums and sharing them with the wider world.

* * *

By way of explanation, astronaut Jerry Ross pointed out that the ISS was in the midst of being constructed when the images were taken. The U.S. team, he said, was on its way to attach the American module to the one created by the Russians and, as part of that work, they had taken four trunnion pin thermal covers with them. The task was to wrap these around four bare trunnion pins, these being rods that attached the module to the shuttle while it was being transported. This would act to prevent heat loss from the exposed metal.

Date: 2019-10-22T22:10:45+00:00
Author: https www facebook com spacecom
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Other things to check out:

How a Veteran Reporter Worked with Giuliani's Associates to Launch the Ukraine Conspiracy —

Last March, a veteran Washington reporter taped an interview with a Ukrainian prosecutor that sparked a disinformation campaign alleging Joe Biden pressured Ukrainians into removing a prosecutor investigating a company because of its ties to the former vice president's son. The interview and subsequent columns, conducted and written by a writer for The Hill newspaper, John Solomon, were the starting gun that eventually set off the impeachment inquiry into the president.

Watching from the control booth of The Hill's TV studio was Lev Parnas, who helped arrange the interview.

Parnas and his partner Igor Fruman were working with the president's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to promote a story that it was Democrats and not Republicans who colluded with a foreign power in the 2016 election. Federal prosecutors in Manhattan indicted the duo this month on allegations that they illegally funneled foreign money into U.S. political campaigns.

Publisher: ProPublica
Date: 2019-10-25
Author: Jake Pearson Mike Spies J David McSwane
Twitter: @propublica
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

'Direction Democracy' podcast: Navigating political conspiracy theories | Delaware

This week, The Green offers the latest edition of the Direction Democracy podcast from the University of Delaware Center for Political Communication.

This podcast is part of the Center for Political Communications' upcoming National Agenda series – Direction Democracy – which this fall will examine where we've been, where we are going, and the current state of democracy in the United States.


/ 32:12

Episode 4 of the Direction Democracy podcast from UD's Center for Political Communication. (full episode - recorded Oct. 24, 2019)

On this episode, Delaware Public Media news director Tom Byrne is joined by the UD Center for Political Communication Associate Director/National Agenda series director Lindsay Hoffman and UD Dept. of Political Scienec and International Relations Associate Professor Joanne Miller.

Date: 2019-10-25
Author: Delaware Public Media
Twitter: @
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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