Friday, September 27, 2019

Filmmakers Declare War On Soap Opera Effect Announce New Tv Mode

No one, as far as I can tell, really likes post-processed motion interpolation, also called motion smoothing or the “Soap Opera Effect” (SOE). It can work well for certain kinds of broadcasts, like sports, but its benefits in this arena are outweighed by the generally disliked, overly smooth presentation everywhere else. Unfortunately, modern TVs often ship with motion interpolation enabled, and most consumers aren’t aware of the feature or how to turn it off. If a new push from the UHD Alliance is successful, it’ll be easier to disable the option in the future.

Publisher: ExtremeTech
Date: 2019-08-30T10:46:18-04:00
Reference: Visit Source

This may worth something:

Disney CEO Bob Iger's new book reflects on mission as company's chief executive |
Publisher: ABC30 Fresno
Date: 2019-09-25T03:53:05.000Z
Twitter: @abc30
Reference: Visit Source

Motion Smoothing: How to Turn Off Your TV's Most Annoying Feature

Here's what you need to know about Motion Smoothing and, even more importantly, how to get rid of it.

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We've all experienced it: Someone, maybe you, maybe a friend, buys a new TV. You sit down to enjoy a movie or TV show, only…everything looks weird! Filmmakers Declare War on 'Soap Opera Effect', Announce /electronics/297552- filmmakers - declare - Declare War on 'Soap Opera Effect', Announce New TV Mode. By Joel Hruska on August 30, 2019 at 10:46 am; Comment; This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page.!! What was once a high-definition picture now looks like a crappy daytime soap opera! Filmmakers Declare War on 'Soap Opera Effect', Announce ...(Interpolation means "to insert into something else.") While the term " Soap Opera Effect" is often used to describe this type of video, there is a difference: Old-school soap operas were often recorded on videotape at 60 frames per second because their daily broadcast schedules made working on film impossible.!! What could possibly have caused your expensive new TV set to turn on you like this? The answer is something called Motion Smoothing, and it's a scourge on TVs everywhere! Filmmakers Declare War on 'Soap Opera Effect', Announce ...-Effect.htm Filmmakers Declare War on 'Soap Opera Effect', Announce New TV Mode Friday, 30 August 2019 ( 13 hours ago ) Hollywood directors and TV manufacturers are teaming up to develop a new Filmmaker Mode that will display movie content more closely to how the director intended, with optional postprocessing features like motion smoothing disabled.!! Here's what you need to know about Motion Smoothing and, even more importantly, how to turn it off.

Publisher: The Daily Dot
Date: 2019-09-13T11:00:31+00:00
Twitter: @dailydot
Reference: Visit Source

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