Friday, September 27, 2024

The Golden Bachelorette Reveals The Truth About Older Men And Dating

Last fall, I was all in on The Golden Bachelor , a twist on ABC's long-running dating show that features contestants in their 50s, 60s, and 70s. To be honest, I didn't care that much about the Bachelor, Gerry Turner, or his happiness. My emotional investment was in the women vying for his heart, all of whom were delightful and some of whom were extremely cool and way out of Gerry's league . I did appreciate Gerry's willingness to listen and his gentle way with everyone. But I never got attached to him as a leading man. (And for good reason, because the Golden Bachelor aftermath was a bummer!)

It could not be more different with The Golden Bachelorette , which centers the lovely Joan Vassos , a Golden Bachelor contestant who left the show prematurely for family reasons. Thank God she bailed. She very well may have won Gerry's heart—and we would have been deprived of the absolutely soul-lifting, palate-cleansing, world-righting experience of watching her on The Golden Bachelorette .

Lots of us had hoped that Leslie Fhima, a runner-up on The Golden Bachelor , would be chosen to anchor this inaugural season of The Golden Bachelorette . But what a mistake that would have been! Leslie was vulnerable and wore her past traumas openly; she looked tough, but she wasn't. Joan, for her brief time on the show, was obviously very beautiful but also pretty … normal. She loves her kids and grandkids. She has lost a spouse. She hasn't retired yet. She spoke about her feelings. But none of what I saw of her prepared me for what a rock this woman is—and how necessary that would be in allowing her suitors to open up. Joan can handle it, and it's a lot.

Source: Found here

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The Golden Bachelorette Reveals The Truth About Older Men And Dating

Last fall, I was all in on The Golden Bachelor , a twist on ABC's long-running dating show ...

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