Monday, September 9, 2024

Health-conscious Adults More 'In Step' With Their Fitness Than Their Pensions

A survey has revealed 37% would tell their younger selves to look after their future wealth as much as their health.

The survey for digital wealth manager Nutmeg revealed that Brits are almost equally anxious about financial well-being (42%) as they are about physical fitness (48%). It turns out people are twice as likely to invest in dietary supplements like protein shakes weekly (30%), compared to those who routinely use finance apps to manage their funds (16%).

Moreover, people are more inclined to keep tabs on their step count (37%) than stay informed about their investments and pensions (18%). A stark finding of the poll, which surveyed upwards of 2,000 individuals in July, suggests nearly two-thirds (61%) have never sought advice from a financial expert.

⁘Just like the pay-offs from lifestyle choices, investing time too in our financial health can really maximise long-term benefits, especially alongside financial guidance on how to achieve the retirement lifestyles we desire.⁘

More details: Visit website

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