Wednesday, February 28, 2024

‘The Bachelor’ Recap, Season 28, Episode 7

I would argue (and receive a middling grade) that on this season of The Bachelor , we are watching a Bachelor behave like a Bachelorette.

We're in Jasper, Alberta, Canada! There's geese, and deer, and bears, oh my! Li'l Joey is riding into town on another motorcycle. Do we know motorcycles to be a thing about him? Was this revealed in a previous season? Because they're really doubling down on "PUT HIM IN A LEATHER JACKET" even though, to me, he doesn't have "cool motorcycle energy." He has "floppy tennis boi" energy. You could replace either Riff or Early 20s Prince Charles in Zendaya's sexy threesome tennis movie with Joey and no one would notice. Hollywood, I've got a viable use for AI.

Back at the lodge, the ladytestants are flogging themselves and ripping their hair out. Kelsey T., Maria, Rachel, and Jenn are going on the group date and Kelsey A. gets the one-on-one. Jenn has to leave the room to cry. EDIT.

I know there's a contingent of people who don't see the relationship between Joey and Daisy, and to those people, I just want to say, "You don't see it with Daisy but you see it with Rachel??" He's fully in love with Daisy.

Publisher: Vulture
Author: Ali Barthwell
Twitter: @vulture
Origin: Visit website

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