TikTok users' minds are blown by photos depicting an alien humanoid called "Mona Lisa" supposedly found in a crashed "UFO" on the moon .
The theories to explain the supposed alien sighting on the moon are just an addition to the unexplainable aerial phenomena and alleged UFO sightings worldwide.
How Wealthy UFO Fans Helped Fuel Fringe Beliefs - Scientific American
In a 2017 interview with 60 Minutes, Robert Bigelow didn’t hesitate when he was asked if space aliens had ever visited Earth .
But it’s also a good bet that Bigelow would see this differently. After all, both the media and Congress are now solemnly discussing a supposed massive UFO cover-up by the U.S. government. There’s even proposed legislation to open the X-Files!
UFO Craze: New Evidence Of Aliens, Or The Same Old Capitalist Wars? | Socialist Alternative
It was a surreal Congressional hearing. A highly decorated Air Force intelligence officer and two trained Navy fighter pilots flatly declared, under oath, that they believed the US government was in possession of an alien spacecraft and pilots.
Congressional intervention was needed, according to the whistleblowers, because these events indicate that either the US military is technologically behind but doesn't want to admit it, or that the military already possesses secret super-advanced technology that appears alien, but can't be ...
'I get the UFO question?
"Especially coming from a woman from New Jersey, I think it's horrible that just because I'm from New Jersey, you asked me about unidentified flying objects and Martians. We're different but we're not that different."
With clear frontrunner and former President Donald Trump expected to skip the event, it's a chance for his rivals to stand out from the crowded pack.
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