Saturday, April 29, 2023

Pluto Retrograde Will Affect Every Zodiac Sign 2023 | StyleCaster

Are you ready for retrograde season? Because underworld-dwelling Pluto is about to take us on a moonwalk through our deepest influences and most profound power issues.

Tiny but mighty planet Pluto spends nearly half of every year retracing its steps through the zodiac , so this retrograde is nothing to panic about. But that doesn't mean it isn't powerful!

Publisher: StyleCaster
Date: 2023-04-28T15:52:52 00:00
Author: Nina Kahn
Twitter: @stylecaster
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Cosmic connection: Aliens could make contact by 2029 •

Aliens may contact Earth by 2029, according to a group of scientists at the University of California Los Angeles who have been studying a NASA probe traveling through space, currently 27 light years away.

In 2002, as part of a routine procedure to transmit data and establish communication, NASA sent a radio wave transmission to the Pioneer 12 probe. This signal also reached a star located approximately 27 light-years from Earth, as transmissions tend to spread out upon contacting an object.

Date: 2023-04-27T19:03:16 00:00
Twitter: @earthdotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Scientists unveil upcoming date they reckon aliens could make contact with Earth

.css-o3g03s{color:black;} Published 22:15 , 27 April 2023 BST .css-1aaqh7x{color:#666666;}@media (min-width:1024px){.css-1aaqh7x{color:#666666;}}
| Last updated 22:41 , 27 April 2023 BST

If you've ever wondered if we're alone out there in the great expanse we call space, well, apparently we're on the verge of finding the truth out.

Publisher: UNILAD
Twitter: @UNILAD
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Aliens could contact Earth by 2029, scientists say | Daily Mail Online

A team of scientists from the University of California believes aliens could make contact with Earth as soon as 2029.

In 2002, NASA sent radio wave transmission to the Pioneer 10 probe in a routine protocol to send data and ensure communication was established.

Publisher: Mail Online
Date: 2023-04-26T22:50:37 0100
Author: Stacy Liberatore
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Worthplaying | 'Tower Of Fantasy' v2.5 Sound of the Sea Update Next Month, Content Details ...

Set hundreds of years in the future after humanity has escaped the collapsing environment of earth and fled to the distant planet of Aida, the cross-platform, shared open-world MMORPG action of Tower of Fantasy invites gamers around the world to join in on the thrilling action.

Publisher: WorthPlaying
Twitter: @worthplaying
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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