Friday, March 31, 2023

Hackers Claim to Dox Russian 'War Criminal,' Convince His Wife to Do 'Patriotic ...

The hack led to an accusation by a Ukrainian official that the colonel is the war criminal responsible for the March 2022 attack on a civilian-packed theater in the city of Mariupol.

The group is called Cyber Resistance and it said it started operating in 2014 and claims it has connections to the Ukrainian government, according to posts on its Telegram channel.

Twitter: @vice
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

How Ukrainian Hackers Reportedly Tricked Russian Officer's Wife Into Revealing the Identity ...

A new report reveals a clever feat of social engineering from Ukrainian hackers, who tricked the wife of one Russian officer into revealing the people responsible for the bombing of Mariupol.

As a note, as far as we could dig, despite the fact that this report was picked up by multiple outlets, including newspapers like The Daily Mail and The Mirror, there is only one source for this, so take the information with a grain of salt.

Publisher: TechTheLead
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Hackers used spyware made in Spain to target users in the UAE, Google says | TechCrunch

In November 2022, Google revealed the existence of a then-unknown spyware vendor called Variston. Now, Google researchers say they have seen hackers use Variston's tools in the United Arab Emirates.

"The actor using the exploit chain to target UAE users may be a customer or partner of Variston, or otherwise working closely with the spyware vendor," the blog post read.

Publisher: TechCrunch
Date: 2023-03-29T12:00:46 00:00
Author: Lorenzo Franceschi Bicchierai
Twitter: @TechCrunch
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Google: Hackers in UAE targeted with Spanish spyware - Global Village Space | Technology

Google also discovered hackers exploiting an iOS zero-day bug, patched in November, to remotely plant spyware on users' devices.

Google also observed hackers exploiting a chain of three Android bugs targeting devices running an ARM-based graphics chip, including one zero-day.

The discovery of these new hacking campaigns is a reminder that the commercial spyware industry continues to thrive, says Google. Even smaller surveillance vendors have access to zero-days, and vendors stockpiling and using zero-day vulnerabilities in secret pose a severe risk to the internet.

Publisher: Global Village Space | Technology
Date: 2023-03-29T12:27 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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