Friday, November 11, 2022

COVID-19 Conspiracies Are a Gateway to Other Conspiracy Theories, Study Warns : ScienceAlert

According to a recent analysis of two longitudinal studies that tracked participant beliefs in various theories, mistrust in expertise over real-world events can quickly bloom into a general acceptance of conspiracy theories that aren't supported by robust evidence.

The technical term here is conspiracist ideation, which measures someone's confidence in explanations of events that rely on the power of groups to manipulate outcomes to an unlikely, if not near impossible degree.

Publisher: ScienceAlert
Date: 2022-11-09T00:42:09 00:00
Author: David Nield
Twitter: @ScienceAlert
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Let's end the dialogue with American conspiracy theorists | Racism | Al Jazeera

We have been bombarded, since childhood, with the truism that it is important to open dialogue with those with whom we disagree.

Those rebranding themselves as " Western chauvinists " shouting "West pride!" under the flag of a tradition that once held Man to be the rational animal, now believe in lizard people.

Date: 2022-11-07T15:01:13
Author: Yannick Giovanni Marshall
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Why Arizona Is a Hotbed of Election Conspiracy Theories | The New Yorker

Since that day, conspiracies about the U.S. electoral process have taken hold all over the country, but nowhere more fervently than in Arizona.

Arizona has a strong libertarian strain, embodied most famously by Barry Goldwater, which is amenable to anti-government conspiracies.

Wild theories about ballot mules and sinister Sharpies have had an easier time finding an audience among a population that's been primed by other conspiracies circulating in the state. Arizona has been a key location for the QAnon movement.

Publisher: The New Yorker
Date: 2022-11-08T17:40:26.559Z
Author: Cond Nast
Twitter: @NewYorker
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

What does conspiracy mean? | The US Sun

THE BELIEF in conspiracy theories has spread across the US in the past few years primarily due to misinformation shared online.

According to Douglas, properly educating adolescents on the potential influence of conspiracy theories is crucial.

A conspiracy theory is a person's belief that other institutions or individuals are responsible for specific events.

Publisher: The US Sun
Date: 2022-11-10T17:53:22 00:00
Twitter: @thesun
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Man Convicted for Arson Conspiracy Wins Appeal at Fourth Circuit

Twitter: @BLaw
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

FTX crisis feeds the Twitter rumor mill with hot takes and conspiracy theories

Events are unfolding fast as the cryptocurrency market is rocked again, this time by FTX. Facts and non-facts are hard to sort out under these conditions, especially since both seem to be depegged from believability at times. "Where's the money?" and "Who's to blame?" are popular talking points.

Publisher: Cointelegraph
Twitter: @cointelegraph
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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