Tuesday, May 31, 2022

U of T and Sinai Health announce new gift from Larry and Judy Tanenbaum to establish the Tanenbaum ...

U of T and Sinai Health announce new gift from Larry and Judy Tanenbaum to establish the Tanenbaum ...

Established through a generous $20-million gift from the Larry and Judy Tanenbaum Family Foundation, the Tanenbaum Institute for Science in Sport at the University of Toronto will be a global centre of excellence for high-performance sport science and sports medicine.

The Tanenbaum Institute will yield new knowledge at the intersection of research and practice, translating discoveries into innovations that dramatically impact health and performance across all athlete populations.

Publisher: University of Toronto News
Twitter: @uoft
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Sue Barker health: Star's star shares diet and exercise anti-ageing tips | Express.co.uk

“During the winter, I try to exercise at least three times a week at the gym, and in the summer I like to get outdoors.

But as a former professional athlete, the star is well-aware that exercise alone is not the only way to stay healthy. Diet is also critically important.

Publisher: Express.co.uk
Date: 2022-05-27T19:00:00 01:00
Author: Lauren Russell
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Why the air at the gym may be more likely to spread Covid-19 - TODAY

NEW YORK — Many gyms and health clubs seem to be filling up again with people eager to return to their old routines and communities or get in shape for summer — at the same time that new Omicron variants are pushing Covid-19 infections up. So how safe is it to go back to the gym?

Publisher: TODAY
Twitter: @TODAYonline
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Schools & Military, 5/26/22 edition - Sun Gazette

• Cabot Boyd of Vienna earned a master of science degree in information systems and a bachelor of business administration degree and David Reed of Vienna earned a bachelor of business administration degree in finance and management during recent commencement exercises at Harding University.

Publisher: Sun Gazette
Date: 2022-05-27T09:13:00 00:00
Twitter: @sungazettenews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

High cholesterol: Swelling in the legs, ankles and feet could indicate narrowed arteries | ...

According to Science Direct: “PAD is characterised by obstruction in arterial bed other than the coronary arteries and is caused by atherosclerosis in the vast majority of patients.

This type of swelling is medically termed peripheral oedema, which occurs when small blood vessels leak fluid into nearby tissue.

Publisher: Express.co.uk
Date: 2022-05-29T15:39:00 01:00
Author: Solen Le Net
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

We love trees 🥰🍀💕❤️💋😘

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Earth is nice. We want it.

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