Tuesday, March 29, 2022

House-sized asteroid zooms by Earth in close flyby | Space

A newly-discovered asteroid about the size of a house is passing close by Earth on Monday (March 28) but is no cause for alarm. 

The asteroid , called 2022 FB2, is about 49 feet (15 meters) across and will approach within 93,400 miles (150,000 kilometers) when it whizzes by our planet, according to a NASA chart of asteroid flybys.

Publisher: Space.com
Date: 2022-03-28T16:39:14Z
Author: Tariq Malik
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Asteroid hitting Earth 2022: A "potentially dangerous asteroid" will fly past Earth on April ...

The asteroid scheduled to zoom past Earth was only discovered in 2007 and is about 850 feet in diameter. Dubbed 2007 FF1, the asteroid travels at speeds of up to 11 miles per second as it orbits around the sun. It is, therefore, one of 15,000 objects called Apollo-class asteroids.

Date: 2022-03-29T11:09:00-05:00
Twitter: @IntEngineering
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Asteroid Triple threat for Earth today: NASA says a trio of Dangerous asteroids approaching | Tech ...

A scary event is going to happen today! Not one or two, but three asteroids are headed towards the Earth. According to NASA, three big asteroids will be making close passes by our home planet on March 29.

The NASA unit, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory has revealed the details about these asteroids. First is 2022 FF1, a 17-feet wide asteroid which will be making its closest approach at merely 1,490,000 kilometers.

Publisher: HT Tech
Date: 2022-03-29T12:19:52 05:30
Twitter: @HTTech
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Astronomers Just Updated The Odds A Massive Asteroid Will Hit Earth In The Future

Illustration of an asteroid racing towards Earth, created on July 19, 2015. (Illustration by Tobias ... [+] Roetsch/Future Publishing via Getty Images)

A giant space rock with the best known chance of hitting our planet and doing major damage should now be considered less of an existential threat.

Publisher: Forbes
Date: 2022-03-29
Author: Eric Mack
Twitter: @forbes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

We reached the "finance our asteroid mining" phase of NFTs

Future NFT rewards include "launching the holder's name into space, advising on future company designs and community decisions, placing art on next-generation task vehicles, and possible ownership of actual asteroid fragments," ExLab's official press release adds.

Publisher: The A.V. Club
Date: 2022-03-29T18:30:00.941Z
Twitter: @theavclub
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

How did cockroaches survive the asteroid that led to the extinction of dinosaurs?

(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.)

Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question you'd like an expert to answer, send it to curiouskidsus@theconversation.com.

Publisher: New Canaan Advertiser
Date: 2022-03-28 12:37:55
Author: Brian Lovett West Virginia University
Twitter: @newcanaannews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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