An anonymous Telegram channel released further documents that allegedly belong to Mossad chief David Barnea, days after publishing a video with other personal information and photos.
According to unsourced Hebrew-language media reports this week, an old phone belonging to Barnea's wife was hacked by the group, which has been ostensibly tied to Iran. Reports said there was no sensitive information on the phone that could potentially harm state security.
How to know if hackers are in your phone
Whether you use iOS or Android, it's not always easy to tell if your phone has been compromised. Hackers can target your devices in many ways, and you may not get an alert or even know that something malicious is going on in the background. Read on for tips on diagnosing a hacked phone.
Hackers hit Hood. Dairy shut down milk production this week after 'cyber security event.
H.P. Hood Dairy said Friday that it was the target of a "cyber security event," that forced it to temporarily shut its 13 dairy plants around the country this week.
A spokesperson for the Lynnfield-based company said Hood made the decision to halt production out of an "abundance of caution," after learning late last week about an incident that affected its IT systems.
Ransomware Hackers Used AI Images, Microsoft Flaw in Campaign
The group, which Google refers to as Exotic Lily in research published Thursday , is known as an initial access broker.
“Up until November 2021, the group seemed to be targeting specific industries such as IT, cybersecurity and health care, but as of late we have seen them attacking a wide variety of organizations and industries, with less specific focus,” Google said in a blog post.
Great Computer Hacks Make Hackers Hacker Computers | Hackaday
In the year 1995, computers were, well… boring. The future wasn’t here yet, and computers were drab, chunky beige boxes. Sure, there were some cool-ish computers being sold, but the landscape was still relatively barren.
Hackers wasn’t popular when it came out, but over the years it has gained quite a following. It portrayed computers and the people who loved them in completely new ways, representing a culture that has never existed. Even so, it inspired so many young hacker types.
Important Windows updates that protect 10 and 11 users from hackers | News | WPSD Local 6
Microsoft released a major security update on March 8 to fix at least 71 'Zero Day' vulnerabilities that could allow hackers to control your computer remotely, among other things.
If you have a Windows PC, you should read this story and immediately check to see if your computer has the latest security updates.
Here's how hackers could turn your beloved vape against you | TechRadar
A report from EDGE Vaping, which manufactures e-cigarettes and refill cartridges, claims it’s feasible that hackers could modify vape devices to house malware , with the aim of infecting personal computers.
Although many people charge their vapes at the wall, others use the USB ports on their laptop or desktop PC , creating an opportunity for infection.
How hackers, Arnold Schwarzenegger and the State Department are trying to pierce Putin's digital ...
The information campaign over Russia's invasion of Ukraine is in full swing as a wide cast of characters — from the US State Department to Ukrainian hackers to Arnold Schwarzenegger — tries to circumvent Russian censors to get the truth about the war on Ukraine to Russian citizens.
Hackers leak 'new' docs from Mossad chief after wife's 'old' phone said hacked via @timesofisrael manniefabian (from Beersheba/באר שבע/بئر السبع) Sat Mar 19 11:03:51 +0000 2022
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