Monday, January 11, 2021

Video games have replaced music as the most important aspect of youth culture | Culture | The

Publisher: the Guardian
Date: 2021-01-11T11:22:17.000Z
Author: https www theguardian com profile sean monahan
Twitter: @guardian
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

This may worth something:

20 Ways Games Lie To You | How Video Games Trick You With Hidden Systems - Gameranx

Video games use every trick in the booth to make you feel something. We all know how movies use music to manipulate the audience, or loud noises to jumpscare us — and video games do the same thing. Video games use visual information and systems to make us feel like we’re doing well, or they can do the opposite and give us a challenge. Sometimes the games straight up lie, and today we’re talking about the weird little tricks games use to give us an experience.

Publisher: Gameranx
Date: 2021-01-12T00:45:29-05:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

COLORADO CORONAVIRUS: COVIDTRON 2020: Coloradans create video games during COVID-19 pandemic

SILT, Colo. (KDVR) — Last year alone, the video game industry generated $90 billion for the U.S. economy and sales are only continuing to soar as the pandemic pushes forward.

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One of them is Gil Villarreal. He owns and operates his own independent software developing business in Silt.

Like many Coloradans during the pandemic, Villarreal’s gig was impacted. Business slowed down, so he scrambled.

While waiting for work to pick back up, Villarreal started a project during quarantine which allowed him to tap into an old passion.

Publisher: FOX31 Denver
Date: 2021-01-11T14:19:45 00:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The Best Video Games of 2020 | The New Yorker

In the Before Times, on transatlantic flights, I would often assume the role of a deadly virus that threatened the human race. The key to success in the game Plague Inc., from 2012, is to mutate in ways that both hasten the virus's spread and impede a vaccine's development. It was perversely enjoyable to pass an hour, forehead smushed against a window, swiping toward extinction. But 2020 spiked that small pleasure.

Not so for video games at large, however. The medium is ideally suited to coronavirus lockdown, when the boundaries of the physical world contract and the imagination strains for freedom. Games offer a chance for the housebound to visit distant lands, for the unemployed to experience the satisfaction of a completed task, for the lonely to interact with others. If you're a skeptic, this might've been the year you picked up a controller.

Publisher: The New Yorker
Author: Simon Parkin
Twitter: @NewYorker
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

And here's another article:

Lucasfilm Games resurrected as new banner for all Star Wars video games "and beyond"

Lucasfilm is resurrecting the Lucasfilm Games brand as the new home for all its video game properties, including future Star Wars titles "and beyond".

"Lucasfilm's legacy in gaming stretches back decades," says the company in its announcement post , "and with Lucasfilm and the galaxy far, far away entering a new and unprecedented phase of creativity, so will the world of Lucasfilm Games".

The Lucasfilm Games brand has a long and illustrious legacy, of course, being the original name given to the company's gaming division by George Lucas in 1982 - a division that would go on to produce a string of seminal titles, from adventure classics such as the Monkey Island series and Day of the Tentacle to beloved Star Wars games including X-Wing and Jedi Knight.

Date: 2021-01-11T18:58:00 00:00
Twitter: @eurogamer
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Ask Kotaku: What's Your Favorite Jump In Video Games?
Publisher: Kotaku
Date: 2021-01-11T20:00:00.879Z
Twitter: @kotaku
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Video Game Companies That Don't Force Programmers Into Crunch Time

Over the years, the gaming community has grown more concerned about the welfare of designers who make AAA video games , people who are too frequently pressured into working for long periods of stressful "Crunch Time" in order to complete their games by their scheduled release dates.

Video games are highly complex works of media entertainment, to say the least; even the simplest indie game require hours upon hours of programming, rendering, play-testing, and quality assurance work. To make matters more complicated, the process of developing a video game can be unpredictable, with unexpected glitches, design challenges, and hard-to-implement ideas making it hard to complete project goals in a consistent time.

Publisher: ScreenRant
Date: 2021-01-11T20:46:46Z
Twitter: @screenrant
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Fresh Brains: The Best Playable Zombies in Video Games - Bloody Disgusting

Who would want to be a zombie? It’s not as cool as a vampire or werewolf, and you’re kind of, well, dead. But what about zombies in video games, you say? Well, that’s a different story.

Not content with just lumbering around and eating brains, video games can do so much more than follow the trope that George Romero popularized. Much like we did for vampires and werewolves , here’s a selection of video games where being one of the walking dead isn’t so bad. In fact, it’s downright fun.

Publisher: Bloody Disgusting!
Date: 2021-01-11T14:00:25-06:00
Twitter: @bdisgusting
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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