Friday, July 10, 2020

The return of the $70 video game has been a long time coming | Ars Technica

Further Reading 2K breaks gaming's de facto $60 ceiling, asks $70 for next-gen NBA 2K21

Last week, 2K made waves by becoming the first publisher to set a $70 asking price for a big-budget game on the next generation of consoles.

It remains to be seen if other publishers will follow 2K's lead and make $70 a new de facto standard for big-budget console game pricing. But while $70 would match the high-water mark for nominal game pricing, it wouldn't be a historically high asking price in terms of actual value . Thanks to inflation and changes in game distribution, in fact, the current ceiling for game prices has never been lower.

Publisher: Ars Technica
Twitter: @arstechnica
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

In case you are keeping track:

The Best Video Games Of 2020 (So Far) | Gaming | Empire

If there's a trend to gaming in 2020, it's that of delayed gratification. Not too long ago, if a game had been in development for more than a couple of years, there was a tendency for the finished product to disappoint, when and if it ever arrived.

Publisher: Empire
Date: 2020-07-10T11:44:50.000Z
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Video games: Another Sony video game is out

Whether you're into movies, music, books, television or video games, you probably have a creator or two that you follow. Anytime they have a new release, you purchase it on the first day of release.

For me, that creator is the Sony-owned development studio Naughty Dog and the brilliant creators who work there.

They have created my all-time favorite video game franchise in the "Uncharted" series, and their latest game, "The Last of Us Part 2," is another masterpiece.

Publisher: Times Herald-Record
Date: Times Herald-Record
Author: By Dusty Ricketts
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

‘Pretending I’m a Superman’ Will Document Impact of Tony Hawk Games | IndieWire

The news that the first two “ Tony Hawk ’s Pro Skater” video games were getting HD remasters has been one of the year’s best surprises. Now, fans of the franchise have more to look forward to. Upcoming documentary “Pretending I’m a Superman” chronicles the lasting influence of the classic skating game and how it affected Hawk’s career.

“In the ‘90s everything about skateboarding was an ‘us versus them’ mentality,” Hawk says in the documentary’s trailer. “I was a fading vert skater, my income was getting cut in half every month, and so I started doing whatever I could.”

Publisher: IndieWire
Date: 2020-07-10 01:00:37
Author: Tyler Hersko
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Many things are taking place:

Best Video Games In Tabletop Board Game Form | Screen Rant

Looking for a fun, strategic board games to enjoy with friends and family, while still partaking in the ambiance of fan-favorite video games? Look no further than the following tabletop games listed in this article, which recreate feel of classic video games like Portal and Fallout using clever rules and on-point visual design.

At first, the notion of tie-in board games adapted from bestselling video games sounds a little counter-intuitive. Why would gamers fiddle with tokens, cards, and cardboard tiles when they could play the actual Bloodborne or X-COM video games?

Publisher: ScreenRant
Date: 2020-07-10T15:47:53Z
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Are Video Games the Prescription for Quarantine Isolation?

It's not just escapism that's being offered to gamers, but also tangible psychological benefits, according to Isabela Granic, PhD, director of the Games for Emotional and Mental Health (GEMH) Lab, and professor and chair of the developmental psychopathology department in the Behavioural Science Institute at Radboud University in the Netherlands.

Medscape recently spoke with Dr Granic about the potential upsides of gaming in a pandemic and why video games are an ideal delivery system for mental healthcare.

Publisher: Medscape
Date: 07/08/2020
Twitter: @Medscape
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The most expensive video games that were never released

Due to widespread coding knowledge and projects like Media Molecule's Dreams , almost anyone can design a game today. This process is rarely cheap, however, especially for AAA titles. Game development budgets can balloon out of control, and passionate developers have remortgaged their homes to finish a project. But all the hours spent in front of a computer are worth it when a game releases and earns back the money spent on development, right? Oh, if only.

Plans often go awry, especially in video game production. Games switch directions more often than compasses. Sometimes changes come in the form of tone or genre shifts; other games, including concepts that likely would have been big hits, are canceled outright. When a game is canceled, developers aren't reimbursed for the money they sunk into it, no matter how much they spent. Here's a look at some games you will never play, despite a ton of money being thrown their way.

Date: 2020-07-09T13:18:37 00:00
Author: Aaron Greenbaum
Twitter: @looper
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Loot boxes: I blew my university savings gaming on Fifa - BBC News

Like many teenagers, Jonathan Peniket enjoyed buying random player "packs" to build up his team on the Fifa football video game.

The House of Lords Gambling Committee is calling for loot boxes, which are not currently considered to be gambling, to be regulated urgently.

"I have loved video games since I was a child. I remember waking up early on weekends and heading straight downstairs to play Fifa 05 with the sound off so that I wouldn't wake my parents," says Jonathan.

Publisher: BBC News
Author: https www facebook com bbcnews
Twitter: @BBCWorld
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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