Friday, June 5, 2020

Command & reconquer - The video-games industry raids its back catalogue | Business | The

That number will rise further when a revamped version called "Command & Conquer Remastered" is released on June 5th. It is the same as the old one in nearly every respect, except that the cartoonish 2 D graphics of the original have received a high-resolution makeover.

The music business milks fans with remixes, remasters and special editions of famous albums. Film studios sell extra-long "director's cuts". Revisiting products may seem a riskier strategy in a medium where the state-of-the-art advances as fast as it does in video gaming. But it is an established trend. More than 30 revamped games have been released in the past year. Some have topped sales charts.

Publisher: The Economist
Twitter: @TheEconomist
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Not to change the topic here:

What's the social effect of video games on children?

ORLANDO – About 66 percent of kids ages eight to 12 play videogames for an average of two hours a day. But how does gaming affect a child's social interactions with others?

Does spending too much time in front of a console affect the way kids socialize? Researchers in Norway studied the social effects of videogames by following 873 children at ages six, eight, 10, and 12.

Scientists say videogames may influence girls more negatively because gaming isn't typically a big part of socialization for them. On the other hand, boys often play in the company of their friends.

Publisher: KPRC
Date: 2020-06-04T11:17:12.807Z
Twitter: @KPRC
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Make More Video Game Anthologies | PCMag

Just as film fans may prefer action movies over rom-coms or prestige drama or schlock horror, gamers have their genre preferences, too. Personally, I enjoy a few shooters , but can’t stand most battle royale games . I’ll also give any fighting game or strategy game a shot, even if they’re mediocre. However, one genre with very few if any diehard fans is the minigame collection. 

Minigame collections have a not-undeserved bad reputation for slapping together a ton of tiny, half-baked game ideas to technically qualify as a complete product. They lure in more casual consumers with quantity over quality. They’re the video game equivalent of generic budget value pack cereal from wholesale stores. Mario Party is one of the only Nintendo franchises you can dunk on without much blowback. 

Publisher: PCMAG
Twitter: @pcmag
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

PHT reviews hockey video games: 'Super Blood Hockey,' a gory good time

Every week, PHT will spotlight hockey video games you might not have heard of. Previously, that meant looking back at games that are now largely inaccessible. This week's edition, on the other hand, can be found in many spots: "Super Blood Hockey."

As we look back at old and very old arcade-style hockey games, it's almost inevitable to wallow in the sadder elements of nostalgia. Why can't current games capture those good old days?

Of course, it really might come down to letting your kids play "Ice Hockey," but not "Super Blood Hockey."

Date: A9862C0E6E1BE95BCE0BF3D0298FD58B
Twitter: @Yahoo
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

While you're here, how about this:

Need some family time? Try these 5 family-friendly, co-op video games | |

Kevin Coffey is the entertainment editor and critic, covering music, movies, video games, comic books and lots more. Follow him on Twitter @owhmusicguy. Phone: 402-444-1557.

Purchase gift cards for both businesses that are temporarily closed, to use later and businesses currently open, to use now.

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Now is the perfect time to do your homework. Here is a guide to local businesses ready to h…

Date: 2020-06-05T08:00:00-05:00
Author: Kevin Coffey World Herald staff writer
Twitter: @owhnews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

How to maximise your Video Games Tax Relief claim |

Video Games Tax Relief is not always easy to understand, which is why the Academy put together an in-depth guide to the process -- you can find that here .

Video Games Tax Relief (VGTR) is a very generous cash incentive administered by HMRC, presenting UK game developers with the opportunity to receive between 16% to 20% towards the cost of producing a game.

Recent figures from HMRC show that, since the VGTR was launched back in 2014, £324 million has been paid out to the development of 1,110 games in total -- we're not talking small change here.

Date: Fri 05 Jun 2020 09:18:00 0100
Twitter: @GIBiz
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Now is the time to jump into our video game backlogs - Polygon

In theory, we all have more time right now. Thanks to social distancing recommendations, the only activities available to us are the ones we can do from our homes. That means it's the perfect time to get caught up on our video game backlogs — to finish the games we started long ago, or to check out the games we've heard about for years and never tried.

I've tried multiple times to beat Bloodborne . I've never beaten a Dark Souls game, either, but Bloodborne always seemed like the one that would work for me. I understand and respect what these games are trying to do. They demand that you play them for long enough that you get over the initial difficulty gate and the combat becomes second nature, as easy as breathing.

Publisher: Polygon
Date: 2020-06-04T12:22:10-04:00
Author: Maddy Myers
Twitter: @Polygon
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Litigators of the Week: Kirkland Trio Dances Off With a Win in Video Game Copyright Suits |

"Great Minds' interpretation cannot be correct," wrote Senior Judge Jerome Farris of the Ninth Circuit for the unanimous panel, noting that it would lead to "absurd results.

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'We have always believed that our client was innocent and that this case never should have been brought,' said Walter Brown Jr., who heads Orrick's white collar practice

Publisher: Litigation Daily | The American Lawyer
Date: 2020-06-05
Author: Jenna Greene
Twitter: @litigationdaily
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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