Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The best video games to play with your family over the holidays

But instead of grandpa yelling at the kids for not looking up from their Gameboys, there are lots of ways games can bring us together instead of tearing us apart over the holidays. After all, playing games together is a time-honored and universal activity for a reason.

For your sanity's sake, we've compiled a list of the best family-friendly video games across a variety of platforms. Some are more easily picked up than others, though, depending on learning curve, availability, and whether or not grandpa (or grandma!) can participate. So we've also conveniently included an accessibility rating on a scale of 1-5 grandpas, with one grandpa meaning the least approachable and five grandpas meaning the family dog might even be able to join in.

Publisher: Mashable
Date: 2019-12-24T11:00:00Z
Author: Jess Joho
Twitter: @mashable
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Check out this next:

Top 10 video games of 2019 | Financial Post
Publisher: Financial Post
Date: 2019-12-24T12:00:49+00:00
Twitter: @financialpost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

If You're Gifting a Video Game System, Set It Up Now, Not Christmas Day

I assumed this tip was old news, but I've seen a ton of tweets going around that make me feel like a number of holiday gift-givers still don't know the big secret for giving video games and video game consoles. So, here we are again, fresh with a warm cup of holiday advice that might require you rewrap a present or two. Trust me, it's worth it.

If you're giving someone a gaming console, or even a video game—typically something on a disc or a tiny SD card that you insert into said console—you need to take some time today to unwrap it, fire it up, and install any and all updates it requests.

Publisher: _____
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Gamasutra - Press Releases- New Online Video Game Retailer Physicality Games Launching in Early

Enter the “Physicality Games Prelaunch Giveaway” to learn about Physicality Games and for a chance to win a selection of game-related prizes valued at over $1,500! Everyone who enters will receive a special Physicality Games Founder reward.

* * *

Quality – Exclusively offering physical editions of great games prepared, designed, and packaged with care.

Service – It is your hard-earned money and you should be taken care of. We don’t believe in limiting our game releases – you want a game, you should be able to order it.

Twitter: @gamasutra
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Quite a lot has been going on:

'The Witcher' Netflix Series vs. the Games vs. the Books, Explained - Thrillist

Back in 2015, the Game Awards named The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt the Game of the Year . Though it was the third release of the franchise, it served as an excellent introduction to the series for those who had never read the book series by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski that kicked off in the early '90s or played the two games that came before it.

The Netflix series, so far, is much more heavily reliant on the books than on what is featured in the games. While the three video games are based on the books, they do take some liberties on order to make such an expansive game world out of the books. And while some scenes in the first game will be familiar, like Geralt saving the cursed daughter of a king, much of it is based on Sapkowski's books, The Last Wish and The Sword of Destiny .

Publisher: Thrillist
Date: 2019-12-23T22:56:49Z
Author: Sara Clements
Twitter: @Thrillist
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Ethan Gach's Top 10 Games of 2019

I say that not to disparage any particular game, big or small, but rather to help explain why this was the hardest list of games I've put together since I started writing for Kotaku three years ago. While a few games on the following list were shoo-ins, many more made it on only after lots of internal deliberation. When the rest of the pack is so strong, and so different, it's hard to come up with metrics for comparing and contrasting them that make any sense at all.

Remedy's paranormal third-person shooter is a Frankenstein's monster that succeeds despite its array of shortcomings, which range from crashing frame rates to third-act shootouts that I cursed with every breath I drew until they had anti-climatically resolved themselves.

Publisher: Kotaku
Twitter: @kotaku
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Here's what happened behind the scenes of The Game Awards 2019 - The Washington Post

Show creator Geoff Keighley doesn't mention the Oscars at all when considering the viewership numbers. Instead, he calls the figures "exciting but a little daunting."

"It's fascinating to see, and I really did not anticipate that kind of lift again," Keighley said, referring to how the show has grown since its 2014 start.

"We saw increased growth in China, which I think was partially because we had the League of Legends announcements, and we opened up [the stream] in India," Keighley said.

Publisher: Washington Post
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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