Friday, November 1, 2019

Science Fiction Short Stories Are Having A Banner Year

The short story format is proving a resiliant medium for the thriving world of modern science ... [+] fiction.

Science fiction has enjoyed plenty of critical and mainstream love in recent years. 2019 has seen new seasons from hit shows like Stranger Things and Black Mirror , new bestselling novels such as Margaret Atwood's The Testaments , and breakout blockbusters ranging from standalone films like Ad Astra to an upcoming Star Wars installment.

But the power of short stories is a perhaps more unexpected phenomenon in modern speculative fiction.

"With Forward ," Sommerfeld explains, "Amazon Original Stories assembled a uniquely diverse set of futuristic stories by N.K. Jemisin, Andy Weir, Veronica Roth, Amor Towles, Paul Tremblay, and Blake Crouch! List of science fiction short stories - Wikipedia /wiki/List_ ...The two main awards given in American science fiction are the Hugos and the Nebulas . Complete lists of the short stories that won these awards are at Hugo Award for Best Short Story and Nebula Award for Best Short Story. See also. The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume One , 1929-1964, the best short stories from before the awarding of the Nebulas.!! All of these are bestselling writers at the top of their form, and while some of them, like Paul Tremblay and Amor Towles, are best known for their work in other genres, they are world builders who were inspired by these times to speculate on the future! 10 Best Science Fiction Short Stories of All Time: From ...Science - Fiction - Short -Story What is your favorite science fiction short story of all time? Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. Pipeline to Pluto by Murray Leinster. Farewell to the Master by Henry Bates. The Lady Who Sailed the Soul by Cordwainer Smith. By His Bootstraps by Robert Heinlein. Nightfall by Isaac Asimov. ...!! Each of these stories is narrated by actors with serious sci-fi cred as well, including Evan Rachel Wood of Westworld , David Harbour of Stranger Things , and Jason Isaacs of Star Trek ."

Publisher: Forbes
Date: 2019-10-31
Author: Adam Rowe
Twitter: @forbes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

This may worth something:

Future Tense event recap: Can we imagine our way to a better future?

For France Córdova, the head of the National Science Foundation, the journey to a career in scientific leadership began with a stack of Philip K. Dick novels! Science Fiction Short Stories and the Strategist - fiction - short - stories -and...Short stories provide many of the same benefits as novels, allowing readers to consider the same themes but requiring less time. In addition, many science fiction writers work mostly with short stories , so focusing on novels overlooks some of the best science fiction available to the aspiring strategist.!! She's not alone in identifying science fiction as the inspiration to her decision to go into science! Videos for Science Fiction Short Stories Are 1:45 Science Fiction Short Stories YouTube!! At the Oct. 22 event " Can We Imagine Our Way to a Better Future ?" Future Tense—a partnership of Slate, New America, and Arizona State University—brought together sci-fi creators as well as leaders in science to celebrate the release of Future Tense Fiction: Stories of Tomorrow and discuss how creative work can inspire the future.

But in another of the event's three conversations, sci-fi author and associate professor Lee Konstantinou, whose story "Burned-Over Territory" was included in Future Tense Fiction , said that he "understands the bias towards dystopia" for storytellers, but believes that examining ordinary human conflicts in future worlds can be just as interesting! 1:48:54 Short Science Fiction Collection 027 | Various | Anthologies, Science Fiction | English | 2/3 YouTube!! The future in Konstantinou's " Burned-Over Territory " is no utopia, but fiction allowed him to consider the consequences and benefits of universal basic income without taking a side in the debate.

Publisher: Slate Magazine
Date: 2019-10-31T13:15:00.370Z
Author: Margaret Tucker
Twitter: @slate
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Best Fantasy Book Series and Sci Fi Book Series of All Time - Thrillist

The sheer number of new science-fiction and fantasy books published in any given year can be overwhelming, and it doesn't help matters that both genres are so series-heavy. We've done the hard work for you and rounded up the 21 best science fiction fantasy series of all time, in no particular order.

For the sake of tidiness (and our own sanity), we've limited this list to series that include at least three books, and that are either completely finished or have no further books currently planned (so, no A Song of Fire and Ice ), or have at least one finished multi-book story arc within the larger series (for instance, the Farseer Trilogy is a completed series within the Realm of the Elderlings series).
More: The best books published in 2019 so far

Including: Consider Phlebas , The Player of Games , Use of Weapons , The State of the Art
If we have to say more than "utopian socialism on sentient spaceships" to sell you on this series, it may not be for you, but give it a shot anyway, won't you? Banks started the Culture series at a time when space opera was considered facile and passé, and took full advantage of that attitude to reinvent and revitalize the genre, offering a smart, playful, and often stylistically flashy subversion of space opera tropes wrapped around a core of radical politics.

Publisher: Thrillist
Date: 2019-10-11T18:15:27Z
Author: Emily Hughes
Twitter: @Thrillist
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The weird, the wacky, the underappreciated: A new look at science fiction and fantasy - The

Even 10 years ago, the fields of science fiction and fantasy were still overwhelmingly American and white. And, if you grew up speaking Spanish in Mexico City, (as I, Silvia, did), or Hebrew on a small kibbutz in Israel (as I, Lavie, did), it meant that the world of science fiction, filtered through translation, was as remote and alien as the other side of the moon. The very idea we could be writing novels like these seemed, well, fantastical.

Yet, somehow, here we are. The past decade has seen the science-fiction world change as more international voices enthusiastically jumped into the fray. Now, wonderful writers including Malaysian Zen Cho can write smart, funny fantasies such as "Sorcerer to the Crown"; after years of struggle, Nigerian Tade Thompson's ambitious Africa-set novel, "Rosewater," was published to wide acclaim and recently won the prestigious Arthur C. Clarke Award; and Chinese author Liu Cixin's "The Three-Body Problem," translated by Ken Liu, has become a bestseller and even has a recommendation from former president Barack Obama.

Publisher: Washington Post
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Quite a lot has been going on:

Science fiction like caravans pique observers interest

The science-fiction-esque scene has unfolded close to a dozen times over the past few weeks during the pre-dawn hours of the morning in communities from Canton to Lansing: Suburban intersections along Haggerty Road are shut down temporarily by Michigan State Police escorts who are guiding massive vehicles hauling ominous-looking, missile-shaped, tarp-covered objects.

What's under the mystery-cloaking tarp? Nuclear weapons? Toxic waste headed to Michigan from Ohio? Defense-focused torpedoes?

* * *

Made in China, the generators are so huge that their route to the Lansing Board of Water & Light's new Delta Energy Park site is restricted to surface streets — a logistical, um, challenge that required the moving company to attain permits from each of the counties through which they travel.

"They're too tall and too wide to go no the highways, so they travel along Haggerty and then, once they get to I-96, they turn west on Grand River and take that to Lansing, from what I understand," said Oakland County Road Commission spokesperson Craig Bryson.

Publisher: HometownLife
Author: Ed Wright
Twitter: @hometownlife
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

'Gemini Man' And The Case For Another Super Soldier Movie -

What if we could create the perfect soldier? He would always follow orders, never question leaders, never feel pain nor feel tired and he would not age-- A super-soldier-- ‘Gemini Man’ raises this question in Will Smith’s latest movie.

I went there, on a date, not really expecting anything. I did have the general idea that the younger version of Henry Brogan was his clone. But I was intrigued. So, was my date--

The premise is essentially the kind of problems that contract elite snipers – mercenaries, for that fact – face when they are trying to leave the business or change career: They make enemies and for someone as elite as Henry Brogan – Will Smith’s character – that comes with the increased pressure posed by advanced technology, surveillance, and yes, the very fantastical notion of human cloning with all its ethical implications. Brogan wants out, but the government program, the DIA, will not let it happen so easily--

Date: 2019-11-01T15:45:24+00:00
Twitter: @ScienceFiction
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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