Saturday, November 16, 2019

Planned Parenthood Awarded $2 Million in Lawsuit Over Secret Videos - The New York Times

Mr. Daleiden, the leader of a group called the Center for Medical Progress , posed as a biotechnology representative to make the recordings. The jury found that he had trespassed on private property and committed fraud, according to court papers. Planned Parenthood said in a statement that the jury had ruled in its favor on each of its claims, including a violation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.

Harmeet Dhillon , one of the lawyers for Mr. Daleiden, said: "We're disappointed with the jury verdict but this is not the last word on the case. We will be appealing numerous aspects of the verdict and the judge's ruling."

Date: 2019-11-16T01:21:54.000Z
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In case you are keeping track:

A secret Rolex meetup with a radioactive watch and 'sexpile'

At America's first Rolliefest, the rules are clear: Don't reveal the location of the event on social media until it's over.

Last month, 110 watch collectors from 13 countries filed past armed guards at the Lotte New York Palace hotel in midtown Manhattan. There, some of the world's most prominent watch collectors were gathered in a gilded ballroom to admire tens of millions of dollars of vintage Rolexes.

* * *

A ticket to this invitation-only event cost $850 and gave collectors access to a handful of exclusive events over two days, including a private dinner and cocktail parties.

Publisher: CNBC
Date: 2019-11-15T13:00:32+0000
Author: https www facebook com CNBC
Twitter: @CNBC
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Pete Buttigieg's Work At McKinsey Is A Secret

For nearly three years, he worked at McKinsey & Company, an elite management consulting firm with offices around the world. It was work that took him, he has said, to Iraq and Afghanistan. And for years after that, in his early campaigns for public office, Buttigieg held up his stint at McKinsey as a selling point and proof that he was a business-friendly Democrat, while only vaguely describing what he did and never revealing his clients.

A deeper understanding of his time there a decade ago would be relevant to evaluating the 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who's now trying to prove he has the experience to be president. But Buttigieg continues to keep most details a secret, citing a confidentiality agreement. He also now describes the job — which informed his views on business issues — as "not something that I think is essential in my story."

Publisher: BuzzFeed News
Twitter: @BuzzFeedNews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

This is Korea's secret to raising smart and successful kids

One of the first words I learned as a child was "nunchi" (pronounced noon-chee ), which literally translates as "eye-measure."

Nunchi is the art of sensing what other people are thinking and feeling — and then responding appropriately. It's the ability to quickly read a room with the emphasis on the collective, not on specific individuals.

Speed is paramount to nunchi. Those who have "quick" nunchi continuously recalibrate their assumptions based on any new word, gesture or facial expression, so that they're always present and aware.

Publisher: CNBC
Date: 2019-11-15T16:35:39+0000
Author: https www facebook com CNBC
Twitter: @CNBC
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Check out this next:

Companies led by women have happier workers. What's the secret? - The Boston Globe

Throughout her long career, Maribeth Bearfield often found she was the only woman amid a sea of male executives. At times, it proved frustrating. "I have a strong voice and I have a loud voice, but I never really felt I was heard," says Bearfield, who spent years in the financial services and high tech industries. "I'd say something and two minutes later someone else, a man, would say the same thing and it was received better."

That all changed about three years ago when she joined Watertown-based child-care provider Bright Horizons as its chief human resources officer. It was the first time Bearfield found herself working for a company where women were the majority on the board of directors and executive committee. "When I'm at the executive table, we support each other and we give each other the opportunity to talk," Bearfield says.

Twitter: @BostonGlobe
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Ex-police clerk sentenced for secret PD bathroom videos - The San Diego Union-Tribune

A former police records clerk who secretly took videos of 69 co-workers in men's bathrooms at the Long Beach Police Department has been sentenced to six years in jail.

Authorities say the 29-year-old Downey man made hundreds of videos in several Police Department bathrooms over a two-year span.

In addition to jail time, Nieto must complete at least a year of sex compulsion counseling and must stay away from police headquarters and substations.

Publisher: San Diego Union-Tribune
Date: 2019-11-16T03:13:20
Twitter: @sdut
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Secret of explosive volcanism unlocked -- ScienceDaily

When will the next eruption take place? Examination of samples from Indonesia's Mount Merapi show that the explosivity of stratovolcanoes rises when mineral-rich gases seal the pores and microcracks in the uppermost layers of stone. These findings result in new possibilities for the prediction of an eruption.

Mount Merapi on Java is among the most dangerous volcanoes in the world. Geoscientists have usually used seismic measurements which illustrate underground movements when warning the population of a coming eruption in time.

Publisher: ScienceDaily
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Marijuana Authority Decides Dispensary Locations Should Be Secret - Oklahoma Watch

Medical marijuana dispensaries have popped up across Oklahoma over the past year, but lawyers for the state have decided the dispensaries' addresses are "private business information" and should not be released to the public.

Attorneys for the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority rejected a request by Oklahoma Watch for the dispensaries' locations, deciding they are not subject to the state Open Records Act. The decision negates an agreement by industry representatives to make the information available through a records request.

Publisher: Oklahoma Watch
Date: 2019-11-16T13:30:51-05:00
Author: Marijuana Authority Decides Dispensary Locations Should Be Secret Oklahoma Watch
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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