Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Why conspiracy theories are deeply dangerous

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Quite a lot has been going on:

Barr's efforts to bolster Trump mean that ... reigns - The Washington
It's hard to overstate the extent to which President Trump's time in politics has been defined by conservative media broadly and Fox News specifically.

For years before his decision to seek the presidency in 2015, he was a regular, promoted guest on "Fox & Friends." His Twitter feed reflected his political views, views generally squarely in line with the Fox News orthodoxy of the moment! Why conspiracy theories are deeply dangerous | Usa online ...-dangerous Another key feature of conspiracy theories is that they tend to be highly speculative rather than based on firm evidence. Many conspiracy theories, like those over the Epstein hanging or 9/11, are not just based on flimsy or contested evidence. They are based on no evidence. They are pure conjecture, without any basis in reality. In that case, why do people invent conspiracy theories? What do they hope to gain by peddling their theories? Conspiracy theories are first and foremost forms of ...!! His campaign launch centered on the sorts of issues that were sidelined in the Republican establishment but were central to conservative media: the dangers of immigration and immigrants, an America that was falling behind.

As president, he spends hours each week in the mornings and evenings tuning in to Fox News. He and Fox News host Sean Hannity reportedly speak regularly . Through July 25 of this year, more than a third of all of the interviews he has granted as president were to Fox-parent News Corp. companies! Why Do We Fall For Conspiracy Theories? - Science ABC ...conspiracy - theories .html We love patterns. Belief in conspiracy theories is primarily driven by a constant urge to avoid uncertainty, something that we deeply despise . Forming conspiracy theories seems to be a coping mechanism to regain certainty or control. The emotional satisfaction we gain by minimizing uncertainty is evident in a number of pattern-solving exercises,...!! Eight of the nine people who have interviewed Trump most frequently work for Fox News or Fox Business Network. (The ninth works for News Corp.'s Wall Street Journal.) By that point, he had given six fewer interviews to the two Fox networks than he had to every other television network and local television station combined.

Publisher: Washington Post
Author: https www facebook com philip bump
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Devin Nunes claim on Russia, Clinton is a conspiracy theory | The Fresno Bee
Breaking news out of Washington, D.C.: Devin Nunes is a conspiracy theorist. In other words, he peddles false narratives invoking powerful and sinister forces for political gain.

My source on this isn't The New York Times, CNN or any other media entity. Nor is it a politician or some anonymous political staffer who spoke under the cloak of anonymity.

Nope. That label comes straight from prosecutors who work for the Justice Department. You know, that branch of our federal government that's responsible for the enforcement of law and administration of justice in the United States.

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Remember the Robert Muller hearing, called by congressional leaders in July to try and get to the bottom of whether Trump benefited from Russian interference in the 2016 election?

Well, our favorite congressman was having none of that . Instead, Nunes peddled an alternative theory: That it was the Obama administration, including Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, which conspired with Russia to give the Russians a stake in U.S. uranium production and make the Clintons filthy rich.

Publisher: fresnobee
Twitter: @FresnoBee
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Darren Weir: Trainer charged with animal cruelty and conspiracy - BBC Sport
The Melbourne Cup-winning trainer was given a four-year ban from the sport in February for possessing equipment used to deliver electric shocks to horses.

The 49-year-old is one of four men charged after an investigation by Victoria State's Sporting Integrity Intelligence Unit.

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He is one of Australia's top trainers and claimed a landmark victory in the 2015 Melbourne Cup when jockey Michelle Payne won aboard Prince Of Penzance,

Publisher: BBC Sport
Date: 2019/10/09 7:08:02
Twitter: @bbcsport
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While you're here, how about this:

How far-right conspiracy theories informed Trump's Ukraine call - The Washington Post
Access to the highest levels of intelligence in the world can't seem to deter the president of the United States from depending on unreliable right-wing sources to inform his decisions in high office.

"I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people … The server, they say Ukraine has it," Trump told Zelensky, according to the memo.

Trump appears to seek evidence from Ukraine based on a theory holding that there exists a CrowdStrike or DNC server that may contain or lack contents that would prove that the 2016 DNC hack was a hoax created by the Democrats to delegitimize Trump's defeat of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election! Why We Embrace Conspiracy Theories - ...embrace- conspiracy - theories There are simply too many moving parts. Those who believe in conspiracy theories tend to attribute far more control to human beings than they generally have.!! Trump was clearly referring to this abstract conception of a single server that is not, in fact, missing, and yet it is one of his frequently expressed obsessions as president and effectively opened an avenue for conservative media to rehash theories about the election! Why Do People Believe in Conspiracy Theories? | Psychology /.../201801/ conspiracy - theories The researchers found that reasons for believing in conspiracy theories can be grouped into three categories: The desire for understanding and certainty. The desire for control and security. The desire to maintain a positive self-image.!! In reality, the DNC decommissioned "more than 140 servers" and had to "rebuild at least 11 servers" to secure itself after it was hacked, according to a lawsuit filed by the DNC last year.

Publisher: Washington Post
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Former national security officials fight back as Trump attacks impeachment as 'deep state'
The debate over President Trump's fitness for office amid the House-led impeachment inquiry has put renewed scrutiny on national security officials who served in his administration to speak out, even as the president ramps up efforts to discredit the investigation as a "deep state" plot to destroy him.

Although the critiques have not all directly addressed the focus of the House investigation — Trump's request that Ukraine investigate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden — they have added to the case being made by the president's critics that he is putting U.S. security at risk.

Recent remarks by former national security adviser John Bolton and former State Department presidential envoy Brett McGurk — along with an open letter from a large group of national security figures including some who served under Trump — represent the latest clash between the president and the experts charged with keeping the nation safe.

Publisher: Washington Post
Author: https www facebook com nakamuradavid
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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