Sunday, October 13, 2019

Why conspiracy theories are deeply dangerous

Twitter: @NewStatesman
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Other things to check out:

Libra Association Member dismisses central bank concerns as "conspiracy theories" - Decrypt

But in an interview with Decrypt , Diogo Monica, the co-founder and president of Anchorage, one of the founding members of the Libra Association, dismissed those concerns! Why conspiracy theories are deeply dangerous ...-dangerous A conspiracy theory isn't a theory like any other. The official account of the 11 September 2001 attacks is a theory about a conspiracy – an al-Qaeda conspiracy – but not a conspiracy theory . What are called "conspiracy theories" subvert received opinion and are based on the idea that things aren't as they seem.!! Asked to comment on the "conspiracy" that Libra controls the ratio of the baskets in the currency, Monica said, "Conspiracy theories are one of those things that are not really worthy of commenting on." When pressed that concerns over the extent of Libra's control have been raised by the US Congress and the ECB, among others, Monica reiterated that he didn't "want to comment on conspiracy theories."

Monica said that the choices the Libra Association makes regarding the ratio of the basket of currencies are "based on how volatile we want the actual asset to be. And so that's just going to be the decision of the treasury! Why Do We Fall For Conspiracy Theories? - Science ABC ...conspiracy - theories .html We love patterns. Belief in conspiracy theories is primarily driven by a constant urge to avoid uncertainty, something that we deeply despise . Forming conspiracy theories seems to be a coping mechanism to regain certainty or control. The emotional satisfaction we gain by minimizing uncertainty is evident in a number of pattern-solving exercises,...!! There's nothing more to it."

Governments disagreed: European finance ministers called for the development of Libra to be blocked on European soil , representatives from the US Congress requested Facebook's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg testify on Libra , and one member of the executive board of the European Central Bank described the Libra Association as "cartel-like" .

Publisher: Decrypt
Date: 2019-10-11T12:25:01
Author: Decrypt Robert Stevens
Twitter: @decryptmedia
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Marianne Williamson entertained 9/11 conspiracy theories in 2012 interview - CNNPolitics
Publisher: CNN
Date: 2019-09-19T21:58:03Z
Author: Jamie Ehrlich Em Steck and Andrew Kaczynski CNN
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

How Trump's Conspiracy Theory Led to the Impeachment Crisis | Time

It took a complaint from an intelligence-community whistle-blower, released late last month, to reveal the weight of Trump’s Ukraine conspiracy theory and just how far the President has gone to support the notion that a vast network of enemies inside and outside his own government has been working against him. Trump has tried to mobilize the vast resources of his presidency–from Attorney General William Barr and the U.S. Justice Department to America’s national-security apparatus–and a team of investigative irregulars, led by his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani . This band of conspiracy cops has traveled the globe in a disorderly hunt for proof of the conspiracy Trump says is arrayed against him.

In the past, many of his advisers tried to redirect Trump. They urged the President to accept the consensus of U.S. intelligence agencies: the true conspiracy of the 2016 election was that Russia interfered on his side. But those voices are long gone. In their place is a network of far-right Internet denizens, conservative media and members of Trump’s inner circle, advancing theories that have taken shape over the past two years! Why We Embrace Conspiracy Theories - ...embrace- conspiracy - theories There are simply too many moving parts. Those who believe in conspiracy theories tend to attribute far more control to human beings than they generally have.!! Those seeds have fallen on fertile ground.

Publisher: Time
Date: Time
Twitter: @TIME
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Quite a lot has been going on:

Trump's Conspiracy Theories Got Him Into This - The Atlantic

But dig into the academic research on conspiracy theories, and you realize how odd the current environment actually is. Until Trump, scholars assumed that holding the White House inoculated parties from conspiracism! Why We Embrace Conspiracy Theories - ...embrace- conspiracy - theories -n2551652 None of this is good for the country, obviously. But the question is why Americans seem so apt to believe conspiracy theories these days. Some of that certainly has to do with social media, where ...!! They viewed conspiratorial thinking as a weapon of the weak, which couldn't seriously threaten the republic because its adherents wielded so little influence in government.

That's what makes today's GOP so unusual and so dangerous. Never before in modern American history has a political party been this paranoid and this powerful at the same time.

The real danger isn't the Republican Party's fantasies themselves. It's the realities that Trump and the GOP can use those fantasies to create.

Publisher: The Atlantic
Date: 2019-10-03T06:00:00-04:00
Author: Peter Beinart
Twitter: @theatlantic
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

How a conspiracy theory started on 4chan and ended up at the center of the Trump/Ukraine
Twitter: @MSNBC
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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