Humanoid robots have come a long, long way since Honda's Asimo took a nasty tumble down the stairs . Heck, we're seeing full gymnastics routines from the Boston Dynamics Atlas now.
But why should robots be limited by their legs, even if that's their primary propulsion? That's a question Caltech is toying with on its new LEONARDO robot , short for "LEgs ONboARD drOne," and this is the first real video of it in action (via BoingBoing ).
Simply put, it's a relatively lightweight walking robot that balances more like a drone than a typical bipedal bot — because it's literally got a set of drone propellers instead of arms. (It reminds us of this University of Tokyo bot with a quadcopter for a head.) Perhaps it's not as impressive as Disney's flying robotic stuntmen , but how often do you see a robot ballerina stand on one leg and twirl?
Not to change the topic here:
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Facebook's AI uses schemas to teach robots to manipulate objects in less than 10 hours of
Recently, a team at Facebook AI Research sought to imbue two robotic Sawyer arms with the ability to select appropriate steps from a library to complete an objective! Watch a two-legged robot balance and spin thanks to drone /en-us/news/technology/ ...-spin...Watch a two-legged robot balance and spin thanks to drone propellers Sean Hollister. 19 mins ago. Trump cites his 'unmatched wisdom' in Syria withdrawal 'Multiple whistleblowers' come forward.!! At each timestep, their agent had to decide which skill to use and what arguments to use for it (e.g., the location to apply force, the amount of force, or the target pose to move to). Despite the complexity involved, the team says that their approach yielded improvements in learning efficiency, such that manipulation skills could be discovered within only a few hours of training.
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The researchers gave the aforementioned two robotic arms a generic library of skills such as twisting, lifting, and reaching, which they had to apply to several lateral lifting, picking, opening, and rotating tasks involving varying objects, geometries, and initial poses! Watch a two-legged robot balance and spin thanks to drone ...thanks-to...Watch a two-legged robot balance and spin thanks to drone propellers Home 2019 October 7 Watch a two-legged robot balance and spin thanks to drone propellers feel free to call us +...3981 Associated Press, October 7, 2019 October 7, 2019, Technology, 0!! The schemas were learned in MuJoCo (a simulation environment) by training with low-dimensional input data like geometric and proprioceptive features (joint positions, joint velocities, end effector pose), and then transferred to visual inputs both in simulation as well as in the real world.
CoStar | Miami Condos With Robots and Mini-Apartments Sell Out
Quite a lot has been going on:
Military drills for robots: Researchers test human-like robots -- ScienceDaily
Army researchers tested ground robots performing military-style exercises, much like Soldier counterparts, at a robotics testing site in Pennsylvania recently as part of a 10-year research project designed to push the research boundaries in robotics and autonomy.
RoMan, short for Robotic Manipulator, is a tracked robot that is easily recognized by its robotic arms and hands -- necessary appendages to remove heavy objects and other road debris from military vehicles' paths.What's harder to detect is the amount of effort that went into programming the robot to manipulate complex environments.
The exercise was one of several recent integration events involving a decade of research led by scientists and engineers at the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command's Army Research Laboratory who teamed with counterparts from the NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory, University of Washington, University of Pennsylvania, Carnegie Mellon University and General Dynamics Land Systems.
Watch a robot made of robots move around | Science | AAAS
Good news for small, helpless robots who long to be a part of something bigger: Researchers have found a way to create "robots made of robots" that can move around, even though the individual parts can't travel on their own.
To create this robot horde, researchers designed several roughly iPhone-size machines called "smarticles"—short for smart particles—that could flap their small arms up and down but could not move from place to place by themselves! Titan.Social - Titan News: Watch a two-legged robot ...Titan News: Watch a two-legged robot balance and spin thanks to drone propellers!! They then put five of the smarticles in a plastic ring. This group of robots—which the researchers call a "supersmarticle"—could move by itself in random directions as the individual smarticles collided with each other.
The team then created an algorithm that allowed the supersmarticles to move as a group toward a source of light! two legged balancing robot with fluid transfer - YouTube / watch ?v=FcjAfEJuIIw The main idea for achieving balance during movement and/or weight lifting is to shift the center of gravity by transferring auxiliary weight in liquid form through pipes mounted across the legs.!! Each smarticle was outfitted with a light sensor that caused it to stop moving when it got too bright! Legged robots features, types, uses, advantages and robot ics/legged- robots ...Two-legged robots (Bipedal robots) can exhibit bipedal motion, Stability is maintained by calculating each step and moving the weight in a well-defined way, but they face two primary problems: stability control that refers to the robot 's balance , and motion control that refers to the robot 's ability to move, Bipedal robot has 2 legs, and ...!! When the front robots closest to the bulb stopped moving, the robots in the back, which were in the shadow of the front robots, kept flapping their arms and bumping into each other; they eventually pushed the whole group forward toward the light (see video), the team reports today in Science Robotics .
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