Monday, October 7, 2019

Viral video of unidentified lights off NC’s Outer Banks has people questioning — aliens or

Video of a mysterious group of lights in the sky captured off North Carolina's Outer Banks by a man visiting the area has gone viral on Youtube, sparking the classic debate: Was it aliens, or the military?

The video entitled “real UFO sighting,” was originally posted to the Youtube account of Williams Guy on Sept. 28 and shows what appears to be 14 glowing lights hovering motionless above the water.

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The 30-second video shows Guy filming an empty ocean and sky on a boat with the lights out of frame saying, “Look, nothing in the sky at all, then all of a sudden...” Guy then turns the camera to the glowing orbs that don’t appear to be moving at all.

“Anybody tell me what that is?” Guy continues in the video, as onlookers can be heard in the background giving off sounds of shock and amazement at the spectacle.

Publisher: FOX 10 Phoenix
Date: 2019-10-07
Twitter: @FOX10Phoenix
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Quite a lot has been going on:

Newsworthy Extraterrestrials | SETI Institute

Today, September 20, is the date on which people keen to "see them aliens" were urged to break through the fences of Area 51, a closed military test facility in the southern Nevada desert! Viral video of unidentified lights off NC's Outer Banks ...outer...Viral video of unidentified lights off NC's Outer Banks has people questioning — aliens or military? - Story | WWOR Video of a mysterious group of lights in the sky captured off North Carolina's Outer Banks by a man visiting the area has gone viral on Youtube, sparking the classic debate: Was it aliens, or the...!! Several million folk responded positively to an internet posting calling on them to storm the site and find the little gray guys.

In the end, the storm turned out to be only a squall: Despite the enthusiastic initial response to the internet story, 999 out of 1,000 who raised their hand decided they had more pressing matters on their plate! Viral video of unidentified lights off NC's Outer Banks ...has...Viral video of unidentified lights off NC's Outer Banks has people questioning — aliens or military? Video of a mysterious group of lights in the sky captured off North Carolina's Outer ...!! Perhaps schlepping to the desert – to confront both a lack of lodging and minimal food choices – sounded too off-putting! Surveillance video shows elderly man using walker being ...Viral video of unidentified lights off NC's Outer Banks has people questioning — aliens or military? Convict championed by Kim Kardashian released from prison.!! There's also the discouraging lack of credible evidence for aliens salted away inside.

But also of note this week is the story that the Navy has "confirmed" the videos made by its pilots in 2004 and 2015 showing what look like oddly shaped craft pacing some of their jets. These are the now-famous tic-tac videos, first brought to the attention of the public with a front-page story in the New York Times in mid-December, 2017. For many in the so-called UFO community, this admission may sound as if the government is confessing to having good evidence for alien visitation.

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Storm Area 51: The joke that became a 'possible humanitarian disaster' - BBC News

In Nevada's remote southern county of Lincoln lie two unassuming towns, their combined population, 173. Surrounded by arid landscapes and dusty roads as far as the eye can see, the towns of Rachel and Hiko appear unremarkable.

What makes them special, however, is their proximity to a top-secret US Air Force base, commonly known as Area 51. The mysterious military test area, long associated with UFO conspiracy theories, has cemented their place in alien folklore.

In these isolated towns, from 19 September, tens of thousands of people are expected to gather for two festivals, Alienstock and Storm Area 51 Basecamp.

Unlike most large-scale festivals, these events were not years in the making. Instead, they stemmed from an internet joke posted to Facebook just four months ago.

Publisher: BBC News
Author: https www facebook com bbcnews
Twitter: @BBCWorld
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

UFOs Are Real, But Don't Assume They're Alien Spaceships | Space

UFOs are very real, as we have recently seen — but that doesn't mean E.T. has been violating our airspace.

"UFO" refers to any flying object an observer cannot readily identify. And pilots with the U.S. Navy saw fast-moving UFOs repeatedly off the East Coast throughout 2014 and 2015, in one case apparently nearly colliding with one of the mysterious objects, The New York Times reported earlier this week. 

Those incidents were reported to the Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), whose existence the Times and Politico revealed in December 2017. (Interestingly, those 2017 stories cited Pentagon officials as saying that AATIP had been shut down in 2012.)

The Navy pilots said some UFOs reached hypersonic speeds without any detectable exhaust plumes, suggesting the possible involvement of super-advanced propulsion technology! ...foot 'shed' renting for The Navy pilots said some UFOs reached hypersonic speeds without any detectable exhaust plumes, suggesting the possible involvement of super-advanced propulsion technology,050 a month in ...Viral video of unidentified lights off NC's Outer Banks has people questioning — aliens or military? CA governor signs legislation allowing patients to buy HIV prevention meds from pharmacists ...!! Still, Defense Department officials aren't invoking intelligent aliens as an explanation, according to this week's Times story — and they're right to be measured in this respect, scientists say.

Date: 2019-05-31T19:07:42+00:00
Author: https www facebook com spacecom
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

While you're here, how about this:

Aliens, flying discs and sightings -- oh my-- A short history of UFOs in America

The UAPs are just a fraction of the incursions Navy training ranges see, Navy spokesperson Joe Gradisher told CNN. Which, of course, begs the question: Are we actually alone?

* * *

In that time, Air Force personnel looked at 12,618 reported UFO sightings and said that 701 remain "unidentified."

"Since Project Blue Book was closed, nothing has happened to indicate that the Air Force ought to resume investigating UFOs," the archives said.

The town of Roswell in New Mexico became shorthand for alien encounters in 1947 after reports that a flying object crash-landed in a field.

The Roswell Army Air Field initially said a "flying disk" had been recovered, but a second press release clarified that the object was from a weather balloon! Video of man using cigarette to light 11 rockets goes ...viral ...The video shows an unidentified man lighting as many as 11 rockets with a cigarette. Screengrab from YouTube video | Photo Credit: YouTube Caution 1: What you are about to see is very dangerous and should not be attempted under any circumstances.!! Since then, a number of supposed witnesses have said they saw the military take away the flying disc -- and bodies of aliens.

Publisher: KMGH
Date: 2019-09-20T14:51:57.11
Author: https www thedenverchannel com cnn
Twitter: @DenverChannel
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Area 51's secret history, explained by an expert - Vox

You may have heard about the viral meme that could lead to people to storming Nevada's famed Area 51 later this week in order to uncover the secrets of the mysterious US Air Force base.

It's an absurd (and incredibly dangerous) idea — the Air Force has warned that it will defend the facility vigorously — but the impulse behind it is perhaps understandable. For decades, the American imagination has run wild conjuring up all sorts of conspiracy theories about what is really going on at the site.

Is it a place where the US government is hiding UFOs and aliens? Or is it just a boring military base? And if it's just a boring military base, why is the US government so obsessed with keeping everything about it a secret?

To get some answers without risking getting shot at by the US military, I called up Annie Jacobsen, author of the book Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base .

Publisher: Vox
Date: 2019-09-18T12:00:00-04:00
Author: Alex Ward
Twitter: @voxdotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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