Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Solved: The Mysterious Origins of Your Coffee's Worst Nightmare - Gastro Obscura

Solved: The Mysterious Origins of Your Coffee's Worst Nightmare - Gastro Obscura

Almost a century later, the berry borer’s path of destruction continues unabated. It’s responsible for around $500 million in global damage each year, including $300 million worth of damage in Brazil alone . And it’s proved impossible to eradicate. “It’s been studied for over 100 years,” says Fernando Vega, Research Entomologist at the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, who has been studying the berry borer for decades. “Orthodox techniques don’t work.”

Despite the pest’s ubiquity, its origins remain mysterious. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the coffee berry borer originated in Central Africa! Showbiz David: Solved: The Mysterious Origins of a Wall ...solved - mysterious - ...wall.html Solved : The Mysterious Origins of a Wall Street Journal "Review" of The Big Apple Circus Last fall, when the new Big Apple Circus opened in New York, naturally I wanted to see the reviews. There were only a few of them from major publications, and the show posted excerpts from them on its very impressive website, the quotes appearing one after ...!! This is important information, says Vega, because if researchers know the climatic conditions of the insect’s origins, they can identify its natural enemies, hopefully harnessing these predators to destroy the bug, rather than relying on chemical pesticides! Videos for Solved : The Mysterious Origins Of Your 11:12 Historical Mysteries That Remain UNSOLVED! YouTube!! But scientists lack definitive proof of the borer’s origins, and short of taking a worldwide coffee tour or going back in time, researchers have been stumped as to how, precisely, to map its path around the world.

Publisher: Atlas Obscura
Date: 2019-10-14 18:22:00 -0400
Author: Reina Gattuso
Twitter: @atlasobscura
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Not to change the topic here:

Mysterious footprints claimed to be Bigfoot in North Carolina | WAVY.com

CLEVELAND COUNTY, N.C. (WCNC) — A man claims footprints in a Cleveland County wooded area are neither human or animal, but possibly evidence of Bigfoot.

Joe Scarborough is an electrician. Last week, he was working on a home near Casar when he spotted the tracks.

“It was 13, 14 inches, and so I went back to the truck and got the tape measure, and went back down there and it was fresh,” he says, adding observers could tell from the small plants pressed down in the mud.

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“I’m going to spend the night, and I’m going to take some game cameras and see what happens! 1:19:46 4000 Year Old Mayan Origins Enigma Solved by Decoding a Mysterious Manuscript YouTube!! I mean, why not?” he said.

CURRITUCK, N.C. (WAVY) -- If you've driven to the Outer Banks, no doubt you passed "The Cotton Gin." It had a little bit of everything.

Publisher: WAVY.com
Date: 2019-10-14T15:48:17+00:00
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How to treat the mysterious vaping-linked illness, according to CDC | Advisory Board Daily

According to the data, about 80% of patients in the reported cases are younger than 35, 21% are 18 to 20 years old, and 15% are younger than 18.

Anne Schuchat—CDC's principal deputy director, who is overseeing the agency's investigation into the matter—earlier this month said the number of reported cases is rising at a "brisk" pace, and the cases typically involve "really serious injuries." She said, "[W]e don't know how well people will recover from them, whether lung damage may be permanent."

CDC said it is unclear why those patients relapsed. However, Schuchat said it is possible that the lung illness made the patients more susceptible to other conditions, or that steroids used to treat the lung illness could "set [patients] up for increased infection risk."

CDC also said officials still do not know what is causing the illness and associated lung injuries. The agency noted that a majority of patients with the illness have reported using products containing the compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the high-inducing chemical found in marijuana! Mystery of King Arthur' s Existence Solved By Archaeologists mysterious facts.com/ ...king-arthur ...Mystery of King Arthur' s Existence Solved By Archaeologists Updated on June 30, 2019 Archaeologists have been searching for the birthplace of the legendary King Arthur and they think to believe they may have discovered it at a Cornish palace.!! However, investigators said they are not yet narrowing the scope of their probe, and CDC noted that 13% of cases involve patients who reported using only nicotine vaping products.

Date: 10-15-2019
Twitter: @AdvisoryBd
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Fortnite's entire map sucked into black hole, game down as mysterious stream begins | PC Gamer

Fortnite's latest in-game event ended with whatever the opposite of a big bang is, erasing the map from existence! How we solved the 1,...old mystery of the Druze ...phys.org ...mystery ...How we solved the 1,...old mystery of the Druze people's origin – with a genetic Sat Nav. And in fact by exchanging their diverse Near Eastern genes with Middle Eastern populations – such as Syrians and Palestinians – the Druze people created a more mixed genome than their ancestors, or other Middle Eastern populations.!! As the countdown to 'The End', as teased by Epic earlier this month, finished up, the new rocket built over the course of the season launched, flew through a rift, and seemingly duplicated itself dozens of times over via some wacky time loop logic. 

Those rockets then smashed a new hole in space-time directly in front of the meteor, frozen in place before it took out Dusty Depot back in the original timeline set by Season 3's events.  (Don't worry about making sense of it.) When will Fortnite be back up ? Sadly, we still don't know.

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After passing through the new rift, the meteor reemerged above Loot Lake, home of the vault where some more Matrix-adjacent timey-wimey stuff is kept, releasing whatever power was kept in there on impact. A singularity appeared on the spot, sucking in the entire map and, presumably, all of reality (in Fortnite). 

Publisher: pcgamer
Date: 2019-10-13T18:26:52+00:00
Author: https www facebook com pcgamermagazine
Twitter: @pcgamer
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Check out this next:

Images show damage after mysterious Iran oil tanker attack | The Seattle Times

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — New images have emerged of an Iranian oil tanker that Tehran says came under missile attack off Saudi Arabia’s coast in the Red Sea.

Video broadcast by the Saudi-owned satellite news channel Al Arabiya show what appears to be an oil slick behind the Sabiti.

Meanwhile, photos released by Iran’s Oil Ministry on Monday clearly showed the damage done to the Sabiti for the first time. Its hull appeared punctured just above the waterline in two areas in images taken Sunday.

Authorities in Iran say the ship is heading back to the Persian Gulf. They did not address the oil spill seen in the Al Arabiya video.

Iran said Friday the ship had been targeted in a missile attack, which has yet to be corroborated. Saudi Arabia denies being involved.

Publisher: The Seattle Times
Date: 2019-10-14 02:32:31
Twitter: @seattletimes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Ramesh Ponnuru: There's nothing mysterious about Republicans' support of Trump - Opinion

Based on the number of articles written about them, two of the great questions of our time are: Why do Republicans stick with Donald Trump? And what happened to all the "Never Trump" people? In recent days, The New York Times has published items about each of them.

* * *

The issues where Trump has broken with previous Republican leaders, meanwhile, are ones on which Republican voters don't have deep convictions. Take trade. While some Republican voters are unhappy about the effects of Trump's tariffs, very few are committed on principle to free trade: They didn't mind it when President George W. Bush put tariffs on steel, and they didn't mind it when Trump did either. Spending and entitlements are another example. In his first term Bush increased spending and expanded Medicare, and Republican voters stayed supportive. Trump has merely said he would keep entitlements as they are, and he has even been willing to backtrack on that pledge.

Publisher: The Times-News
Author: Ramesh Ponnuru Bloomberg
Twitter: @thetimesnews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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