Thursday, October 17, 2019

Navy admits UFO videos are real, but would like to stop using ‘UFO’ - The Washington Post

In December 2017, two videos emerged that showed Navy pilots encountering mysterious spherical objects that appeared, at first glance, to move through the air in ways that baffled experts! Videos for Navy Admits UFO Videos Are Real , But 9:21 US NAVY admits ufo siting **US NAVY LEAKED FOTAGE** YouTube!! A third, released in March 2018, depicted a similar encounter.

Everyone who watched — including the pilots who filmed them — had the same question: What, exactly, are these things?

Last week, a Navy official publicly called these mysterious objects "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)," giving name to the inscrutable little dots and reigniting scrutiny around the unidentified flying objects (a term the Navy does not want to use even though the objects that are flying cannot be identified.)

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"The Navy designates the objects contained in these videos as unidentified aerial phenomena," Joseph Gradisher, spokesman for the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, told the Black Vault blog , a massive civilian repository of government documents mostly obtained by Freedom of Information Act requests.

Publisher: Washington Post
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Not to change the topic here:

Area 51: A deep dive into aliens, UFOs, and conspiracy

The term "UFO" was coined in 1953 by the United States Air Force. Over the years it's come to include many things people have seen in the sky.

For decades, "Area 51" in the deserts of Nevada has been shrouded in mystery with rumors that alien secrets are held inside.

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"It wasn't acknowledged until 2013 that Area 51 truly existed," Barry Lewis Roth with the Colorado Mutual UFO Network said.

In 1955, the CIA was looking for a secure location for to test the Lockheed U-2 spy plane. That location became what is now Area 51.

Nearly a decade earlier in 1946, more than 2,000 sightings were reported worldwide, primarily by Swedish military.

"There was a rancher by the name of Max Brazzle that was checking out the pasture," Roth said. "He came across some debris field that had crashed there! 12:58 UFOs In The News - Strange Lights in NC - Buddhist Aliens - Navy Admits UAPs Are Real YouTube!! And he discovered unusual material on the ground and allegedly bodies that appeared to be not human."

Publisher: WXYZ
Date: 2019-09-27T17:39:13
Twitter: @wxyzdetroit
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Area 51's secret history, explained by an expert - Vox

You may have heard about the viral meme that could lead to people to storming Nevada's famed Area 51 later this week in order to uncover the secrets of the mysterious US Air Force base.

It's an absurd (and incredibly dangerous) idea — the Air Force has warned that it will defend the facility vigorously — but the impulse behind it is perhaps understandable! 3:49 Michio Kaku says the burden of proof has shifted to the government to demonstrate UFOs don't exist MSN!! For decades, the American imagination has run wild conjuring up all sorts of conspiracy theories about what is really going on at the site.

Is it a place where the US government is hiding UFOs and aliens? Or is it just a boring military base? And if it's just a boring military base, why is the US government so obsessed with keeping everything about it a secret?

To get some answers without risking getting shot at by the US military, I called up Annie Jacobsen, author of the book Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base .

Publisher: Vox
Date: 2019-09-18T12:00:00-04:00
Author: Alex Ward
Twitter: @voxdotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Alien (experts) to invade Danbury Library - StamfordAdvocate

The Danbury Library is hosting the Western Connecticut UFO Conference 2019 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday in the Farioly Program Room.

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DANBURY — Alien experts will touch down at Danbury Library this Saturday to discuss out-of-this-world theories on local UFO sightings.

The event will commemorate reports of UFO sightings in the Hudson Valley in the 1980s. UFO investigators, authors, guest speakers and presenters will pilot the discussion with stories of sightings across Connecticut.

Publisher: StamfordAdvocate
Date: 2019-10-17T17:20:00Z
Twitter: @StamAdvocate
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Other things to check out:

I 'stormed' Area 51 and it was even weirder than I imagined | US news | The Guardian

In the middle of the Nevadan desert, outside a secretive US military airstrip, I found the world's strangest social media convention.

Joining them was a ragged army of hundreds of stoners, UFO buffs, punk bands, rubberneckers, European tourists, people with way too much time on their hands, and meme-lords in Pepe the Frog costumes – all here because of the Internet, the ironic and the earnest alike, for a party at the end of the earth.

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Things snowballed. Within hours, the page had thousands of RSVPs. Within days it had more than a million. The air force warned that things would end badly for anyone attempting a raid. The FBI paid the hapless Matty Roberts a house call.

So he came up with a brilliant pivot: why not channel this momentum into a Burning Man-style music festival in the desert? He joined forces with Connie West, the operator of Rachel's sole inn and restaurant, to plan what they called Alienstock.

Publisher: the Guardian
Date: 2019-09-24T07:00:09.000Z
Author: J Oliver Conroy
Twitter: @guardian
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Alien Research Group Started by Blink-182 Singer Says It's Found 'Exotic UFO Material'

And he apparently now has something to show for it. In a recent Q&A with The New York Times , a reporter asked whether the group had obtained "exotic material samples from UFOs."

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It's still unclear what precise materials the Academy has gotten its hands on, and whether they relate in any way to the three videos it obtained of "unidentified aerial phenomena" that a spokesperson for the Navy recently revealed to be legitimate.

"What we have been doing is trying to find the most qualified individuals at the most respectable institutions to conduct scientific analysis," Luis Elizondo, the director of global security and special programs for DeLonge's group, told the Times .

"That scientific analysis includes physical analysis, it includes molecular and chemical analysis and ultimately it includes nuclear analysis."

Publisher: ScienceAlert
Author: Victor Tangermann Futurism
Twitter: @ScienceAlert
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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