Friday, October 18, 2019

How Ebola Conspiracy Theories Are Spreading in the Congo | Time

Today in Congo, private and informal clinics run by local entrepreneurs continue the tradition of doing more harm than good, said the WHO’s Margaret Harris. “People running these clinics are often not doctors and nurses! Congo's Ebola response threatened by conspiracy theories ...threatened- conspiracy ...People who have contracted Ebola are opting to die at home rather than seek treatment as conspiracy theories fuel distrust of the government and of health workers grappling with the crisis in the ...!! They’re often people with no health training! Videos for How Ebola Conspiracy Theories Are 2:59 Ebola Conspiracy Theories YouTube!! While medical personnel don’t have all the answers, they at least would hopefully understand infection control practices,” she told me. “There are extremely poor infection control practices in many of these health clinics! 4 Compelling Ebola Conspiracy Theories | The Rickey Smiley .../1555046/ ebola - conspiracy - theories 4 Compelling Ebola Conspiracy Theories [ORIGINAL] 1. Ebola was developed as a instrument of population control. 2. The U.S. Government purposefully created Ebola and implemented it via the Red Cross. 3. Ebola is a form of bioterrorism created by the United States government. 4. Ebola was ...!! Children are made to lay in beds previously occupied by Ebola patients and the beds have never been cleaned.” It’s potentially lethal and has hampered efforts to contain the outbreak.

Publisher: Time
Date: Time
Twitter: @TIME
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The Illuminati conspiracy | Who started the Illuminati? - BBC Ideas
Twitter: @bbcideas
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Rudy Giuliani's Twitter Feed Is a Boomer Conspiracy-Theory Sh*tshow

It's a place where President Donald Trump only betrayed the Kurds because they were running black sites for a global deep-state cabal; where former Trump Russia adviser Fiona Hill ran an anti-Trump spy ring out of the White House; where former Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta eats children; and where the pope is about to seize world power, and maybe already has.

It is the worst that the right-wing internet fever swamp has to offer, and it is all right there, waiting for Giuliani to consume.

With the president's personal lawyer now in hot water for helping to orchestrate an apparent pressure campaign to get the Ukrainian leadership to launch investigations beneficial to Trump's domestic political needs, the question being routinely asked is what compelled him to act in these ways. To answer that question, it's worth examining the dozen of hardcore conspiracy theory accounts that populate Giuliani's Twitter timeline.

Publisher: The Daily Beast
Date: 2019-10-17T09:29:56.000Z
Author: Will Sommer
Twitter: @thedailybeast
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Mick Mulvaney said US held up aid to Ukraine over 2016 conspiracies - Vox

Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney admitted — on camera, in front of reporters, in the White House briefing room — that the Trump administration withheld military aid to Ukraine to get it to investigate absurd, debunked conspiracy theories President Donald Trump believes in.

* * *

Trump has pushed two Ukraine-related conspiracy theories that have been repeatedly and widely discredited: 1) that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election, not Russia; and 2) that a Ukrainian-owned company whisked away a computer server from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to the Eastern European country to cover up that fact.

The truth is literally the opposite of all of that: Russia meddled in the 2016 election while favoring Trump; the company the president maligns — CrowdStrike — is headquartered in the US, not Ukraine; and there was never an actual physical server for anyone to take to Ukraine anyway.

Publisher: Vox
Date: 2019-10-17T14:45:00-04:00
Author: Alex Ward
Twitter: @voxdotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Other things to check out:

How Trump's Conspiracy Theory Led to the Impeachment Crisis | Time

It took a complaint from an intelligence-community whistle-blower, released late last month, to reveal the weight of Trump’s Ukraine conspiracy theory and just how far the President has gone to support the notion that a vast network of enemies inside and outside his own government has been working against him. Trump has tried to mobilize the vast resources of his presidency–from Attorney General William Barr and the U.S. Justice Department to America’s national-security apparatus–and a team of investigative irregulars, led by his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani . This band of conspiracy cops has traveled the globe in a disorderly hunt for proof of the conspiracy Trump says is arrayed against him.

In the past, many of his advisers tried to redirect Trump. They urged the President to accept the consensus of U.S. intelligence agencies: the true conspiracy of the 2016 election was that Russia interfered on his side. But those voices are long gone. In their place is a network of far-right Internet denizens, conservative media and members of Trump’s inner circle, advancing theories that have taken shape over the past two years! Conspiracy theories and Ebola virus transmission – Science ...conspiracy - ...transmission How conspiracy theories harm . For a virus described as spreading only through direct contact, recommendations for the use of masks, implying airborne spread to many, fuel such questions. In fact, face protection is recommended to prevent infectious droplets landing on vulnerable membranes (mouth and eyes).!! Those seeds have fallen on fertile ground.

Publisher: Time
Date: Time
Twitter: @TIME
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Why conspiracy theories are deeply dangerous
Twitter: @NewStatesman
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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