Monday, October 28, 2019

Balancing digital manufacturing with advanced subtractive laser technology | Cutting Tool

Balancing digital manufacturing with advanced subtractive laser technology | Cutting Tool

The success of modern product development and manufacturing efforts depends increasingly on being able to iterate quickly, test innovative ideas and shorten time to market! Balancing the digital manufacturing equation with advanced ...balancing - digital - manufacturing ...The terms digital or rapid prototyping are most often associated with additive manufacturing . However, as engineering product manager David Richter of Universal Laser Systems confirms, a modern digital manufacturing strategy, one that delivers high flexibility and process capability, can only be achieved by balancing additive methods with advanced subtractive technology.!! Products must be designed, materials evaluated, prototypes tested and parts manufactured faster than ever. With access to the right technology, agile teams can quickly go from design to production, using less resources and meeting customer demand! Agility in Digital Transformation | IndustryWeek ...agility- digital ...The Key to Balancing Speed , Agility in Digital Transformation Business Process Management and the philosophy "Think Big, Start Small," helped guide Quad Graphics to a staggering increase of A56M in free cash flow per year.!! A comprehensive rapid prototyping and manufacturing strategy offers an obvious advantage to businesses looking to keep their products and services competitive.

Although sophisticated and highly capable, additive manufacturing technologies are actually just one segment of rapid prototyping and manufacturing! Pocket Scales - Mini Pocket Scales - Wholesale Precision balance .com Welcome To US Balance / Awesome Wholesale: The Only Weigh US BALANCE / Awesome Wholesale is a leader in the digital scales production and distribution in North America. We have over seventeen years of experience in the digital scale manufacturing and distributing business. US- BALANCE can supply digital scales to fit any weighing application including custom applications of any kind.!! Digital subtractive systems increase capability by offering complementary functionality with similar flexibility and speed! Balancing digital investment is the vital thing for the manufacturing -sector Home Industry Dynamics Balancing digital investment is the vital thing for the manufacturing sector in India Balancing digital investment is the vital thing for the manufacturing sector in India. May 1, 2018 smevebqu Industry Dynamics , Manufacturing 0!! It is also worth noting that a large percentage of manufactured parts are made from flat raw materials.

Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Other things to check out:

Transform fuel authentication using advanced technology and data | Oil & Gas IQ

Fuel authentication programs are growing as fuel companies and national governments alike combat worldwide fuel manipulation that results in revenue losses equaling $133bn a year.

Revenue losses are incurred when stolen, adulterated or defrauded fuel is sold on the retail market at premium prices, affecting everything from brand reputations to government tax revenues and the environment.

View the infographic for an animated and interactive look at the types of actionable insights that can be garnered through a technologically advanced authentication solution.

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Reach Oil & Gas professionals through cost-effective marketing opportunities to deliver your message, position yourself as a thought leader, and introduce new products, techniques and strategies to the market.

Publisher: Oil & Gas IQ
Date: 2019-10-22
Author: Authentix
Twitter: @OilandGasIQ
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Solving The Problems With Fresh Food Delivery: Safety Concerns

Recent assessments by food auditor Steritech revealed that food safety problems are prevalent among supermarkets because of the increase in fresh produce and prepared food. Food delivery faces some of the same issues as companies struggle to keep perishable items at the right temperature! Balancing digital investment is the key imperative for ...balancing ...Balancing digital investment is the key imperative for Indian manufacturing sector : Research. Build a digital ready workforce: Recruit, train and retain talent with skills, such as software engineering and machine learning, for the digital enterprise . Encourage collaboration between people and machines .!! Dana Krug, who is the vice president and general manager of the Food and Beverage Division at Phononic, shared more in an interview.

"Although fresh food delivery comes with its share of challenges, there is a clear business case for making the investment. Fresh and perishable foods accounted for nearly half of all dollar sales growth in the grocery category in the last year, presenting a compelling argument to retailers fighting for dominance in this aggressively competitive market," Krug said.

Keeping food safe and fresh during deliveries is only one of the safety concerns that companies must handle. While they try to make food delivery more convenient for consumers, many companies are offering to put your groceries away for you, but this requires access to your home and creates new worries about safety for both customers and the delivery workers.

Publisher: Forbes
Date: 2019-10-29
Author: Lana Bandoim
Twitter: @forbes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

DecisionLogic Surpasses 40 Millionth Customer for Industry’s First Ever Instant Advanced

DecisionLogic originated its technology with a mission to improve asset verification for both the consumer and financial service provider, ultimately creating opportunities for a large portion of the population to access financial assets in times of need. Since its launch in 2011, the company has seen its technology experience widespread adoption as a crucial tool for underwriting amongst customers including major financial institutions, merchant lenders, mortgage brokers and consumer finance companies across the U.S. and internationally.

David Evans, DecisionLogic CEO, commented, "When we started DecisionLogic, the industry was incredibly tied to the credit score as the primary means for making underwriting decisions. But times have changed – online banking and financial technology have gone mainstream, and consumers and financial institutions now expect fast, secure services and an alternative to the traditional FICO score. In hitting the 40 millionth customer mark, our Instant Account Verification technology has become the primary form of alternative lending verification."

Date: 2019-10-28
Twitter: @businesswire
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

And here's another article:

4 questions with NATO on its unmanned tech test

BRUSSELS — As militaries around the world invest in advanced technology, the need to test the capabilities of new systems for military operations is critical — both to ensure the training of personnel as well as the effective integration with existing platforms.

Dozens of unmanned underwater, surface and air vehicles from NATO countries gathered in Portugal in September for Exercise REP (MUS) 19 to do just that: test technological advances in unmanned maritime systems networks.

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REP (MUS) 19 was built on the 10th annual Portuguese underwater exercise Recognised Environmental Picture (REP), with support from NATO's Maritime Unmanned Systems (MUS) initiative, the NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation, and the University of Porto's Laboratory for Underwater Systems and Technology.

The NATO Maritime Unmanned Systems Initiative (MUSI) was launched in October 2018 to promote capability development and interoperability in the field of maritime unmanned systems.

Publisher: Defense News
Date: 2019-10-28T13:00:29.833Z
Author: Martin Banks
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Honeywell Eyes Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Robotics Center - Area Development
Publisher: Area Development
Date: 2019-10-28 12:00
Author: Area Development News Desk
Twitter: @AreaDevelopment
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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