Monday, October 14, 2019

Alterowitz Gym hosts 10th Annual Girls-n-Science event

BILLINGS — Girls who may be pursuing a career in Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Math (STEM) received some encouragement on Saturday.

Girls-n-Science provided an opportunity to learn about careers in these fields at 31 different booths.

Girls from fourth through eighth grades were invited to participate in the event held in Alterowitz Gym at the Montana State University-Billings's campus.

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The event used to be called "Chicks-n-Science," but the same ideas are still used now to introduce girls to STEM.

"If they don't know how fun it can be and they don't know that those options are even out there, then they tend to go towards other things," said Michelle McMullen, MSUB lecturer. "This way, at least they've been exposed and they have that idea in their head and maybe some really good excitement and fun memories attached to it."

Publisher: KTVQ
Date: 2019-10-13T16:37:11.636
Twitter: @ktvq
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Check out this next:

Fun run | EurekAlert-- Science News

Attention runners: The next time you go out for a jog, you might want to strap a light resistance band between your feet. This rather quirky but oddly effective hack, according to UC Santa Barbara mechanical engineer Elliot Hawkes, could make you a more efficient runner by approximately 6.4%.

"In running, the energy is mostly wasted," said Hawkes, who conducted research on this topic while at Stanford University! 10th annual ...Science set for Saturday | Local /news/local/th- annual ...Montana State University Billings invites the community to the 10th annual ...Science event Saturday for a variety of hands-on STEM activities beginning at 1 p .m. in Alterowitz Gym .!! His paper appears in the Journal of Experimental Biology .

Running is an extremely inefficient activity for the human body (which is why it's also a calorie-torching workout). According to Hawkes' study, for every 10 calories burned, less than one calorie is needed to maintain a constant forward velocity! October 7, 2019 – Welcome! Visitors Guide ...October 24, 5:30-8 p.m. In partnership with MSU-Billings, we are offering an artist talk with Ali Kaaf. Ali Kaaf graduated from the Institut des Beaux-Arts in Beirut, Lebanon, and continued his studies at Universität der Künste in Berlin under the supervision of Professors Marwan Kassab Bachi and Rebecca Horn.!! The other nine calories are spent keeping us from falling as we pound the pavement with our bodymass, as well as braking and accelerating the swinging leg. Hawkes noticed this inefficiency while biking at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco at a cycling track concentric with a running track.

Publisher: EurekAlert--
Date: 2019-10-08 04:00:00 GMT/UTC
Twitter: @EurekAlert
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Mechanical engineer's simple running hack is fun and increases efficiency -- ScienceDaily

Attention runners: The next time you go out for a jog, you might want to strap a light resistance band between your feet. This rather quirky but oddly effective hack, according to UC Santa Barbara mechanical engineer Elliot Hawkes, could make you a more efficient runner by approximately 6.4%.

"In running, the energy is mostly wasted," said Hawkes, who conducted research on this topic while at Stanford University! MSU Billings women to honor Pink Night Thursday ...(MSUB Athletics release) BILLINGS – Alterowitz Gym will be adorned with pink on Thursday night, as the Montana State University Billings women's basketball team renews its annual partnership with the St. Vincent Healthcare EVA Project for the 2018 edition of Pink Night.!! His paper appears in the Journal of Experimental Biology .

Running is an extremely inefficient activity for the human body (which is why it's also a calorie-torching workout). According to Hawkes' study, for every 10 calories burned, less than one calorie is needed to maintain a constant forward velocity! 10th annual Burg Comics Con set for Saturday in Harrisburg ...10th - annual ...10th annual ...Science set for Saturday 23+ hour, 37+ min ago Federal government investigating bankrupt Wyoming coal mine operator for fraud Montana State University Billings invites the community to the 10th annual ...Science event on Saturday, to take part in a variety of hands-on STEM activities beginning at 1 p .m. in Alterowitz Gym .!! The other nine calories are spent keeping us from falling as we pound the pavement with our bodymass, as well as braking and accelerating the swinging leg. Hawkes noticed this inefficiency while biking at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco at a cycling track concentric with a running track.

Publisher: ScienceDaily
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Where pie science meets imagination: How Table Talk Pies comes up with their fun new flavors -

But instead of seeing cascading lines of unintelligible green symbols , he sees towering Excel spreadsheets of ingredients! Summerville hosts 10th annual Louis Mulkey Invitational ...mulkey...Summerville hosts 10th annual Louis Mulkey Invitational ...This is the 10th year for the SHS tournament in memory of Mulkey, a former Summerville coach and Charleston Fire Department captain who ...!! He looks past the colorful packaging and tries to figure out what's happening with water activity and starch breakdowns in that 4-inch, $1 pastry.

That's because, for Table Talk Pies in Worcester, the process of coming out with a new, exciting flavor is part "The Matrix" and part "Willy Wonka."

READ MORE: I went inside the Table Talk Pies R&D department to try their pie prototypes: Here's they're working on

"When I first started here, I'm making like, 600-pound bowls of chocolate, making 3,000 pounds of filling. That's all I could think of, Willy Wonka," Warren, the company's product control manager, says. "Then I'm looking around and I'm like, 'They look like Oompa Loompas.'"

Publisher: masslive
Date: 2019-10-10T14:02:51.363Z
Author: Nick O
Twitter: @masslivenews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Check out this next:

A Fun New Paper Says Planet 9 Could Actually Be a Primordial Black Hole

At the edge of our Solar System, some unknown object is manipulating the paths of chunks of ice as they circle the Sun.

These objects' oval-shaped orbits all point in the same direction and tilt the same way, suggesting that an unseen force is herding them.

At first, scientists thought the culprit was a mysterious planet, which they dubbed Planet Nine (though some call it Planet X ).

But a new paper suggests the gravitational pull could come from a primordial black hole – a type of small black hole that scientists have theorised formed during the Big Bang .

Although the existence of primordial black holes has not been confirmed, some scientists think the Universe is teeming with them. If they exist, such black holes could make up the 80 percent of the Universe that scientists can't see.

Publisher: ScienceAlert
Author: Morgan McFall Johnsen Business Insider
Twitter: @ScienceAlert
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Rainy day games to banish boredom | Popular Science

Kids aren't the only ones who get stir-crazy when the weather causes outdoor plans to be canceled. So what to do when you're home unexpectedly, you've already binge-watched your favorite shows, or you'd like to get away from screens for a few hours? Maybe it's because of the unfortunate homonym, but we think board games are an underrated solution. We chose these (extremely-not-boring) games because, in addition to having fun with family and friends, you'll actually learn something.

Searching our brains for random factoids gathered from history, science, geography, art and pop culture is fun. But if you're craving something more, you'll enjoy the additional thinking skills required to move around the game board in Wit's End: identifying the Odd-1-Out in a category, ordering sets in Sequence questions, or solving rhyming riddles with a Teaser. Compete as individuals or in teams with teens (16 and up) and adults.

Publisher: Popular Science
Twitter: @popsci
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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