Monday, September 30, 2019

Binodal Wireless Epidermal Electronic Systems With In Sensor Analytics For Neonatal Intensive Care

Neonatal care, particularly for premature babies, is complicated by the infants' fragility and by the need for a large number of tethered sensors to be attached to their tiny bodies! Binodal, wireless epidermal electronic systems with in ...We have developed a wireless , battery-free vital signs monitoring system that exploits a binodal pair of ultrathin, low-modulus measurement modules, each referred to as an epidermal electronic ...!! Chung et al. developed a pair of sensors that only require water to adhere to the skin and allow for untethered monitoring of key vital signs (see the Perspective by Guinsburg). On-board data processing allowed for efficient wireless near-field communication using standard protocols! (PDF) Binodal, wireless epidermal electronic systems with ...Binodal _ wireless _ epidermal ...Binodal, wireless epidermal electronic systems with in-sensor analytics for neonatal intensive care Article (PDF Available) in Science 363(6430):eaau0780 · March 2019 with 632 Reads!! The absence of cables makes it easier to handle the infants and allows for skin-to-skin contact between the babies and their parents or caregivers
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In neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), continuous monitoring of vital signs is essential, particularly in cases of severe prematurity! BIOMEDICINE Binodal,wireless epidermal electronic ...RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY BIOMEDICINE Binodal,wireless epidermal electronic systemswith in-sensor analytics for neonatal intensive care Ha Uk Chung*, Bong Hoon Kim*, Jong Yoon Lee*, Jungyup Lee*,ZhaoqianXie*,!! Current monitoring platforms require multiple hard-wired, rigid interfaces to a neonate's fragile, underdeveloped skin and, in some cases, invasive lines inserted into their delicate arteries! Northwestern University team develops wireless sensors for ...with-in...Published in Science, 28 February 2019: A team from Northwestern University has published on their wireless sensor technology, used for intrapartum and newborn monitoring. "In neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), continuous monitoring of vital signs is essential, particularly in cases of severe prematurity.!! These platforms and their wired interfaces pose risks for iatrogenic skin injury, create physical barriers for skin-to-skin parental/neonate bonding, and frustrate even basic clinical tasks! Binodal, wireless epidermal electronic systems with in ...with-in...Binodal , wireless epidermal electronic systems with in-sensor analytics for neonatal intensive care Existing vital sign monitoring systems in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) require multiple wires connected to rigid sensors with strongly adherent interfaces to the skin.!! Technologies that bypass these limitations and provide additional, advanced physiological monitoring capabilities would directly address an unmet clinical need for a highly vulnerable population.

Publisher: Science
Date: 2019-03-01
Author: Ha Uk Chung
Reference: Visit Source

In case you are keeping track:

Trump, DeVos bungle Special Olympics budget | TheHill
In two separate congressional hearings, DeVos found herself defending the cuts in Trump's 2020 spending request, only to have the president turn around and denounce his own proposal
The contrasting positions played out amid a backdrop of lawmakers grilling agency chiefs about draconian cuts to popular government programs, leaving administration officials with the choice of defending the spending reductions or disagreeing with Trump, who is known to prize loyalty among his Cabinet members
DeVos went before appropriators to defend the administration's proposal to slash $8.5 billion, or 12 percent, from the education budget
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But appropriators seized on the $18 million cut for the Special Olympics, the world's largest sporting event for adults with disabilities. Trump has proposed cutting funding to it in each of his three annual budget proposals.

Publisher: TheHill
Date: 2019-03-29T17:56:39-04:00
Author: Niv Elis
Reference: Visit Source

America must get out of the woods on medical research funding | TheHill
Congress is finally (hopefully) about to vote on the 2018 federal budget and in doing so, will determine funding levels for critical medical research infrastructure
As negotiations play-out, a broad network of stakeholders — some inside the Beltway, and others at key academic centers across the nation — ask with increased urgency: Will medical research get its due? Will promising scientific research be supported at levels that produce breakthroughs? Or will the U.S. pass on opportunities to deliver new therapies and cures and cede leadership to other nations
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According to ACT for NIH, while any funding increase is positive, it would take $2.6B a year for the next 5 years to get us back to the purchasing power in 2003 – and given the promise of imminent breakthroughs, we should be investing more.

Publisher: TheHill
Date: 2018-01-16T17:00:07-05:00
Author: Claire Pomeroy opinion contributor
Reference: Visit Source

Metal oxide semiconductor nanomembrane–based soft unnoticeable multifunctional electronics for wear

Wearable human-machine interfaces (HMIs) are an important class of devices that enable human and machine interaction and teaming. Recent advances in electronics, materials, and mechanical designs have offered avenues toward wearable HMI devices. However, existing wearable HMI devices are uncomfortable to use and restrict the human body's motion, show slow response times, or are challenging to realize with multiple functions. Here, we report sol-gel-on-polymer–processed indium zinc oxide semiconductor nanomembrane–based ultrathin stretchable electronics with advantages of multifunctionality, simple manufacturing, imperceptible wearing, and robust interfacing. Multifunctional wearable HMI devices range from resistive random-access memory for data storage to field-effect transistors for interfacing and switching circuits, to various sensors for health and body motion sensing, and to microheaters for temperature delivery. The HMI devices can be not only seamlessly worn by humans but also implemented as prosthetic skin for robotics, which offer intelligent feedback, resulting in a closed-loop HMI system.

Publisher: Science Advances
Date: 2019-08-01
Reference: Visit Source

Predicting A Hurricane S Intensity Can Prove Difficult

Newswise — FORT LAUDERDALE/DAVIE, Fla. – Rapid intensification is a serious challenge for the prediction of hurricane intensity! Predicting A Hurricane's Intensity Can Prove Difficult ...-prove...Predicting A Hurricane's Intensity Can Prove Difficult September 29, 2019 September 29, 2019 Eurasia Review 0 Rapid intensification is a serious challenge for the prediction of hurricane intensity .!! An example is Hurricane Maria in 2017, which intensified to a Category 5 storm within 24 hours and destroyed Puerto Rico. None of the computer models were able to predict it. A more recent example is Hurricane Dorian, which was predicted to become just a tropical storm, before it rapidly intensified into a Category 5 storm and caused extensive damage in the Bahamas

An Index to Better Estimate Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change in the Western North Pacific, published in the September 2019 issue of American Geophysical Union’s journal Geophysical Research Letters, includes a new operational algorithm that improves prediction of the rapid intensification that may occur in tropical cyclones within 24 hours! Predicting a hurricane's intensity can prove difficult ...FORT LAUDERDALE/DAVIE, Fla. - Rapid intensification is a serious challenge for the prediction of hurricane intensity . An example is Hurricane Maria in 2017, which intensified to a Category 5 storm ...!! The paper is a collaborative effort between researchers from the United States and the Republic of Korea.

Reference: Visit Source

And here's another article:

Researchers fly through Hurricane Dorian to learn science behind devastation
Publisher: NBC News
Twitter: @NBCNews
Reference: Visit Source

States and university systems are planning major online initiatives. How many can take off?
Numerous public university systems and state flagships are planning ambitious online endeavors. How many succeed in a competitive marketplace will depend on pricing, execution and leadership
From Massachusetts to California, as many as two dozen state university systems, individual flagship campuses and other public universities are talking publicly (or quietly) about undertaking ambitious online learning initiatives
Some are focused on enrollment or revenue growth, some on better serving the millions of working adults or other populations of Americans that traditional higher education has historically struggled to reach

Some aim to join the ranks of regional or even national players like Arizona State, Southern New Hampshire and Western Governors Universities; others strive to retake or hold on to state residents now studying online at institutions elsewhere.

Reference: Visit Source

Trump's Doctored Hurricane Photo and the False Forecast Law | Time
On Wednesday, as Americans along the East Coast warily watched the progress of Hurricane Dorian, observers across the country noted something else with alarm

When President Trump held up a map of Hurricane Dorian’s projected path, it included a Sharpie-drawn extension to show the storm hitting Alabama — an apparent attempt to defend an incorrect tweet he posted on Sunday, which claimed that Alabama was one of the states in the path of the storm! Predicting a Hurricane's Intensity Can Prove Difficult ...difficult Predicting a Hurricane's Intensity Can Prove Difficult – But Very Important. Posted on September 23, 2019 by jdonzelli. New Study Shows Possible Improvement In Rapid Intensification Predictions . FORT LAUDERDALE/DAVIE, Fla. – Rapid intensification is a serious challenge for the prediction of hurricane intensity . An example is Hurricane ...!! In fact, the National Hurricane Center did not, at any point, include Alabama in its forecast for where Dorian would fall. (Alabama did appear on a map of the probability of tropical storm conditions, but with low likelihood of actually seeing those conditions, according to the Washington Post.)

Publisher: Time
Date: onetime,White House
Twitter: @TIME
Reference: Visit Source

Were you following this:

What Will Turn Hurricane Dorian? How Wide Is the Eye? Your Questions Answered.
As Hurricane Dorian, one of the strongest storms ever recorded in the Atlantic, continues to batter the Bahamas and approach the United States mainland, millions of people who may be in its path are watching — and worrying! Predicting a Hurricane's Intensity Can Prove Difficult ...difficult Predicting a Hurricane's Intensity Can Prove Difficult New Study Shows Possible Improvement In Rapid Intensification Predictions . ...2019 2:25 PM EDT. Nova Southeastern University.!! We asked readers what they want to know about Dorian! Predicting a hurricane's intensity can prove difficult predicting - hurricanes - intensity - ...difficult-634850 Predicting a hurricane's intensity can prove difficult FORT LAUDERDALE/DAVIE, Fla. - Rapid intensification is a serious challenge for the prediction of hurricane intensity . An example is Hurricane Maria in 2017, which intensified to a Category 5 storm within 24 hours and destroyed Puerto Rico.!! Answering those questions is Prof. Adam Sobel, an atmospheric scientist and director of the Initiative on Extreme Weather and Climate at Columbia University and the author of "Storm Surge," a book about Superstorm Sandy

The motion of hurricanes is determined mainly by what meteorologists call the "steering flow," or "environmental flow," meaning the winds on a larger scale, excluding the swirling circulation of the hurricane itself. Think of the storm as a swirl you make in a river with a canoe paddle: It has its own little circulation, but the whole thing drifts with the river current on the larger scale. The environmental flow can vary in both speed and direction at different altitudes; the storm follows the low-level winds most, but the winds higher up also have an influence.

Date: 2019-09-03T21:03:02.000Z
Reference: Visit Source

Happening on Twitter

How To Connect Your Ps4 And Xbox Controllers To Your Iphone Or Ipad

iOS 13 is available now and it brings with it a bunch of new features, including the possibility to pair your PS4 or Xbox controller via Bluetooth with your iPhone or iPad. Plus, Mac computers and Apple TV devices will also be capable of pairing up with your controllers
This will be extremely handy for gamers that already own a console and don’t want to spend money on a controller to use only for their iOS devices
To be clear, you can only pair your PS4 or Xbox controller if your device has iOS 13. This update has been available since September 19, 2019
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You can also connect your controller to your Mac

So there are a lot of devices to choose from. However, if you don’t have any of these devices, then you won’t be able to use your controllers for gameplay! Videos for How To Connect Your Ps4 And Xbox 10:01 How to Connect your PS4 to Xbox One S & enjoy upscaling thru XB1S YouTube!! With that out of the way, here’s how to connect your PS4 and Xbox One controllers to your iPhone or iPad.

Publisher: iDrop News
Date: 2019-09-28T10:00:30-07:00
Twitter: @idropnews
Reference: Visit Source

Were you following this:

iPad OS And TV OS Are Out Now, Enabling Apple Arcade And PS4/Xbox Controller Support - GameSpot
Publisher: GameSpot
Date: " id=
Twitter: @GameSpot
Reference: Visit Source

Apple Arcade Promises Games Anywhere and on Any Device. It (Mostly) Works. - VICE
I'm one of those people. Our house is loaded with Apple devices, new and old. None of our iPads, primarily used to read Twitter and stream Netflix, are getting software updates anymore, which means Apple Arcade isn't supported! 7:35 How to connect your ps4 and xbox one s controller to your phone iPhone/android) YouTube!! But our Apple TV is ready to roll
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The next piece of weirdness involves control schemes. You can use an iPhone or iPad as a remote to control the Apple TV, but it cannot act as a touch screen controller for games on Apple TV. While some games natively support the awful Apple TV remote, which sports a few buttons and a touch pad, others explicitly require syncing a proper bluetooth controller

It was little surprise, then, to find a note by the developers of Exit the Gungeon stating it "was conceived as a game played with a controller, or keyboard and mouse," even though they were "pleasantly surprised by where we've gotten to with the [touch screen controls]."

Publisher: Vice
Date: 2019-09-25T22:16:20Z
Author: Patrick Klepek
Twitter: @vice
Reference: Visit Source

AltStore is an alternative iOS App Store with a built-in Nintendo emulator - The Verge
Testut released AltStore earlier today in an early preview form. The full application launches on Saturday, September 28th, with Testut's full Delta emulator as one of the available apps within the store! 4:51 ** HOW TO CONNECT YOUR XBOX OR PS4 CONTROLLER TO YOUR IPAD OR IPHONE!** (NOT CLICKBAIT) YouTube!! It's already available as an open source project on GitHub
For now, a version of Delta, called Delta Lite, is available in the preview that supports NES games. Testut says the full version will support SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, and Nintendo 64 platforms, with more to come

You may be wondering how exactly Testut is able to distribute not just his own emulator app, but also his own entire alternative app store! How to connect your PS4 and Xbox One S controller with ...On your Xbox One S controller, power it on by pressing the Xbox button. Put your Xbox One S controller into pairing mode by holding down the Connect button on the top for about three seconds. The Xbox One S controller should show up in the Other Devices as Xbox Wireless Controller. Tap on Xbox Wireless Controller to pair.!! It's a simple but resilient method, Testut says, and it builds off years of exploits and other tricks the iOS developer and jailbreak communities have concocted to bypass Apple's restrictions. Testut in fact notably exposed one of those tricks back in 2014, when he used the Apple Developer Enterprise Program designed to allow businesses to internally distribute software as a way to let anyone install his earlier Nintendo emulator, GBA4iOS.

Publisher: The Verge
Date: 2019-09-25T19:32:43-04:00
Author: Nick Statt
Twitter: @verge
Reference: Visit Source

Happening on Twitter

Google And Levi S Smart Jacket Gets A Small But Useful Update

Because of that, the first iteration focused on a relatively narrow set of applications -- you could tap or swipe on the left cuff to control your music, have your incoming messages read out to you or find out where to make your next turn. A Bluetooth dongle tucked away in the sleeve talks to your phone to make all this happen, and is so unintrusive that I often forget it's there
Since launching Jacquard, Google's added some small updates, letting you find your phone or make the Bluetooth dongle light up. But nothing superexciting

Now it's getting an update that brings a few more useful features. With the rollout of Jacquard 1.2 this week, you can bookmark places you pass in the app and get alerts when your Lyft or Uber are arriving! - Shop Levi 's® Jackets - Free Shipping on Orders Now it's getting an update that brings a few more useful features. With the rollout of Jacquard 1.2 this week, you can bookmark places you pass in the app and get alerts when your Lyft or Uber are arriving00+ www. levi .com/Official/ jackets Shop This Season's Newest Levi 's® Jackets Before They're Gone. Free Shipping Now it's getting an update that brings a few more useful features! Customized by Levi's® Personalize Your Jackets & T-Shirts Create Your Own Custom Classics!! With the rollout of Jacquard 1.2 this week, you can bookmark places you pass in the app and get alerts when your Lyft or Uber are arriving00+ · Shop Gift Cards · Real-Time Chat Support Types: Skinny, Straight, Bootcut, Tapered, Stretch 2855 Stevens Creek Blvd, Santa Clara, CA (408) 247-5180 Directions Levi's® Made & Crafted® Premium Denim, Finest Materials. Shop the Collection Today.!! If you own a pair of Bose QuietComfort 30 or 35 headphones, you can use your jacket to toggle noise-cancellation! Google and Levi's smart jacket gets a small but useful update /2018/05/14/ google - levis - smart - ...hands-on Google and Levi's smart jacket gets a small but useful update. The Jacquard team is slowly exploring the best uses for connected clothing. Cherlynn Low, @cherlynnlow. 05.14.18 in Wearables.!! These changes aren't groundbreaking, but they are useful in specific scenarios.

Publisher: Engadget
Date: 2018-05-14T12:00:00-04:00
Author: https www engadget com editors cherlynn low
Twitter: @engadget
Reference: Visit Source

This may worth something:

Project Jacquard: Google And Levi's Launch The First 'Smart' Jean Jacket For Urban Cyclists
At initial glance, the new "Levi's Commuter x Jacquard by Google Trucker Jacket" appears like a straightforward piece of clothing! Levi's smart jacket with Google technology is in stores ...Levi's and Google made a smart jacket , and you can buy it now. The denim jacket includes a sleeve where you can hear text messages or directions.!! There's nothing that shouts technology – no big flashing screens, no hefty battery packs, no suggestion that it does anything more than just look good
In fact, explore a little closer and the only unusual thing you'll spot on this jean jacket is a slight error in the weave alongside a black strap partially wrapped around the cuff of the sleeve, modeled as a version of what you'd find on a trench coat
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"Last year we left it quite open [what the product might be]; it could have been jeans or smart pants. But what we've now got is a functional and fashionable garment in the Commuter Jacket, where technology is serving a very clear purpose," explains Ivan Poupyrev, technical program lead at Google's ATAP, on a call ahead of today's announcement.

Publisher: Forbes
Date: 2016-05-20
Author: Rachel Arthur
Twitter: @forbes
Reference: Visit Source

Chicago's MSI opens first-ever exhibit on wearable tech | blooloop
Wired to Wear features cutting-edge tech from brands, designers, engineers and artists, including Google, Intel, Microsoft, and NASA
“We are thrilled to open Wired to Wear and are confident that the experience will redefine how people think about wearable technology and what it can become
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Throughout Wired to Wear, guests will see examples of how wearable technology is fuelling innovation to revolutionise the benefits clothing can and will provide, including:

MSI is simultaneously launching Makers United, a complementary experience where guests will assemble their own wearable product with circuit building and fabricated materials

Technology continues to be integral in creating unique and memorable visitor experiences – read more about the key attraction technology trends for 2019, from VR and AR, to bots and AI.

Publisher: Blooloop
Reference: Visit Source

Film festival's techCenter shows off OKC tech industry
For the second year, deadCenter Film Festival organizers are showcasing technology used by Oklahoma companies and the film industry
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Visitors will see Levi's Commuter X Jacquard jacket by Google, a piece of wearable tech that deadCenter Executive Director Lance McDaniel said will allow people to do "computing on their sleeve Other exhibits include local companies, like the augmented reality game Wristworld created by Norman middle school students, which debuted at the Toy Fair in New York City this year
Trifecta, which served as a mentor to Wristworld's developers, will show off its augmented reality products along with Clevyr, an Oklahoma City software and tech company

"We will be showcasing some of our work, both internal projects we've worked on and projects we worked on for our clients that utilize augmented or virtual reality, or both," said Mike Slack, vice president of sales and marketing at Clevyr.

Date: 2019-06-07T01:05:19-05:00
Twitter: @newsok
Reference: Visit Source

Happening on Twitter

The Daily 202 Antitrust Is All The Rage Monopolies And Mergers Emerge As Major Issues In The Democratic Primaries

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) speaks on Saturday afternoon at the Heartland Forum on the campus of Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa. (Nati Harnik/AP
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Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) quotes William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech as she channels the prairie populism that catapulted him to the Democratic nomination in 1896. "Like Bryan, I will fight for farmers," she promises
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) calls for a modern-day Granger movement, the coalition of Midwestern farmers that formed after the Civil War to challenge hefty fees being charged by monopolistic railroads to transport their grain to market

"Literally this movement started when farmers were out there with their pitchforks … and that's what we need to see today," Klobuchar told hundreds of farmers during a forum here in rural northwestern Iowa on Saturday afternoon. "Our railroads … are down to four, the same number as on the Monopoly board! The Daily 202: Antitrust is all the rage. Monopolies and /news/powerpost/paloma/ daily - 202 /2019/04/01/ daily - 202 ...The Daily 202 : Antitrust is all the rage . Monopolies and mergers emerge as major issues in the Democratic primaries .!! We are entering what is essentially a new Gilded Age, and we need to take on the power of these monopolies! 4:31 PM 4/1/2019 - Antitrust is all the rage. Monopolies ...antitrust - ...rage .html The Daily 202: Antitrust is all the rage. Monopolies and mergers emerge as major issues in the Democratic primaries . The Washington Post With Joanie Greve and Mariana Alfaro .!! We're getting to the point where you know you're not going to be able to get a fair deal."

Publisher: Washington Post
Date: Why candidates are talking more about the 1890s.
Author: https www facebook com jhohmann
Reference: Visit Source

Check out this next:

Spring Arts Preview 2019 - News - Worcester Magazine - Worcester, MA
In this very special issue, you'll find everything fun to do this spring around Central Mass. Our extensive lists cover Arts & Exhibits, Theater, Film, Music and Literature! Understanding Antitrust Laws Monopolies Antitrust Issues ...2646468 The Daily 202 : Antitrust is all the rage . Monopolies and mergers ...Apr 1, 2019 ...Monopolies and mergers emerge as major issues in the Democratic primaries. ...Des Moines Register promising to strengthen antitrust laws .!! A story leads off each section! Antitrust is all the rage. Monopolies and mergers emerge .../128746308 Antitrust is all the rage . Monopolies and mergers emerge as major issues in the Democratic primaries (Original post)!! Spring has sprung! .../ Antitrust Issues .../ Antitrust Issues Legal, economics experts join Justice Department in seeking reversal of monopoly ruling against Qualcomm Groups file briefs with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals calling into question the District Court's findings and remedies The San Diego Union-Tribune!! Let Worcester Magazine help you find out how to make the most of it by enjoying the best of what Central Mass has to offer
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The two will display their work at WSU’s Student Thesis 2019 art show, Thursday, April 18 through Tuesday, May 7 at the Mary Cosgrove Dolphin Gallery in the Ghosh Science and Technology Center on campus. It is a free reception that will be open to the public Tuesdays through Fridays, 11 a.m. until 5 p.m

The school will be showcasing two graduating seniors who have been preparing for this show since their junior year. Lindfors and Schlostein were given the opportunity through their major in Visual and Performing Arts with an interdisciplinary study in Fine Arts. In this major, which grants a large amount of freedom to pursue any type of art, students are encouraged to learn what art means to them personally and on the local, national and global stage, according to Worcester State’s website. Students begin the major by taking introductory courses in the different types of art—such as music, theater or visual art—then proceed to choose a concentration and take upper level courses within their interdisciplinary study of choice.

Publisher: Worcester Magazine
Date: 7E15F9269E2CE66F2A488ABB04B5015E
Author: Worcester Magazine Staff
Twitter: @worcestermag
Reference: Visit Source

sweetgreen - CultureMap Houston
Publisher: CultureMap Houston
Twitter: @culturemap
Reference: Visit Source

Free Things to Do in Manhattan This Week - June 16-June 23
Twitter: @cityguideny
Reference: Visit Source

Happening on Twitter

Why Idina Menzel Is Grateful For Let It Go Despite It Annoying Some

After all the buzz and hype for 2013's Frozen , there was a moment when the Anna and Elsa were seemingly everywhere! Why Idina Menzel Is Grateful For Let It Go, Despite It /news/2479605/ ...-go...Subscribe To Why Idina Menzel Is Grateful For Let It Go, Despite It Annoying Some Updates close. Subscribe To Why Idina Menzel Is Grateful For Let It Go, Despite It Annoying Some Updates.!! Look back at your 2014 Halloween pictures: armies of Elsa's were likely swarming-- And above all else, one song became iconic! Why Idina Menzel Is Grateful For Let It Go, Despite It ...-go...Among 2019's final big releases is Frozen II and Idina Menzel 's Elsa is coming back to belt out more empowering songs to play in the background of our brains. Six years after " Let It Go", the voice actress/singer remains grateful for the viral song. In her words:!! You know the one. Who needs a karaoke machine when you've heard "Let It Go" as much as its been played? It was Disney's first hit pop song in a while and transcended the success of the animated musical
Among 2019's final big releases is Frozen II and Idina Menzel's Elsa is coming back to belt out more empowering songs to play in the background of our brains

"Let It Go" — as much as it might be annoying to a lot of moms out there, and dads — it's one of the great gifts of my career! Why Idina Menzel Is Grateful For Let It Go, Despite It ...-go...Why Idina Menzel Is Grateful For Let It Go, Despite It Annoying Some September 12, 2019 admin 0 Comments. 0. SHARES. Share Tweet. Well ...!! It's given me a way of communicating and connecting with young people that brings me so much joy. And also, it's a reminder to a woman in her 40s who has to be a role model to young people to practice what you preach.

Date: 2019-09-12T17:29:51+00:00
Twitter: @cinemablend
Reference: Visit Source

Not to change the topic here:

Frozen 2 debuts its first song 'Into The Unknown' in new trailer - Sky Statement
The much-anticipated sequel to the 2013 film will be released in November and while the film won’t feature the next ‘Let It Go’, a new trailer has revealed it will feature a track called ‘Into The Unknown’
Like ‘Let It Go’, ‘Into The Unknown’ is sung by Elsa (Idina Menzel * * *
Related: Frozen ‘s Kristen Bell reveals the one thing she didn’t like about the original movie

“Every day’s a little harder, as I feel my power grow,” Elsa sings in the minute-long clip. “Don’t you know there’s part of me that longs to go into the unknown

Frozen 2is set to explore the history of Elsa’s magical powers, as Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven set out on a dangerous but remarkable journey to find answers as Arendelle once again comes under threat.

Publisher: Sky Statement
Date: 2019-09-30T21:30:08+00:00
Reference: Visit Source

Frozen 2 Soundtrack Details Announced | What's On Disney Plus
Walt Disney Animation Studios has announced details on the soundtrack to the upcoming movie, Frozen 2 including a preview of the new songs from the film
The new movie features a stunning soundtrack, including original songs from Oscar- and Grammy-winning songwriters Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, original score by Grammy nominee Christophe Beck, and end-credit artists Panic-- At The Disco, Kacey Musgraves and Weezer
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The Academy Award-winning team behind "Frozen" is back: "Frozen 2" is directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee; Peter Del Vecho produces, and Lee penned the screenplay with story by Lee, Buck, Marc Smith, Anderson-Lopez and Lopez. "The music of the Lopezes and Christophe Beck are part of the DNA of 'Frozen,'" said Buck. "We couldn’t imagine building 'Frozen 2' without them. They bring such a rich, emotional understanding of the world and characters, and through their incredible music we have been able to really deepen and expand the story."

Publisher: What's On Disney Plus
Date: 2019-09-30T16:00:56Z
Twitter: @disneyplusnews
Reference: Visit Source

Idina Menzel Reveals The Titles Of Two New Songs From ... |
While attending the TIFF premiere of her new film “Uncut Gems” alongside co-stars Adam Sandler and the Weeknd, the actress and Broadway star caught up with ET Canada ‘s digital reporter Graeme O’Neil, teasing her character Elsa’s next big hits from the sequel’s soundtrack
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“I have two great songs,” the 48-year-old reveals. “I just love them. I think they’re…really wonderfully written
When asked if she can share any more details, Menzel confirms the titles of both tracks. “One of them — that people know — is called ‘Into the Unknown’

RELATED: 'Frozen 2' Will Reveal How Elsa Got Her Powers, Cast Debuts New Song 'Some Things Never Change'

Publisher: ET Canada
Date: 2019-09-10T10:18
Author: Julia Lennox
Twitter: @ETCanada
Reference: Visit Source

Quite a lot has been going on:

Idina Menzel Talks 'Frozen 2' Ahead of 'Skintight' at L.A.
She's conjuring a different set of emotions now at Los Angeles' Geffen Playhouse in Skintight , playwright Joshua Harmon's acerbic look at aging, which opens Thursday and plays through Oct. 12. But not only will Menzel appear on the stage in Westwood this fall, she'll also hit the screen in Disney's hotly anticipated  Frozen 2 (Nov. 22)   as well as the Safdie brothers'  Uncut Gems  (Dec. 25), co-starring Adam Sandler in a crime drama set in New York's diamond district
She spoke with The Hollywood Reporter  about her busy slate, acting opposite Sandler and the unique hold "Let It Go" has on fans — and on her
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It was a lesson that I had to learn for myself that I didn't need to hide behind my voice and that my singing voice is not my identity, that my soul and the essence of who I am and how you choose to express that as an artist is really what makes your work palpable and resonant, whether you're singing music or saying dialogue! 4 Great Frozen Songs That Aren't 'Let It Go' ...go Why Idina Menzel Is Grateful For Let It Go, Despite It Annoying Some. Frozen 2 D23 Footage Features An Interrupted Marriage Proposal, And A Brand New Song. Hot Topics.!! And I've been very insecure about that in the past and that's why doing a play like this does so much for my self-esteem, because I really feel like I'm good in the show.

Publisher: The Hollywood Reporter
Twitter: @THR
Reference: Visit Source

Unforced Variations Sep 2019 Realclimate

This month’s open thread for climate science topics. A new two-part community assessment of tropical storms and climate change is online at BAMS: Knutson et al. (2019a ; 2019b) . And for those interested in Arctic Sea Ice, there is always the NSIDC
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V: “Global mean sea level rise estimated from satellite altimetry provides a strong constraint on climate variability and change and is expected to accelerate as the rates of both ocean warming and cryospheric mass loss increase over time. In stark contrast to this expectation however, current altimeter products show the rate of sea level rise to have decreased from the first to second decades of the altimeter era.” From “Is the detection of accelerated sea level rise imminent?” J. T. Fasullo, R. S. Nerem & B. Hamlington, 2016 ( )

Publisher: RealClimate
Reference: Visit Source

And here's another article:

News | InSight Is Catching Rays on Mars
NASA's InSight has sent signals to Earth indicating that its solar panels are open and collecting sunlight on the Martian surface! Unforced variations: Sep 2019 « RealClimate ...2019 /09/ ...— group @ 1 September 2019 This month's open thread for climate science topics. A new two-part community assessment of tropical storms and climate change is online at BAMS: Knutson et al. (2019a ; 2019b) .!! NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter relayed the signals, which were received on Earth at about 5:30 p.m. PST (8:30 p.m. EST). Solar array deployment ensures the spacecraft can recharge its batteries each day. Odyssey also relayed a pair of images showing InSight's landing site
"The InSight team can rest a little easier tonight now that we know the spacecraft solar arrays are deployed and recharging the batteries," said Tom Hoffman, InSight's project manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, which leads the mission.

InSight's twin solar arrays are each 7 feet (2.2 meters) wide; when they're open, the entire lander is about the size of a big 1960s convertible! Unforced variations: Sep 2019 ⋆ National 2019 /09/01/ ...Unforced variations: Sep 2019 . September 1, 2019 MustRead.US 0 Comments. From RealClimate:: Full Posting Here. This month's open thread for climate science topics. A new two-part community assessment of tropical storms and climate change is online at BAMS: Knutson et al. (2019a; 2019b).!! Mars has weaker sunlight than Earth because it's much farther away from the Sun. But the lander doesn't need much to operate: The panels provide 600 to 700 watts on a clear day, enough to power a household blender and plenty to keep its instruments conducting science on the Red Planet! Unforced Variations: Sep 2018 | Find Climate Answers ...unforced - variations - sep -2018 [ December 3, 2018 ] Climate Science: What's New? Changing Climate [ August 24, 2019 ] The Amazon is burning. We should all care. Land [ August 24, 2019 ] Understanding clouded leopards and their habitats Land [ August 24, 2019 ] Brazil's Bolsonaro reverses on Amazon, announces plans to send armed forces to fight wildfires Land!! Even when dust covers the panels - what is likely to be a common occurrence on Mars - they should be able to provide at least 200 to 300 watts.

Publisher: NASA/JPL
Date: 2018-11-26 12:11:00
Twitter: @NASAJPL
Reference: Visit Source

Money Is the Oxygen on Which the Fire of Global Warming Burns | The New Yorker
But what if there were an additional lever to pull, one that could work both quickly and globally? One possibility relies on the idea that political leaders are not the only powerful actors on the planet—that those who hold most of the money also have enormous power, and that their power could be exercised in a matter of months or even hours, not years or decades! RealClimate This is a summary of some of the key details that underpin the discussion of anthropogenic vs. natural forcing in driving glacier change in West Antarctica.This is useful background for the paper by Holland et al. ( 2019 ), discussed in another post ().. We've known for some time that Pine Island Glacier (PIG) and Thwaites Glacier, the two largest of several fast-moving outlet glaciers that ...!! I suspect that the key to disrupting the flow of carbon into the atmosphere may lie in disrupting the flow of money to coal and oil and gas

So now consider extending the logic of the divestment fight one ring out, from the fossil-fuel companies to the financial system that supports them. Consider a bank like, say, JPMorgan Chase, which is America's largest bank and the world's most valuable by market capitalization! BoxyCharm September 2019 FULL SPOILERS - Variation 3! | MSA .../ 2019 /09/boxycharm- september - ...spoilers...We have Boxycharm full spoilers for September 2019 - a new variation ! We have Boxycharm full spoilers for September 2019 - a new variation ! Discover. Best of 2019 : Readers' Picks. Best Beauty Boxes ...We have spoilers for another version of the September 2019 BoxyCharm box! (Thanks, Retpunzel, for the heads up!) One version: Tarte Clay Play ...!! In the three years since the end of the Paris climate talks, Chase has reportedly committed a hundred and ninety-six billion dollars in financing for the fossil-fuel industry, much of it to fund extreme new ventures: ultra-deep-sea drilling, Arctic oil extraction, and so on. In each of those years, ExxonMobil, by contrast, spent less than three billion dollars on exploration, research, and development. A hundred and ninety-six billion dollars is larger than the market value of BP; it dwarfs that of the coal companies or the frackers. By this measure, Jamie Dimon, the C.E.O. of JPMorgan Chase, is an oil, coal, and gas baron almost without peer.

Publisher: The New Yorker
Twitter: @NewYorker
Reference: Visit Source

AI 50: America's Most Promising Artificial Intelligence Companies
A rtificial intelligence is infiltrating every industry, allowing vehicles to navigate without drivers, assisting doctors with medical diagnoses, and mimicking the way humans speak. But for all the authentic and exciting ways it's transforming the tasks computers can perform, there's a lot of hype, too

The inherently broad term gets bandied about so often that it can start to feel meaningless and gets trotted out by companies to gussy up even simple data analysis. To help cut through the noise, Forbes and data partner Meritech Capital put together a list of private, U.S.-based companies that are wielding some subset of artificial intelligence in a meaningful way and demonstrating real business potential from doing so. One makes robots that can whir around shoppers to help workers restock shelves. Another scans recruiting pitches for unconscious bias. A third analyzes massive data sets to make street-by-street weather predictions.

Publisher: Forbes
Date: 2019-09-17
Author: Jillian D
Twitter: @forbes
Reference: Visit Source

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Innovation Wrap: Robots, Space, Virtual & Augmented Reality – ShareCafe
Boston Dynamics is best known for the videos they've been uploading of their robot prototypes for the past decade. Now the company is finally releasing one of them for public consumption: Spot

Spot is a four-legged dog-like robot that operates with a high degree of autonomy. It's modular, so you can add additional sensors and additional appendages like arms to open doors. The company is planning to lease the robot to companies that will explore what potential real-world use case are. Most early suggestions seem to revolve around using Spot to fulfill an inspection or patrol function, but there's also talk of the robot joining Cirque du Soleil… The Verge has an on-hands review of Spot (5 minutes).

Publisher: ShareCafe
Date: 2019-09-30T01:24:47+00:00
Twitter: @sharecafetweets
Reference: Visit Source

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Just Don T Call Them Ufos The Atlantic

Pilots are about to receive a new memo from management: If you encounter an unidentified flying object while on the job, please tell us
In some cases, pilots—many of whom are engineers and academy graduates—claimed to observe small spherical objects flying in formation! Just Don't Call Them UFOs - The Atlantic ...stigma/588232 Just Don't Call Them UFOs The U.S. military wants pilots to report strange sightings in the sky, but doesn' t want any of the stigma that comes with it. Marina Koren!! Others say they've seen white, Tic Tac–shaped vehicles! Just don't call them UFOs - Hot Air ...just - dont - call - ufos Just don't call them UFOs ; Just don't call them UFOs. The Navy knows how this sounds. It knows what you must be thinking. But the fact stands that some pilots are saying they've seen strange things in the sky, and that's concerning. So the Navy is trying to assure pilots that they won' t be laughed out of the cockpit or deemed unhinged ...!! Aside from drones, all engines rely on burning fuel to generate power, but these vehicles all had no air intake, no wind and no exhaust

Yet even as the Navy indicates it's willing to discuss the taboo topic, it's also shying away from three notorious little letters. UFO carries an airport's worth of baggage, bursting with urban legends, government secrecy, and over-the-top Hollywood movies! Just Don't Call Them UFOs | Galactic Connection just - dont - call - them - ufos The message is, if you see something, say something, but for God's sake, lower your voice. Don't call it a UFO . Which is funny, since the military came up with the name in the first place. The earliest government programs dedicated to investigating UFO sightings in the late 1940s treated the claims, unsurprisingly, as a big joke.!! The statements and quotes that the Navy provided to news outlets are devoid of any reference to UFOs. Instead, they're called "unexplained aerial phenomena," "unidentified aircraft," "unauthorized aircraft," and, perhaps most intriguing, "suspected incursions."

Publisher: The Atlantic
Date: 2019-04-27T07:35:17-04:00
Author: Marina Koren
Twitter: @theatlantic
Reference: Visit Source

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When Top Gun Pilots Tangled With a Baffling Tic-Tac-Shaped UFO - HISTORY
It began as a routine naval training exercise. But it would soon become one of the best-documented—and most baffling—UFO sightings of the 21st century
Witnesses included highly trained military personnel—among them several deeply experienced radar operators and fighter pilots—who at the time of the sightings were at the controls of arguably the most advanced flight technology ever created! Just Don't Call Them UFOs - www.the ufo just - dont - call - them - ufos .html Just Don't Call Them UFOs The U.S. military wants pilots to report strange sightings in the sky, but doesn' t want any of the stigma that comes with it. Pilots are about to receive a new memo from management: If you encounter an unidentified flying object while on the job, please tell us.!! And yet none can explain what they saw
The date was November 14, 2004, and the location was the Pacific Ocean, about 100 miles southwest of San Diego, California

At about 2 p.m., two F/A-18F Super Hornet fighter jets from the Nimitz received an unusual order from an operations officer aboard the Princeton. Already airborne, the pilots were told to stop their training maneuvers and proceed to new coordinates for a “real-world” task.

Publisher: HISTORY
Date: 2019-05-16T20:26:33Z
Author: Greg Daugherty
Reference: Visit Source

Aliens, ahoy-- Navy developing guidelines on reporting UFO sightings
Encounters with unidentified aircraft by pilots have once again prompted Department of Defense officials to take action
More specifically, the Navy confirmed that the service is drafting guidelines to establish a formal process for pilots and military personnel to report UFO sightings, Politico first reported
The move comes following a surge in what the Navy called a series of intrusions by advanced aircraft on Navy carrier strike groups
"There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years," a Navy spokesperson told Politico

To improve upon past investigations, the Navy wants to establish a formal process so that "such suspected incursions can be made to cognizant authorities."

Publisher: Navy Times
Date: 2019-04-25T18:52:16.597Z
Author: J D Simkins
Reference: Visit Source

UFOs: Pentagon gives classified briefing to congress members about unexplained encounters by US nav
Earlier this year, a number of pilots reported seeing the objects on an almost daily basis from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, while flying navy jets off the East Coast Now, the military has provided a classified briefings on the encounters to a group of senators, after the president said last week he had been updated on the issue
* * *
"Navy officials did indeed meet with interested congressional members and staffers on Wednesday to provide a classified brief on efforts to understand and identify these threats to the safety and security of our aviators," the navy said in a statement, of the briefings that took place on Capitol Hill on Wednesday and Thursday

"Navy officials will continue to keep interested congressional members and staff informed. Given the classified nature of these discussions, we will not comment on the specific information provided in these Hill briefings.

Publisher: The Independent
Date: 2019-06-20T23:36:00+01:00
Author: Andrew Buncombe
Twitter: @independent
Reference: Visit Source

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Target Is Already Selling Holiday Gifts Here Are 8 Of The Newest And Hottest Toys For Sale

Watch out, Halloween candy. Kids are barely back in school, but that hasn't stopped Target from releasing its new set of toys for the holiday season
The retail giant just launched its Bullseye's Top Toys of 2019 , and we couldn't help but take a little sneak peak
* * *
Kiss goodbye those cliché, plastic mini cars. This is both an electric scooter and a mini bike that can reach up to 10 mph., and the icy-blue color is an exclusive! Christmas Fun Gifts For Adults at Amazon® - Amazon Official Site Buy Christmas Fun Gifts For Adults at Amazon. Free Shipping on Qualified Orders. Shop Best Sellers · Fast Shipping · Explore Amazon Devices Learn More About Alexa Hands-free voice control for music, calling, smart home devices & more.!! Say what? This is a perfect gift for any kid who thinks zooming around is a good time. Price: $299

This futuristic hoverboard has front LED lights with Astro-style light-up wheels, making it ideal for night- riding! Amazon Prime Benefits Fast free delivery, video, music, photo storage, discounts & more.!! Plus, all-terrain tires for when kids are feeling adventurous. Price: $149.99

Publisher: nj
Date: 2019-09-06T20:30:42.008Z
Author: Nicolette Accardi
Twitter: @njdotcom
Reference: Visit Source

This may worth something:

October Events – Times Square Chronicles
Art, film and food festivals galore, pumpkins, Halloween Balls and of course Comic Con make October packed full of eventful treats
10/ 1- 13: Fall for  Dance Festival  features 20 international dance companies in five unique programs and two world premiere commissions at City Center
10/ 1- 13: See classics, documentaries, and full-length feature films by the world's great filmmakers at the New York Film Festival

10/ 1- 31: See scarecrows in the garden and join kids' activities at Spooky Pumpkin Garden at New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx. Weekends add creepy creatures like bats and reptiles plus pumpkin-carving demonstrations

10/ 3 (6 p.m.) Join hundreds of people at Pool Light Launch, the dedication party for a lighted public art installation floating in the East River, with DJ music at Pier 17. Free.

Reference: Visit Source

These are the best duos in the league, according to NBA 2K20 | HoopsHype
Entering the 2019-20 season, there are quite a few NBA teams that have multiple stars on their roster. But which team has the best duo? How many elite tandems are there around the league
To help us rank the Association’s top star pairings, we used NBA 2K20's overall player ratings ( all of which can be found here )

LeBron James will turn 35 years old in December, but the folks at NBA 2K20 clearly believe that he'll continue to dominate! Shop Kindle E-readers Holds thousands of books, no screen glare & a battery that lasts weeks.!! James is rated 97 overall, which is tied with Kawhi Leonard for highest in the game (and it's one point higher than Giannis Antetokounmpo, Kevin Durant and James Harden). It's possible that Anthony Davis is the most talented player that James has ever played with, which is saying a lot considering LeBron's teammates! Shop Echo & Alexa Devices Play music, get news, control your smart home & more using your voice.!! Davis, who's the NBA 2K20 cover athlete, has the seventh-best rating in the game and he's the top-rated big man. The Lakers gave up quite the haul to land the 26-year-old, but that's the price you pay for a player who can dominate inside and outside on both ends of the court! Gifts - 19 Viral Gadgets For 2019 - Gift Gadgets For Everyone ...19 Insanely Cool Gadgets That Are Going To Sell Out This Year. Ideal As Gift . Only Available Online. Free Shipping In USA. Free Delivery in USA · Ideal As a Gift · Best Viral Gadgets 2018 19 Mind-Blowingly Cool Gift Ideas You've Never Heard Of Top Viral Gadgets 2018!! After James and Davis, the next-best Lakers in NBA 2K20 are DeMarcus Cousins (86, injured), Kyle Kuzma (84), JaVale McGee (79) and Danny Green (77). The Lakers have the second-best team rating in the game, with an average player rating of 78.27 (behind only the Clippers’ 78.69 average).

Publisher: HoopsHype
Date: 2019-09-29T13:54:02+00:00
Twitter: @hoopshype
Reference: Visit Source

2019-20 NHL Season Primer: Key dates, new rules, big names in new places -
St. Louis Blues head coach Craig Berube carries the Stanley Cup after the Blues defeated the Boston Bruins in Game 7 of the NHL Stanley Cup Final. (Michael Dwyer/AP
* * *
A lot can happen in a single off-season. Trade talks and signing sagas dominated this one. So with that in mind, here’s a primer to get you caught up and ready for the puck to drop on the 2019-20 season
Seven teams will start the season with new head coaches at the helm. The recent influx of first-time bench bosses we’ve seen over the past year or two has slowed down, with D.J. Smith (Ottawa) the only rookie head coach in 2019-20

Two other coaches, Jeremy Colliton and Craig Berube, are heading into their first full seasons at the helm of their respective clubs after taking over partway into the season last year. Colliton replaced Joel Quenneville in Chicago back on Nov. 6, 2018 and Berube took the reins from Mike Yeo a few weeks later and went on to lead the Blues all the way to the Stanley Cup.

Date: 8B4C133371B432992005B3CF652CCDE7
Author: Rogers Digital Media
Twitter: @Sportsnet
Reference: Visit Source

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