Sunday, March 5, 2023

Virtual reality is finally ready to revolutionize education | VentureBeat

I had an experience 25 years ago that changed my perspective on computing and education. Back then I was running the early virtual reality (VR) company Immersion Corporation.

As CEO, I had to give countless demos at trade shows and other events. After giving a demo of our virtual bronchoscopy system to a group of doctors, one of them asked me where I had gone to medical school. I was confused so he explained that I was quite skilled at the procedure.

Publisher: VentureBeat
Date: 2023-03-04T14:40:00 00:00
Author: Louis Rosenberg Unanimous A I
Twitter: @venturebeat
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

MSU researchers explore use of virtual reality to improve mental health for caregivers

LANSING, Mich. (WILX) - People might associate virtual reality with video games, and that's because it's a piece of technology primarily used for entertainment.

A group of researchers with the Michigan State University College of Nursing want to change the conversation about virtual reality and find out if it can be used to improve mental health.

Twitter: @wilxTV
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

10 most innovative companies in augmented and virtual reality of 2023

The metaverse—and by extension the mixed-reality headgear we might use to access it—had a moment in the sun in 2021, in part because of the social isolation of the pandemic, and in part because Mark Zuckerberg seemed to bet the future of Meta (née Facebook) on it.

As the public’s gaze moved on, consumer interest in augmented and virtual reality seemed to flag. In the U.S., for example, sales of VR headsets sagged 2% year-over-year (as of early December 2022), after doubling year-over-year the year prior, according to research from NPD Group.

Publisher: Fast Company
Date: 2023-03-02T07:00:00
Author: Mark Sullivan
Twitter: @fastcompany
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Rendever Debuts on Fast Company's 2023 Most Innovative Companies List

"Older adults are a rapidly growing demographic that is often overlooked in the world of technology and innovation," said Rendever CEO and cofounder Kyle Rand. "Rendever empowers healthy social dynamics and improves the emotional wellbeing of the aging population.

The Rendever ecosystem includes Rendever Resident Engagement, RendeverLive™, RendeverFit™, and the newly acquired social app, Alcove, which is available in the Meta Quest store. Previously, Rendever has been recognized as a TIME100 Best Inventions, TIME100 Most Innovative Company, and an Inc.

Twitter: @YahooFinance
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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