Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Beware! Shocking 260-foot asteroid charging towards Earth at fearsome speed | Tech News

Beware! Shocking 260-foot asteroid charging towards Earth at fearsome speed | Tech News

Although asteroids often make close trips to Earth, these objects pass the planet at just enough distance to not cause any harm. Astonishingly, astronomers have spotted three near-Earth asteroids (NEA) hiding in the glare of the Sun.

NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office has warned that the asteroid, named Asteroid 2022 YZ2, will make its closest approach to Earth just a couple of days from now on January 12, at a distance of 6.4 million kilometers.

Publisher: HT Tech
Date: 2023-01-10T11:34:07 05:30
Twitter: @HTTech
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The Engineer - Scifi Eye: averting an asteroid catastrophe

Assuming we're able to detect a hazardous asteroid approaching the Earth, what can we do to prevent disaster? The Engineer's resident science fiction author, Gareth L. Powell, looks at ways we might avoid the same fate as the dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs ruled this planet for 165 million years, which probably makes them one of the most successful species ever to have existed. But that all came to an abrupt end when fate dropped a 10 kilometre-wide asteroid on them.

Publisher: The Engineer
Author: Assuming we re able to detect a hazardous asteroid approaching the Earth what can we do to prevent disaster The Engineer resident science fiction author Gareth L Powell looks at ways we might avoid the same fate as the dinosaurs
Twitter: @The Engineer
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Asteroid hunting Lucy looks back at Earth from space! NASA shares astounding photo | Tech News

Whenever we mention the word Earth, the image that pops up in our mind is of a round blue planet hanging in space. However, NASA's Lucy spacecraft, designed to explore asteroids near Jupiter looked back at Earth and captured captivating images of our home planet and Moon. The color? All in grey.

Publisher: HT Tech
Date: 2023-01-09T13:15:38 05:30
Twitter: @HTTech
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Origin of fireball spotted falling across UK last night discovered | Natural History Museum

The fireball is estimated to have passed over Oxford in the direction of the Midlands, but was seen from much further afield. Image © paulista/Shutterstock

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Twitter: @NHM_London
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Are Chemical Rockets or Solar Sails Better to Return Resources from Asteroids? - Universe Today

If and when we ever get an asteroid mining industry off the ground, one of the most important decisions to be made in the structure of any asteroid mining mission would be how to get the resources back to where all of our other infrastructure is – somewhere around the Earth.

When answering these types of theoretical questions, it is essential to impose limits on the answers. For example, billions of asteroids exist in the solar system, so it’s more realistic to only look at those known as Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs). But even so, there are over 30,000 known ...

Publisher: Universe Today
Date: 2023-01-09T02:09:04 00:00
Author: Andy Tomaswick
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Mapping out Focus's 2023 Films From Australia To Asteroid City

Pack your bags for Greece when  Nia Vardalos returns with My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 , the third installment of her internationally successful franchise. 

Publisher: Focus Features
Twitter: @focusfeatures
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Trance Party Event Tickets

A Concert Like No Other

Hop aboard a shuttle to Kepler-1649c. Be there to welcome new lifeforms into the universe. All passengers must have a verified event ticket. There are 10,000 tickets in circulation so no need to panic. Limited seating available per trip. There will be multiple flights each hour shipping off from the NORAD Space Port in Iceland.

Event tickets are non refundable & non transferable (except on the black market. Call Sal with questions.) An event ticket can be reused for up to 9900 yearly transactions.

No sandals allowed on flight. Adults only. Kittens must show a custodian's ID at the gate. You are not allowed to get married while aboard the shuttle. Please arrive early if you are wearing jeans.


Reserve your spot. Click here.

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