Saturday, October 8, 2022

The asteroid targets of this NASA mission are turning out to be very strange | Space

The asteroid targets of this NASA mission are turning out to be very strange | Space

NASA's Lucy spacecraft still has five years of trekking through space before it sees its first Trojan asteroid, but mission scientists are already getting a sense of what these rocks look like.

The Lucy mission launched in October 2021 to survey Trojan asteroids, which orbit the sun at the same distance as Jupiter , with one cluster ahead of the giant planet and a second cluster behind it.

Date: 2022-10-07T10:00:15Z
Author: Meghan Bartels
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Rare dark-streaked meteorites may come from a 'potentially hazardous' asteroid | Space

Strange, dark-veined meteorites rained down on Earth when a fireball exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, in February 2013. The origin of these unusual meteorites has remained a mystery, but now, planetary scientists have discovered a possible source: a mile-and-a-half-long near-Earth asteroid.

Date: 2022-10-07T17:00:05Z
Author: Robert Lea
Twitter: @SPACEdotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

EarthSky | Large asteroid RM4 to pass closely November 1

No danger, but newly-discovered asteroid 2022 RM4 will pass less than 6 lunar distances on November 1. Possibly as wide as 740 meters, it will brighten to mag 14.3, well within reach of backyard telescopes. @unistellar
This is very close for an asteroid this size.

The Pan-STARRS 2 telescope in Hawaii discovered a new asteroid on September 12, 2022, that might be as large as a half-mile wide. Additional observations, including some on October 5, 2022, from Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona, confirmed the asteroid’s path.

Publisher: EarthSky | Updates on your cosmos and world
Date: 2022-10-06T00:37:16 00:00
Twitter: @earthskyscience
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Astronomers found a weird asteroid closer to the sun than any other | New Scientist

Astronomers have found the closest asteroid to the sun ever seen, a relatively large space rock that gets within 20 million kilometres of our star – about 13 per cent of the distance between the sun and Earth.

These asteroids are hard to find because, in order to look for them, astronomers must point their telescopes towards …

Publisher: New Scientist
Author: author fullName
Twitter: @newscientist
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Earth's most powerful asteroid impact may be even bigger than we thought

Ancient impacts played a powerful role in Earth's complex history. On other Solar System bodies like the moon or Mercury, the impact history is preserved on their surfaces because there's nothing to erase it.

Deciphering the role these giant impacts played is difficult since the evidence is missing or severely degraded. So how do scientists approach this problem?

Publisher: Inverse
Twitter: @inversedotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Asteroid collision triggered a months-long mega-earthquake •

Sixty-six million years ago, a massive asteroid struck the Earth, leading to the extinction of dinosaurs and many other animal and plant species.

In 2014, while doing field work on the Gorgonilla Island in Colombia, Bermúdez discovered several spherule deposits – layers of sediment filled with small glass beads and shards known as "tektites" and "microtektites" which were ejected into the atmosphere during the asteroid impact.

Twitter: @earthdotcom
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Smacked asteroid's debris trail more than 6,000 miles long

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — The asteroid that got smacked by a NASA spacecraft is now being trailed by thousands of miles of debris from the impact.

Astronomers captured the scene millions of miles away with a telescope in Chile. Their remarkable observation two days after last month's planetary defense test was recently released a National Science Foundation lab in Arizona.

Twitter: @Newschannel6Now
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Asteroid Smacked by NASA's DART Now Has Giant Comet-Like Debris Tail - CNET

Now, follow-up observations show the dust is being pushed away from the asteroid by the solar wind, creating a tail that's similar to those we're accustomed to seeing trailing comets.

DART, an experiment in planetary protection, aimed to see if essentially throwing a robot probe at an object from Earth could impact the path of that object's orbit.

Publisher: CNET
Author: Eric Mack
Twitter: @CNET
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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