Thursday, November 21, 2019

How Video Games Can Teach Us to Play Well with Others - Scientific American Blog Network

Jamal Davis was brimming with excitement as he headed to meet his new classmates at the welcome barbecue on campus. All his hard work had paid off, and he was ready to begin his PhD research at a top university in his field. He walked up to the student manning the grill to introduce himself, but before he could get a word in, the student asked him to check if there was more soda in the back. The graduate student had incorrectly assumed Jamal was a caterer based on the color of his skin.

Publisher: Scientific American Blog Network
Author: Natalya Ortolano
Twitter: @sciam
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

This may worth something:

Five video games you can feel good about buying for your kids - The Washington Post

I love my child more than anything in the world, but her taste in video games leaves a lot of room for improvement. Of course, that's partly the old man in me that considers the things I liked growing up to be better than the things kids enjoy today. Even with that understanding of my bias, I still look at the games my kid plays and cringe.

With that in mind, here are a handful of video game experiences you can feel good buying for your kids that avoid such pitfalls and are just good for the sake of being good. And as a bonus, my kid enjoyed them, too.

Publisher: Washington Post
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Florida Poly students show off dozens of video games they built - Orlando Sentinel

Florida Polytechnic University's video game development students held a showcase Thursday of the titles they have built during the most recent semester.

The projects included games that took players into virtual worlds, rhythm-based games similar to the popular Dance Dance Revolution and others that required interconnected networks.

The purpose is to offer real-world experience to students hoping to make it in the competitive video game industry.

Date: AF5DF015CBF22FE3881D47FDCBCE4F02
Author: Marco Santana
Twitter: @orlandosentinel
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Nemesis 5 Esports brings competitive video games to Farmington

FARMINGTON — The Nemesis 5 Esports facility is set to open its doors to the public Nov. 22, giving Farmington its own state-of-the-art esports facility.

For the uninitiated, esports refers to organized multiplayer video game competitions involving teams or individuals playing against each other. Think traditional sports competitions, but just with video games.

And although it's not just child's play, in 2018 the New Mexico State Activities Association started recognizing and sanctioning high school esports teams.

Publisher: Farmington Daily Times
Date: Farmington Daily Times
Author: Sam Ribakoff
Twitter: @TheDailyTimes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

While you're here, how about this:

5 Video Games To Gift This Holiday Season - Grit Daily

With Black Friday right around the corner we’ve decided to compile a list of must-have video games to gift this holiday season. 2019 was a great year for games, but a few stand-out in particular. Below are five games that were released this year that would make great gifts, plus information on what console they’re available on so you don’t accidentally buy the wrong game.

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Every release of a new Pokemon game is, expectedly, massive. This release was no different, as gamers flocked to their local Best Buy to pick up a copy of the new role playing game. Sword and Shield lets players explore a world full of the latest Pokemon in one of the most comprehensive and explorable games to come out thus far.

Publisher: Grit Daily
Date: 2019-11-21T17:47:05-05:00
Twitter: @gritdaily
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

How to make sure your children are playing video games safely? |

"So, all the kids at school were playing video games and of course you see all the video games on TV, and he wanted to play video games too."

Right from the start, the family set some strict rules. According to Brooke, "The big one is that he cannot play video games at all during the week. That's a big one. We're focused strictly on the school during the week."

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"I thought I was gonna be YouTuber. That's what I wanted to be. So, all I did was play video games and it was probably up there, 12 to 15 hours a day." Colby said. "It was probably not a great idea, now, looking back on it. But that's what I wanted to do. I just wanted to play video games and that's it."

Publisher: KCEN
Date: 11/20/2019 11:16:01 PM
Twitter: @KCENNews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Artificial skin could be used to make video games more realistic | New Scientist

A synthetic skin could help add the sensation of touch to prosthetic hands or give video games a more realistic feel . The skin comes as a battery-free patch that can be stuck onto any part of the body.

To create the sensation of touch, the patch vibrates and gently pushes the skin surface. It is powered wirelessly and the cloth covering it can be coloured to match the user's skin.

The synthetic skin was created by John Rogers at Northwestern University in Illinois and his colleagues. In a demonstration, a man with a prosthetic hand wore the skin on the upper part of this arm. When he grasped a cup with the artificial hand, sensors transmitted the touch sensations to his upper arm, allowing him to feel the cup.

Publisher: New Scientist
Author: _____
Twitter: @newscientist
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Poly students unveil video game creations - News - The Ledger - Lakeland, FL

Florida Polytechnic students displays prototypes of video games they have developed in semi-annual Game Expo on campus.

LAKELAND — Keegan Sommer’s face glowed almost as brightly as his purple shirt Thursday morning as he watched two fellow Florida Polytechnic University students attempt to demolish each other’s military tanks. Virtually, that is.

Sommer, a senior majoring in computer engineering, stood beside a table where other students could grab controllers and play a video game he created called Tank Game. He and other students unveiled their designs at Florida Poly Game Expo, an event held each semester.

Publisher: The Ledger
Date: 7E15F9269E2CE66F2A488ABB04B5015E
Author: Gary White
Twitter: @theledger
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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