Friday, November 29, 2019

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Publisher: IEEE Spectrum: Technology, Engineering, and Science News
Twitter: @IEEESpectrum
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This may worth something:

What Are Cargo Robots?

With Christmas a few weeks away, many Americans are busy preparing lists of what to give friends or loved ones for the holiday.

This holiday season, people will be able to buy a cargo -carrying robot that follows them around like a dog. But it is unclear if the device will be a popular gift.

Large companies like Amazon, FedEx and Ford have already been experimenting with sending delivery robots to homes across the United States.

Publisher: VOA
Date: 3286EE554B6F672A6F2E608C02343C0E
Twitter: @VOALearnEnglish
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Robots are optimized for tedious, repetitive tasks.

Researchers at the USC Viterbi Center for Advanced Manufacturing identify an algorithm to optimize robots to provide short, collision-free solutions in complex manufacturing spaces.

Imagine a car assembly plant: thousands of repetitive tasks need to be performed on a daily basis, such as inserting a steering wheel into a car.

However, if this task is changed even slightly—for example increasing the wheel size—the robot will be unable to complete the task.

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New Metallic Material for Flexible Soft Robots | Printed Electronics World
Publisher: Printed Electronics World
Date: 2019-11-29
Twitter: @idtechex
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Many things are taking place:

Call to probe Boston police tests of 'dog' robots - BBC News

Massachusetts State Police has been asked to explain how it is using robot dogs, by a civil liberties group.

The police force has spent the past three months testing "Spot" robot dogs alongside some of its officers.

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A video captioned with the words "MA State Police" and showing the robots opening doors and entering buildings was shared online by Boston Dynamics earlier this year.

In its letter, the campaign group said it wanted more "transparency" about the use of the robots, the ways in which they would be used and which officers would be deployed with them.

Publisher: BBC News
Author: https www facebook com bbcnews
Twitter: @BBCWorld
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A robotic Intelligent Towing Tank for learning complex fluid-structure dynamics | Science Robotics

We describe the development of the Intelligent Towing Tank, an automated experimental facility guided by active learning to conduct a sequence of vortex-induced vibration (VIV) experiments, wherein the parameters of each next experiment are selected by minimizing suitable acquisition functions of quantified uncertainties.

It is 3:00 a.m. in mid-winter in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sea Grant Hydrodynamics Laboratory is pitch black and vacant, but a periodic sound comes from the Intelligent Towing Tank (ITT) every 2 to 4 min, lasting 1 min. The ITT works continuously day and night without any interruption or supervision.

Publisher: Science Robotics
Date: 2019-11-27
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The Coeur d'Alene Press - My Turn, The case for a robot for Christmas

Locally, 15 surgeons across five specialties have treated nearly 2,400 da Vinci surgery patients at Kootenai Health since March 2008. Five more surgeons plan to begin doing robotic surgery as soon as a second surgical robot is available to provide needed additional capacity.

Robotic surgery has rapidly become the preferred standard of care for many surgical procedures. Internationally, more than 1 million robotic surgeries were performed in 2018.

�Many local surgeons, myself included, have been vocal advocates for the addition of a second surgical robot at Kootenai Health,� said Dr. McCrummen. �We are pleased that the Kootenai Health Foundation and our local community will be working to help support that goal at the Festival of Trees this week. On behalf of these surgeons, and more importantly, our patients, thank you for your support.�

Date: 20191129050000
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Options for Deploying Last-Mile Delivery Robotics Systems - Robotics Business Review

Companies large and small are grappling with ways to become more efficient and provide outstanding customer service, while at the same time keeping their costs as low as possible. One of the costliest processes for many companies is delivery in the last-mile – and increasingly companies are pitching robotics and automation options in this space.

Whether it's a pizza delivery chain looking to deliver hot food via a self-driving car, mobile robot, or autonomous drone – or a large logistics provider looking to save money while delivering online packages within one day or on the same day – it's clear that new challenges and opportunities exist in this space. With competition fierce for retailers and delivery firms, making the right choices for last-mile delivery can be critical.

Publisher: Robotics Business Review
Date: 2019-11-29T15:00:23-05:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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