Tuesday, October 1, 2019

When Top Gun Pilots Tangled With A Baffling Tic Tac Shaped Ufo

It began as a routine naval training exercise. But it would soon become one of the best-documented—and most baffling—UFO sightings of the 21st century
Witnesses included highly trained military personnel—among them several deeply experienced radar operators and fighter pilots—who at the time of the sightings were at the controls of arguably the most advanced flight technology ever created! When Top Gun Pilots Tangled With a Baffling ...Shaped ...www.history.com ...When Top Gun Pilots Tangled with a Baffling ...Shaped UFO It began as a routine naval training exercise. But it would soon become one of the best-documented —and most baffling—UFO sightings of...!! And yet none can explain what they saw
The date was November 14, 2004, and the location was the Pacific Ocean, about 100 miles southwest of San Diego, California

At about 2 p.m., two F/A-18F Super Hornet fighter jets from the Nimitz received an unusual order from an operations officer aboard the Princeton. Already airborne, the pilots were told to stop their training maneuvers and proceed to new coordinates for a “real-world” task.

Publisher: HISTORY
Date: 2019-05-16T20:26:33Z
Author: Greg Daugherty
Reference: Visit Source

Quite a lot has been going on:

UFOs: Pentagon gives classified briefing to congress members about unexplained encounters by US nav
Earlier this year, a number of pilots reported seeing the objects on an almost daily basis from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, while flying navy jets off the East Coast Now, the military has provided a classified briefings on the encounters to a group of senators, after the president said last week he had been updated on the issue
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"Navy officials did indeed meet with interested congressional members and staffers on Wednesday to provide a classified brief on efforts to understand and identify these threats to the safety and security of our aviators," the navy said in a statement, of the briefings that took place on Capitol Hill on Wednesday and Thursday

"Navy officials will continue to keep interested congressional members and staff informed. Given the classified nature of these discussions, we will not comment on the specific information provided in these Hill briefings.

Publisher: The Independent
Date: 2019-06-20T23:36:00+01:00
Author: Andrew Buncombe
Twitter: @independent
Reference: Visit Source

Trump briefed on UFOs, but doesn't 'particularly' believe in them
WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump doesn't seem to be a believer of aliens or UFOs flying through Earth's atmosphere , although he has been briefed on them
ABC News' George Stephanopoulos, in a wide-ranging interview , asked Trump about recent news reports about Navy pilots spotting flying objects and what he made of the apparent UFO sightings
"I want them to think whatever they think," Trump said, raising his eyebrows and slightly grinning before adding that he did have "one really brief meeting on it.
* * *
Stephanopoulos followed up, asking the president whether he thought he'd actually know if the U.S

Trump's comments followed a number of reports chronicling how the government has examined UFO sightings and a report in the New York Times about Navy pilots reporting bizarre flying objects, including one that looked like a "spinning top" and another with no visible engine that could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds.

Publisher: USA TODAY
Author: Christal Hayes
Twitter: @usatoday
Reference: Visit Source

Please, God, Let It Be Aliens and Not Trump's Space Force | Vanity Fair
The subordinate says he missed the news. "It was covered up by the higher echelon," Edwards explains. "Flying saucers, Captain, are still a rumor! When Top Gun Pilots Tangled With a Baffling ...Shaped ...tic-tac...Then they noticed one of the objects flying about 50 feet above the water. Fravor , the commander of the elite Black Aces squadron who was a Top Gun program graduate with more than 16 years of flying experience, described it as about 40 feet long, shaped like a Tic Tac candy and with no obvious means of propulsion: "It's white .!! Officially

If the objects are real, as opposed to optical illusions or radar glitches, they move in a mystifying manner and suggest a technological breakthrough of history-altering importance! When Top Gun Pilots Tangled With a Baffling ...Shaped ...When Top Gun Pilots Tangled With a Baffling ...Shaped UFO May 16, 2019 in History By Greg Daugherty Fighter pilots and radar operators from the USS Nimitz describe their terrifying—and still inexplicable—2004 encounter.!! Odds are low that they're products of the U.S. military, because some of these vessels have come close to colliding with manned U.S. aircraft, and such recklessness would be unlikely among aerospace experts in a secret program! When Top Gun Pilots Tangled With a Baffling ...Shaped ...www.reddit.com /r/ufo/comments/bpjw04/ ..._baffling I was listening to Vincent Aiello on The Fighter Pilot podcast (when he interviewed David Fravor) and he speculated that perhaps this tic-tac was being tested over the ocean away from prying eyes and that it was a breakdown in communication with the navy that led to it accidentally overlapping with the navy training exercise.!! On the other hand, such recklessness would also be odd for any other country capable of producing such vessels! When Top Gun Pilots Tangled With a ...- historynews.net historynews.net/?p=9231 When Top Gun Pilots Tangled With a Baffling ...Shaped UFO May 17, 2019 11th November 2018 News , Paranormal , Stories , Topics , U.S. Navy 0 It began as a routine naval training exercise.!! Looks like that leaves only Zorgon.

Publisher: Vanity Fair
Author: Condé Nast
Twitter: @VanityFair
Reference: Visit Source

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Reference: Visit Source

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