Monday, September 30, 2019

Their View Why Don T Heavily Armed Israeli Men Commit Mass Shootings Wilkes Barre Times

It was a Friday afternoon in August 2000 and my older brother, Adam who was 18 at the time, had just come home after his first training in the Israeli Defense Forces! Their View: Why don't heavily armed Israeli men commit /opinion/752214/ ...-israeli...Their View: Why don't heavily armed Israeli men commit mass shootings? August 11, 2019 Times Leader Op-Ed , Opinion , Other Opinion By Abraham Gutman - The Philadelphia Inquirer!! We were sitting on the roof of my parents’ house in Tel Aviv and he showed me what he learned in boot camp. Israel has a mandatory draft, and unlike U.S. soldiers who get deployed far away, Israeli soldiers come back home every few weekends — and they often bring their weapons with them
With so many weapons available, why doesn’t Israel have mass shootings like we do in America

To help me think this through, I called my good friend Ori Mayer, who’s currently an MD-PhD student at Tel Aviv University and a former paramedic for one of the IDF’s reconnaissance battalions, which are the flagship units of the infantry! Militia Myths: Why Armed Populations Don't Prevent Tyranny ...www. armed ...- dont -prevent...A tyrannical government could only arise in the US with a majority of the population supporting it due to some economic or military crisis: in reaction , say, to a heavily armed minority attempting to enforce its will on the rest of the country .!! I asked him why he thinks Israeli soldiers don’t commit mass shootings in Israeli cities with their army-issued weapons.

Publisher: Times Leader
Date: 2019-08-11T19:34-04:00
Reference: Visit Source

Not to change the topic here:

Their view: The Senate will be fine without the filibuster | Times Leader
Democrats are talking seriously about ending the legislative filibuster once and for all, effectively changing the number of Senate votes required to pass a bill from 60 to 51. The result would be a transformation in the way the U.S. Senate has operated for well over a century and a half
This may seem like a terrible idea, robbing the Senate of its traditional role as a moderating influence on legislative enthusiasms! HEAVILY ARMED - Heavily Skewed Toward Being A Rubbish Game /watch?v=G48kEBbmcPM BLOOD OF OLD: THE RISE TO GREATNESS - Flour Is A Great Foud Soruce Than Be Can Made Into May Things - Duration: 10:03. Jim Sterling 79,731 views!! Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell seems to think so, writing Thursday in the New York Times that Democrats would “regret it a lot sooner than they think

But consider that it might be a good idea to make the Senate reflect the will of the public more than it has traditionally done. Entrenching minority veto power can certainly have moderating effects! Korwin: The Great Secret Anti-Gunners Don't See, Can't See ...The hoplophobes — people with a medical condition that gives them a morbid fear of weapons — and power mongers, politicians and foreign entities can't manage that here, because everyone is armed . It's a balance of power, so no one shoots. This is one of the great secrets ...rights advocates don't see, can't see or won't see.!! It also blocks one of the most basic principles of democracy: the idea of majority rule.

Publisher: Times Leader
Date: 2019-08-26T16:40-04:00
Reference: Visit Source

The dangerous theater of open carry | Times Leader
When other Texans declined to indulge the charade, fleeing instead, the group took extra precautions. They gave advance warning to patrons and employees at restaurants before entering! Comparing America to Israel on gun laws is dishonest – and / ...Comparing America to Israel on gun laws is dishonest – and revealing US conservatives like to point out that both societies are well- armed , but the similarity ends there: Israelis trust their ...!! Because that’s what you do at restaurants when your behavior is totally normal and healthy and not-at-all alarming
Like civilians, law enforcement officers must become critics of the performance, deciphering whether the performer appears threatening only because of the presence of a lethal weapon or whether the performance includes additional signals of aggression Two episodes in Missouri in recent weeks reveal that the open-carry regime has no answers to such questions

In Kansas City this month, two armed men at a Walmart caused a panic. According to an eyewitness, shoppers fled the store after seeing the men walking with pistols in their waists. Police arrived. An officer jumped out of his car with a shotgun at the ready.

Publisher: Times Leader
Date: 2019-08-27T18:41-04:00
Reference: Visit Source

Alistair Brownlee, double Olympic triathlon champ, wins Ironman debut, eyes Kona – OlympicTal
Alistair Brownlee , the only triathlete with multiple Olympic titles, added an Ironman victory in his debut at the distance in Cork, Ireland, on Sunday, though the 2.4-mile swim was canceled
The Brit earned a spot at the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii, on Oct. 12 and intends to race there
“That’s one of the reasons I came today,” Brownlee said. “I’ve hopefully got a few years in me. I’ll be going to Kona this year for very much a bit of a learning experience and see how it goes

Brownlee, who has said he is undecided on a Tokyo 2020 run, made up a 16-minute, 56-second deficit after the 112-mile bike to win in 7:49:20. The field lacked the world’s best Ironman triathletes, like Germans Patrick Lange and Jan Frodeno (2008 Olympic champion). The 2.4-mile swim was canceled due to poor weather.

Publisher: OlympicTalk
Date: 2019-06-24T10:11:11+00:00
Twitter: @NBCOlympicTalk
Reference: Visit Source

In case you are keeping track:

Fine peasant food – at oligarch prices | Daily Mail Online
I was expecting the worst, steeling myself for a gold-clad cacophony of nipped, tucked Hermès-toting excess. After all, Onima promises 'five dimensions of pleasure,' as if it were some futuristic marital aid, rather than a small Greek restaurant in the heart of Mayfair. A small Greek restaurant with a philosophy, no less… 'We exist for the city's most discerning pleasure-seekers,' purrs the website, '…everything we do is designed to play with all five senses.' And there was me looking for lunch
The interior of Onima

So I'm worried. Doubly so, because this is no usual review, rather a lunch with Fiona and Ross Wilson, who very generously bought Giles Coren (of The Times) and me at an auction in aid of the brilliant Felix Project. I know plenty of people who would pay NOT to spend a couple of hours in our company, but the Wilsons put charity over pleasure. Anyway, I arrive first, and am looked up and down like a piece of just-off meat. It takes me a while to convince them that I have a booking, and I'm led, at arm's length, to a wobbly table in a near-empty room.

Publisher: Mail Online
Date: 2019-03-23T22:02:44+0000
Author: https www dailymail co uk debate columnists columnist 1003632 Tom Parker Bowles Event for The Mail on Sunday html
Reference: Visit Source

Their view: STEM education moves NEPA forward | Times Leader
More than 100 years ago, the Sisters of Mercy worked with local citizens to purchase a large swath of wooded uplands between Wilkes-Barre and Harveys Lake in the Back Mountain to begin constructing Luzerne County’s first four-year college
Although significant events both locally and abroad delayed their vision for the institution of higher education, the Sisters of Mercy officially broke ground for the Administration Building in 1921 – some seven years after buying more than 99 acres of land. Three years later, College Misericordia opened its doors, housing the entire academic experience, including 37 members of the first class, in what today is Mercy Hall

Today, Mercy Hall remains the largest academic building on campus, but a complex of modern buildings and amenities surround it to serve more than 2,700 students, the campus community and local neighbors.

Publisher: Times Leader
Date: 2019-08-17T18:28-04:00
Reference: Visit Source

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