Sunday, May 16, 2021

A Wound in the Brain | High Plains Reader, Fargo ND

Dan got into trouble when "Big Daddy" President George H. W. Bush wrangled a spot in the Texas Air National Guard to keep his often errant son George W. out of Vietnam. He spent his tour patrolling the Rio Grande River with his F-102 keeping the Cong from invading Dallas. "Shrub," which Texas columnist Mollie Ivins had labeled him affectionately, disappeared for periods of time from his Air Guard duties.

Rather's staff investigated his absences and made a "60 Minutes" story out of it. Politics and CBS reared their outraged heads and accused Rather of shading details. Charges were made about misinterpreting records and other file stuff. It resulted in Rather's resignation as CBS news anchor.

Funny thing. We have never really learned where Shrub was in all that missed time. Evidently his military record is very hard to find in the Pentagon.

Dan has written an important column titled "Maybe Not Your Average Joe," a reference to President Biden and the administration's priorities. It's a great summary of where we are today. I'm picking out just one paragraph to convince you to read his column:

As Nixon would say, "it's perfectly clear" that Donald Trump is a malignant narcissist. At least 27 American mental health professionals and psychiatrists have declared that he has this serious wound in the brain, and a combination of sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies. In other words, his wound in the brain is that he loves only himself, has no empathetic genes, demands total loyalty but gives none, loves gold, and is not a good speller. He has an insatiable need for spotlights, TV cameras, trophy women, crotches, and social media.

Dan Rather says Joe Biden means business: "He is weaving a narrative where dramatic action on racial justice, economic inequality, education, immigration, infrastructure, the social safety net and climate change are all interconnected."

Actually, the Democratic platform the Biden administration is proposing to the voters is composed of policies Senator Bernie Sanders has been pushing since he was mayor of Burlington, Vermont, and through all of his senatorial and presidential campaigns ending in 2020. Biden tried to bob and weave in the middle of the road and was relatively quiet about the major issues.

Even the Wall Street Journal has used "President Joe Sanders" in a headline. In today's politics, candidates who stay in the middle of the road are roadkill. Biden's job for the next two years is to convince half of the 95 million eligible voters who didn't vote in 2020 to vote for Democrats in 2022 because of Bernie's policies.

About 15 years ago when The Villages had about 20,000 residents, we visited friends there. The "highlight" of our days there was an expansive contest to see which resident had the most expensive golf cart. As both of us were raised without a pot or window (that is, to piss in or look out of, in case you are not familiar with the phrase), we lost interest in that community on the quick.

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