Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Women Behind Your Favorite Video Games - Grit Daily

While one would hope the gaming industry includes a diverse workforce as varied as the characters and worlds we see on the screen, that's often not the case. In fact, according to Statista , less than 21 percent of people employed in the gaming industry identify as women.

To learn more about the challenges of being a woman in a largely male field , we spoke with some of the talented women working behind the scenes on your favorite games.

Not at all. I have seen characters such as Ellie in The Last of Us and Clementine in The Walking Dead , who could be good role models for younger girls. There is also Lara Croft, whose physical portrayal has progressed massively! I remember the day I went into the computer store for a copy of Catz for the PC and bumped into Lara's mannequin and nearly had both eyes taken out.

Publisher: Grit Daily
Date: 2019-11-26T11:01:00+00:00
Twitter: @gritdaily
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

While you're here, how about this:

A classic hobby store survives in the era of video games | HeraldNet.com

Richard Hunt, owner of the Edmonds Hobby Shop, helps Jan Schlameus with an appraisal of a train set from her youth. (Kevin Clark / The Herald)

The Edmonds Hobby Shop has been in business since the early 1970s, when building model airplanes, trains, boats and locomotives was a big thing for kids. (Kevin Clark / The Herald)

Publisher: HeraldNet.com
Date: 2019-11-26T01:30:00-08:00
Twitter: @everettherald
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

These are the best selling video games of 2019 | Video | theeagle.com
Publisher: The Eagle
Date: 2019-11-26T09:45:00-06:00
Twitter: @theeagle
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Best Black Friday deals on video games - The Washington Post

As you're scanning through page after page of Black Friday sales, keep in mind that not every deal is a good one. While some stores will offer similar savings, a slightly different package could provide a better return on your holiday spending.

Over the past few weeks, the staff at Launcher has combed through all of the announced sales pertaining to gaming to seek out the best values, and we've highlighted our favorite deals below. Now you can spend more time with your family instead of scanning the Internet. (Unless, you're purposefully trying to avoid spending time with your family, in which case we suggest you distract yourself here instead.)

Publisher: Washington Post
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Were you following this:

Boston Celtics' Gordon Hayward credits video games for helping with hand injury rehab | Fox

Hayward, who is known for his gaming prowess off the court, said Sunday that playing video games helped “keep his fingers moving,” according to The Athletic .

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Hayward said getting engrossed into the gaming world helped him connect with fans on a different level beyond just basketball and it opened up new opportunities for him off the hardwood.

Publisher: Fox News
Date: 2019-11-26
Twitter: @foxnews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Jedi: Fallen Order is Star Wars canon, but didn't start out as a Star Wars game - The Washington

TIME magazine called Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order " the first great Star Wars game in a decade. " Two years ago, it wasn't even a Star Wars game.

EA had just secured indefinite rights to become the steward of the Star Wars franchise in the gaming space when it acquired Respawn Entertainment, the studio founded by the creators of Call of Duty, in 2017. At the time, Respawn was already developing a third-person melee action game and when offered the chance to tell a canonical story about Jedi Knights, Respawn seized upon it, said Fallen Order narrative lead Aaron Contreras.

Publisher: Washington Post
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

BONO | Choosing the Top Video Game Ads of 2019 | The Cornell Daily Sun

2019 was an exciting year for games. Gamers around the world watched events in awe as Keanu Reeves took the stage at E3 and Reggie Fils-Aimé took the stage at Cornell. Every day the library of games — across PCs, consoles and mobile devices — grows bigger.

But of course, you're a college student like me. You don't have time for any of that. So you just look longingly at ads and count the days until winter break. And what a weird and wild year for ads it has been.

Publisher: The Cornell Daily Sun
Date: 2019-11-25T21:19:36+00:00
Author: Arts Entertainment Department
Twitter: @cornellsun
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

GameStop Black Friday 2019: Here Are The Best Deals On Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PS4, And Games

Facade with sign and logo at Game Stop video gaming store in Dublin, California, August 23, 2018. ... [+] (Photo by Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images)

All in all, 2019 a bit of an odd Black Friday for the video game console industry. Two of the three major manufacturers–Sony and Microsoft–are taking a bit of a break as they prepare to launch new hardware in 2020, and for that reason the entire holiday season has been a bit quiet on that front. It hasn't slowed the Nintendo Switch down by any means, which looks like it will be Nintendo's flagship console for some time, but Nintendo has never exactly been big on discounts.

Publisher: Forbes
Date: 2019-11-25
Author: Dave Thier
Twitter: @forbes
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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