Thursday, November 28, 2019

The artificial skin that allows robots to feel - CNN

London (CNN Business) Robots are one step closer to gaining a human sense that has so far eluded them: Touch.

Publisher: CNN
Date: 2019-11-28T09:42:57Z
Author: Nell Lewis and Jenny Marc
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

This may worth something:

FedEx robot sent packing by NYC – TechCrunch

FedEx told TechCrunch that the bots were there for a preview party for its Small Business Saturday event and are not testing in New York. Even this promotional event was too much for city officials concerned with congestion and bots taking jobs from humans.

After reports of the bot sightings, the mayor tweeted that FedEx didn’t receive permission to deploy the robots; he also criticized the company for using a bot to perform a task that a New Yorker could do. The New York Department of Transportation has sent FedEx a cease-and-desist order to stop operations the bots, which TechCrunch has viewed.

Publisher: TechCrunch
Date: 2019-11-26 10:57:10
Twitter: @techcrunch
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

This artificial skin lets robots 'feel' like humans can - CNN Video
Publisher: CNN
Date: 2019-11-28T09:37:59Z
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

This robot scientist has conducted 100,000 experiments in a year – TechCrunch

Science is exciting in theory, but it can also be dreadfully dull. Some experiments require hundreds or thousands of repetitions or trials — an excellent opportunity to automate. That’s just what MIT scientists have done, creating a robot that performs a certain experiment, observes the results, and plans a follow-up… and has now done so 100,000 times in the year it’s been operating.

The field of fluid dynamics involves a lot of complex and unpredictable forces, and sometimes the best way to understand them is to repeat things over and over until patterns emerge. (Well, it’s a little more complex than that, but this is neither the time nor the place to delve into the general mysteries of fluid dynamics.)

Publisher: TechCrunch
Date: 2019-11-27 11:01:53
Twitter: @techcrunch
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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Publisher: IEEE Spectrum: Technology, Engineering, and Science News
Twitter: @IEEESpectrum
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How Robots and Drones are Changing Rescue Operations - Robotics Business Review

The people who race to the scene and rescue survivors after disasters are undoubtedly brave as they accept the risks of putting themselves in danger to help others. Sometimes, technology plays a prominent role in making the circumstances less dangerous.

More specifically, here are some examples of how robotics and drones are enhancing rescue operations.

Disasters such as floods and hurricanes can complicate rescue efforts. It’s often hard for rescuers to determine the likelihood of finding survivors in the water. In cases where conditions make the water especially rough, they may not want to take chances until they know for sure that survivors need help.

Publisher: Robotics Business Review
Date: 2019-11-27T16:00:29-05:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Retail Robots are Here to Stay – Start Preparing Now - Robotics Business Review

I am frequently asked if robots in the retail center store are here to stay, and who is leading in this field. Retailers are trying to identify who they should be looking at as possible partners. With this potential disruptive phenomenon to the ecosystem, strategic companies are looking to figure out how to get in the game and be part of it. The robot players themselves are identifying how to position their services and demonstrate value.

The answer on who will succeed is complicated, especially as newcomers surface. Companies such as Quopius collaborating with Metralabs are bringing a new approach. There are whispers of hardware companies such as Zebra trying to build a solution in this space as well. Investments are increasing, which will drive expansion.

Publisher: Robotics Business Review
Date: 2019-11-25T18:00:55-05:00
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Trending: The rise, and fall, of the pizza robots - Business Insider

Whether you're about to carve up a turkey or tuck into a plant-based alternative of some kind, I wish you good cheer and season's greetings. Don't forget to tell your friends and family at the Thanksgiving table that they can sign up to receive the Trending newsletter here.

Before the crew here at BI Prime signs off, we're serving you this dispatch of fresh and nutritious tech news. Bon appétit!

It's the ultimate Silicon Valley idea: robots for making pizza. The concept was so Silicon Valley it was even parodied in the HBO comedy "Silicon Valley." 

Publisher: Business Insider
Date: 2019-11-27
Author: Alexei Oreskovic
Twitter: @sai
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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