Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Derren Brown’s “Secret:” Review - Thrive Global

"There may even be puritanical fanatics of conscience, who prefer to put their last trust in a sure nothing, rather than in an uncertain something." ~ Nietzsche

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Many moons ago, I earned graduate degrees in philosophy and psychology, a certificate in parapsychology from the Rhine Research Center at Duke University and another certificate – like Mister Brown – in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Certainly someone of that pedigree should be able to discern where the ol' switcheroos occur during Mister Brown's performance – shouldn't he? Yet after countless "How did he do that?

Date: 2019-11-27
Author: Ira Israel
Twitter: @thrive
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

While you're here, how about this:

UK's Labour accuses government of secret trade talks with US -

The Labour Party's Corbyn waved 451 pages of documents at a press conference Wednesday, declaring that they covered six rounds of negotiations beginning in July 2017 — preliminary soundings ahead of formal trade talks.

"We have now got evidence that under Boris Johnson the NHS is on the table and will be up for sale," Corbyn said. "He tried to cover it up in a secret agenda and today it has been exposed."

Johnson has consistently denied Corbyn's repeated attack line that the NHS is "for sale.'' When Corbyn waved a redacted copy of the document during the first television debate, Johnson described Corbyn's claims as "an absolute invention," and "completely untrue."

Publisher: The Columbian
Twitter: @thecolumbian
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

The touring musician's secret to finding cheap eats in any city - MarketWatch

If you ever find yourself looking for a good, cheap lunch in a new town, ask a drummer where to eat. Or a guitarist, singer, bassist … even a tambourine player will probably have some good suggestions. Touring musicians know America's roads — and roadside food — better than most, thanks to long, late-night drives after shows and random days off in small towns while on cross-country tours. And now three musician friends are sharing all their secrets.

Luke Pyenson, Charlie Ferguson and Adam Schatz play in and have toured with bands including Frankie Cosmos, Hurray For the Riff Raff, Landlady and Japanese Breakfast. For years they and their musician friends have been sharing their hot food tips with one another on a spreadsheet and recently they turned that spreadsheet into a very simple but useful website, .

Publisher: MarketWatch
Date: 2019-11-27T05:03:00-05:00
Author: Megan Seling
Twitter: @624413
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Not to change the topic here:

Local author reveals Houston’s top secrets in new book, ‘Secret Houston: A Guide to

Local author Dylan Powell gave Morning Dose's viewers "the tea" about the city's most kept secrets from his new book, " Secret Houston: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure. "

Powell is hosting a book signing on Saturday, Dec. 7 at 3 p.m. at Book Scene, 1820 W 43rd St, Houston, TX 77018.

Publisher: CW39 Houston
Date: 2019-11-27T16:41:58+00:00
Twitter: @CW39Houston
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

No Players Online has a second, secret phase essential to understanding the full game - The

No Players Online is a tough game to review for two key reasons. First, there's nothing stopping you, the reader, from playing and beating the game right now, in the next 20 minutes. I would encourage you to do just that. Play it and make up your own mind. It's pay-what-you-want, and for the vast majority of players it's likely to be a 20-minute experience.

*If you don't go that route, be warned that the remaining review will contain spoilers out of necessity, starting with the next line.*

Publisher: Washington Post
Twitter: @WashingtonPost
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Russia launches secret military surveillance satellite to 'monitor' other satellites |

The Russian military has launched a secret military satellite designed to "monitor" other satellites, according to a statement from the Russian Defense Ministry.

"The spacecraft, created on the basis of a unified multifunctional space platform, is launched into the target orbit from which the state of domestic satellites can be monitored," the defense ministry wrote in the statement . "The optical equipment of the spacecraft also allows you to take pictures of the Earth's surface."

Publisher: Fox News
Date: 2019-11-27
Twitter: @foxnews
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

Judge: State Can't Keep Data Behind Its Budget Estimates Secret

A judge ruled the Hawaii Department of Taxation must make public the information and assumptions it relies on to develop revenue estimates for the Legislature.

It's a question lawmakers face every session on innumerable bills: how much will a piece of legislation cost taxpayers if it passes? The answer, typically submitted as testimony by the Hawaii Department of Taxation, has often had an element of secrecy.

Although the tax department's estimates were clear enough, the department has long considered its underlying assumptions and methodologies a secret. Until now.

Publisher: Honolulu Civil Beat
Date: 2019-11-27T10:01:59-10:00
Author: https www facebook com StewartYertonCB
Twitter: @civilbeat
Reference: (Read more) Visit Source

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