Thursday, October 3, 2019

Storm Area 51 Could Be A Disaster For Lincoln County

So did much of southern Nevada. This past week, Lincoln and Nye Counties issued declarations of emergency in preparation for the crush of humanity expected to descend on the area on September 20. More than a half-dozen local, state, and federal agencies are involved in the planning, including the Las Vegas Police, the Nevada Department of Public Safety, and the state highway patrol! For Nevada, 'Storm Area 51' Is No Joke - The Atlantic ...area - 51 -mayhem/597400 'Storm Area 51' Could Be a Disaster for Lincoln County The Facebook event may have started in jest, but local officials are bracing for mayhem.!! Governor Steve Sisolak's office has been briefed and is monitoring the situation

"We have been nonstop preparing for the past few weeks," said Lincoln County Sheriff Kerry Lee, who has been convening daily with county officials and weekly by phone with the state's Department of Public Safety! 'Storm Area 51' could be a disaster, say locals .../news/330616/ storm - area - 51 - could - ...disaster ...' Storm Area 51 ' could be a disaster , say locals. Posted on Friday, 20 September, 2019 | 44 comments. Things are about to get very busy at Area 51 . Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.5 Cooper. Local businesses and authorities are 'preparing for the worst' as crowds start to descend on the region.!! Even the FBI has gotten involved, he told me

Lee, a friendly man with a thick mustache, has seen plenty of Area 51 trespassers in his day; apprehending them is just part of his job. Most months, three or four cross the boundary—a remarkable rate, given that trespassers usually face a $1,000 fine and up to six months in prison! 'Storm Area 51' Could Be a Disaster for Lincoln County /en-ie/news/world/ ...-lincoln...Second Nevada county declares emergency ahead of ' Storm Area 51 ' FOX News 0 :27 Famed rabbi is NYPD's longest-serving officer, protecting the city for 53 years!! Once, Lee stopped a bus carrying 17 people! 'Storm Area 51' Could Be a Disaster for Lincoln County ...county 'Storm Area 51' Could Be a Disaster for Lincoln County | For Your Society The Facebook event may have started in jest, but local officials are bracing for mayhem. The Facebook event may have started in jest, but local officials are bracing for mayhem.!! But the past month has been unlike anything he'd seen before.

Publisher: The Atlantic
Date: 2019-09-04T15:22:58-04:00
Author: Jacob Stern
Twitter: @theatlantic
Reference: Visit Source

Other things to check out:

Europe's Young Are Not That Woke - The Atlantic
In public perception, age is often related to political views. "Not to be a republican at 20 is proof of want of heart; to be one at 30 is proof of want of head," the 19th-century French monarchist François Guizot is supposed to have said. King Louis Philippe's prime minister was swept from power by the 1848 revolution, presumably by a combination of republican under-30s and older Frenchmen who had lost their heads! Videos for Storm Area 51 Could Be A Disaster For 2:08 Storm Area 51 Creator YouTube!! Since then, Guizot's famous one-liner has often been updated

But if a European-style welfare state is the preferred destination of young Americans, where are young Europeans heading

According to the standard account, the 2008–09 economic crisis and the migration crisis of 2015–16 were bound to drive voters into the arms of the far right. Young Europeans were seen by some as easy prey for populists, as they had no memories of the bad old days of nationalism and war in the mid-20th century.

Publisher: The Atlantic
Date: 2019-09-30T06:00:00-04:00
Author: Joseph de Weck Niall Ferguson
Twitter: @theatlantic
Reference: Visit Source

More Work Must Happen to Help Global Poor - The Atlantic
Most of our philanthropy in the United States is focused on public education. A great school is a key to success, but you're less likely to go to one if you're a student of color, low income, or both. We hope to help change those odds by improving schools. Expanding educational opportunity is not a silver-bullet solution to economic inequality—for example, it doesn't address the fact that only one in five senior leaders at U.S. companies is a woman, and that only one in 25 is a woman of color—but it's a start. And just last year, we launched a complementary effort to help organizations across the country attack some of the root causes of poverty

Reducing inequality around the world poses different challenges than it does in the United States. The data we use to measure American economic mobility, for example, are relatively fine-grained, allowing us to look down to the level of individual zip codes. Not only can we compare our home of Seattle to one in Bettendorf, Iowa; we can compare South Seattle to North Seattle—and even the Rainier View neighborhood to Phinney Ridge.

Publisher: The Atlantic
Date: 2019-09-17T06:00:00-04:00
Author: Bill Gates Melinda Gates
Twitter: @theatlantic
Reference: Visit Source

What the Whistle-Blower's Memo Taught Me - The Atlantic
I've spent 20 years reading intelligence reports and researching the U.S. intelligence community. And I'm not automatically inclined to believe the worst allegations about any administration; everyone has agendas and incentives to reveal information, some more noble than others. Trump and his allies have dismissed the complaint as hearsay and accused the whistle-blower of acting on political motives. But a close reading of the whistle-blower's lengthy complaint, which accuses Trump of "using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election," yields a lot of concrete leads for investigators to follow

* * *

The whistle-blower sounds like an experienced intelligence analyst, and the complaint appears credible. Because intelligence officials are trained to be oh-so-careful with what they say and what they leave out, reading their reports is something of an art. You have to ask: Is the author clear about where the information came from, and careful about protecting confidential sources and collection methods? Does the information come from a single source or multiple sources, and what context is provided to assess their credibility? Does the overall tone suggest the author is carrying a vendetta, cherry-picking facts, discarding opposing evidence, or going further than the evidence warrants? Were other, more benign explanations considered for a given fact pattern?

Publisher: The Atlantic
Date: 2019-09-27T08:09:44-04:00
Author: As an intelligence report the complaint against Trump holds up well The author carefully explained where the information came from and left investigators a number of concrete leads
Twitter: @theatlantic
Reference: Visit Source

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