Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Spot The Internet S Wildest 4 Legged Robot Is Finally Here

In a cavernous, half-built structure outside of Boston, I stand at the edge of a pit watching YouTube's most famous robot do my bidding! Spot, the Internet's Wildest 4-Legged Robot, Is Finally For China' s Xi, the Hong Kong Crisis Is Personal. Prince Harry Retraces Princess Diana' s Steps in Angolan Minefield. Angry Protesters in Haiti Call for Resignation of President ...!! A flick of a joystick with my left thumb sends the quadruped forward and backward and side to side, while my right thumb turns it left and right, motors whirring with each deft step. The machine clambers over rocks and tackles crumbling inclines with ease, sometimes sinking its feet into the dirt, nevertheless carrying on. Carelessly I steer it toward a pipe sticking out of the ground, and the robot trips over it. I react with momentary alarm, but Spot catches itself and continues on its way, as if it was nothing

For years Boston Dynamics has been posting YouTube videos teasing its scary-cute four-legged robot—making it open doors for its friends and fight off stick-wielding humans. Today, finally, it is announcing that it's unleashing Spot (formerly known as SpotMini) into the market. Spot is so unprecedented and so befuddling in its deftness that even Boston Dynamics isn't totally sure what the robot will be good for. What is clear, though, is that Spot's introduction to the workforce marks a unique moment in labor, the start of an era in which humans work more intimately with advanced machines.

Publisher: Wired
Author: Condé Nast
Twitter: @wired
Reference: Visit Source

Many things are taking place:

Robotics Industry Insights - The Power of Cloud Roboti...
“The cloud” is a term used to describe software and services on a global network, operating off the Internet and allowing users to access information on virtually any device.  Servers are designed to store and manage data, run applications, and deliver content
These applications are now seeing massive growth in the robotic industries space, as cloud robotics are enabling the use of cloud computing, cloud storage, and other technologies that focus on a centralized infrastructure and the benefits of shared services

The emerging trend is already being implemented in robotics on the move in logistics, healthcare, mining, agriculture, construction and more, and is enabling supervised autonomy and machine learning.  Cloud robotics allows for higher levels of human-robot interaction and learning, and is contributing to the digital transformation of companies.  As with any developing technology, enabling cloud systems raises questions about safety and security, and companies are quick to address these concerns.

Publisher: Robotics Online
Reference: Visit Source

Robots are ready to sort our trash, but will VCs be interested in the messy world of recycling?
Date: B4DB534BB1FA9A4B348D6C398A40EBBD
Twitter: @PitchBook
Reference: Visit Source

Watch: Boston Dynamics' robots are now better at moving around than most humans | SOFREP
Here at SOFREP, we’ve covered Boston Dynamics’ efforts to build increasingly capable and mobile robots for years, including this monstrosity called “Handle” that even the company’s own CEO called, “ nightmare inducing :”

Back in 2017, we told you about Petman, who was built for DARPA by Boston Dynamics in order to test the resilience of gear made to protect troops from nuclear, chemical, and biological attacks! Flipboard: Spot, the Internet's Wildest 4-Legged Robot, Is spot - the-internet 's- , the Internet's Wildest 4-Legged Robot , Is Finally Here WIRED - Condé Nast In a cavernous half-built structure outside of Boston , I stand at the edge of a pit watching YouTube's most famous robot do my bidding.!! Petman traditionally moved while tethered from above, but aside from the cables, it was pretty difficult to be sure you were looking at a robot under the suit. If you were to see once of these things walking down the street, you might just assume it’s tough to walk with a normal stride in an NBC suit.

Publisher: SOFREP
Date: 2019-09-26T14:00:24+00:00
Author: https www facebook com AlexHollingsWriter
Twitter: @thenewsrep
Reference: Visit Source

While you're here, how about this:

How better data, 5G, and surgical robots will improve healthcare
Robots that mimic a surgeon’s hand movements can unintentionally retain hand tremors or shakes, making incisions less precise! WIRED Middle East - Technology, culture, science, gadgets Spot, the internet's wildest 4-legged robot, is finally here. Science | September 25 GET YOUR WIRED BRIEFING SIGN UP TO THE WIRED NEWSLETTER, DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX WEEKLY Suggestions Articles View All Topics العربية. Technology; Science ...!! Plus, slow connections have made remote operations difficult — until now
Artificial intelligence in healthcare used to be limited to research or creating training tools for surgeons! NANO Erotics nanoerotics .com A Robot Dog for Rent, Apple' s Secret AR Glasses, and More News; Remember The Dress? Here' s Why We All See Colors Differently; Spot, the Internet's Wildest 4-Legged Robot, Is Finally Here; How Amateur Video Is Helping Us Understand Deadly Tsunamis!! AI can now increasingly help improve robot-assisted surgery

AI can also lead to more accurate diagnoses and treatment. With better data monitoring, doctors can determine risks to patient health that they might not otherwise catch. Robot surgeons could soon use AI and healthcare data, like medical imaging or X-rays, to automatically diagnose patients without a physician.

Publisher: The Robot Report
Date: 2019-09-29T14:00:01+00:00
Twitter: @therobotreport
Reference: Visit Source

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